Favoriting Ken: Playlist from July 26, 2023 Favoriting

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Favoriting July 26, 2023: Adversarial Bananas

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Playlist image Favoriting

(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Images New Approx. start time
Lee Ranaldo and The Dust  Revolution Blues   Favoriting Acoustic Dust  El Segell Del Primavera 
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pascal Comelade, Ramon Prats, Lee Ranaldo  What Goes On   Favoriting Velvet Serenade  Staubgold 
*   0:05:15 (Pop-up)
Gina Birch  I Play My Bass Loud   Favoriting Title Track  Third Man Records 
credit: Not Good AI on IG
credit: Not Good AI on IG
*   0:10:16 (Pop-up)
Red Crayola  Born In Flames   Favoriting          
Dagmar Krause & Kevin Coyne  Sweetheart   Favoriting Babble  Virgin 
  0:18:09 (Pop-up)
Kampec Dolores  Látomás (Vision)   Favoriting First Demo Cassette   
  0:21:08 (Pop-up)
Plastix  Konsumier Mich   Favoriting Ich Bin Modern  Label? 
  0:24:09 (Pop-up)
Station 17  Uh-Uh-Uh   Favoriting Fieber  17 Rec 
  0:26:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Grant Green 






0:29:51 (Pop-up)
Thomas Dinger  Fur Dich   Favoriting Silberland, Vol. 2 - The Driving Side of Kosmische Musik 1974-1984  Bureau B 
*   0:41:04 (Pop-up)
New Order  Blue Monday (Slowed + Reverb)   Favoriting Hot Dog Oasis: Garbage Time's 2023 Marathon Premium   
*   0:47:45 (Pop-up)
African Head Charge  A Bad Attitude f. King Ayisoba   Favoriting A Trip to Bolgatanga  On-U Sound 
  0:56:17 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bert K and the AckerBilkabees 

Strangest On The Shore   Favoriting





1:00:15 (Pop-up)
Sonny Treadway  Praise in Rememberance of Bishop Lorenzo Harrison   Favoriting Jesus Will Fix It  Arhoolie Records 
  1:07:42 (Pop-up)
Robert Randolph Band  Voodoo Chile   Favoriting Live In Holland   
  1:12:58 (Pop-up)
Luna  Turn The Page (Bob Seger)   Favoriting Best of Summer of Seger 2023  Silver Bullet Tapes 
*   1:19:44 (Pop-up)
MIshibass  Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)   Favoriting Yo Mama, and Then Some  Silver Bullet Tapes 
  1:21:53 (Pop-up)
DJ Cummerbund  The Single Lady Blitz   Favoriting nO aLBUM  nO lABEL nEITHER nOPE 
*   1:24:58 (Pop-up)
Ramona  Tristes Ojos   Favoriting La Mezcla del Furulais (DJ Perro Caliente's 20-23 Marathonium)  No Label 
*   1:29:40 (Pop-up)
Carla Morrison  Eres Tu   Favoriting Déjenme Llorar  Label? 
  1:32:18 (Pop-up)
Steely Dan  Schlitz Beer Commericial   Favoriting    
  1:37:02 (Pop-up)
Fire Toolz  I Couldn't Have Been BoRn At ThE wRoNg TiMe Because I Was Never Even Born LOL!   Favoriting I am upset because I see something that is not there  Hausu Mountain 
*   1:50:45 (Pop-up)
Sigh  A Sunset Song   Favoriting Imaginary Sonicscape THIS RULES SO MUCH I CAN'T STAND IT tHANKS aNDREA C   
  1:54:21 (Pop-up)
Theater of Tragedy  And When He Falleth   Favoriting In Smething Something, We something something  um 
  2:01:27 (Pop-up)
Vincent Price  LSD Trip Scene   Favoriting The Tingler (film)   
  2:07:03 (Pop-up)
Blueboy  Blueboy Episode   Favoriting Dragnet (TV Show)        2:11:09 (Pop-up)
Steinski  Nothing To Fear   Favoriting What Does It All Mean? 1983-2006 Retrospective  Illegal Art 
  2:13:00 (Pop-up)
Jayne Cortez  There It Is   Favoriting Title Track? YES?  Label 
  2:23:48 (Pop-up)
Cesar  See Saw Affair   Favoriting This is Flying Dutchman 1969-1975 (V/a)  BGP / Ace 
*   2:28:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Grant Green 

Sookie and then some   Favoriting

Live at the Cliche Lounge 




2:31:57 (Pop-up)
Wobbly  Resignation (with Dominique Leone)   Favoriting Additional Kids  Hausu Mountain 
*   2:40:29 (Pop-up)
Nnnnn  Living   Favoriting Plates  Justin Sabaj Music 
*   2:44:05 (Pop-up)
Supertramp  Give a Whittle Bit   Favoriting    
  2:47:22 (Pop-up)
Fleisch LEGO  Breakin The Toilet   Favoriting         2:49:40 (Pop-up)
Barbie Army  Girls of Slender Means   Favoriting Girls of Slender Means: Question the Answer's 2023 WFMU Marathon Premium      *   2:51:22 (Pop-up)
Mike Wood  Shaving Fun Ken!!   Favoriting    
  2:53:13 (Pop-up)
Jim Price  Party Madchen Herrenzimmer Shadenfreude   Favoriting    
  2:56:10 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

F⎌F⎌ (:

Let the unstoppable Kenergy begin.
F⎌F⎌ (:

For those who don't know: East Banana is a walled city. Its only connection to the outside world is through a solitary door in the demilitarized zone. And that door has that Banana Free Zone sign.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 5:50am

Yay! Free bananas!
F⎌F⎌ (:

Banana door signs are not a joke

Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 7:20am

AAP. I'm afraid you have it exactly backwards. Morning btw and morning to you too f0f0!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 7:51am

Good morning Ken, saw this video this morning and immediately thought of you
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 7:54am

↳ -жеи @7:20
Not if I stand outside the door and collect all the bananas everyone who wants to enter will have to leave behind.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 7:58am

↳ AnAnonymousParty @7:54
AAP I dont think I can trust you with that job. I know how much you love bananas
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 7:59am

↳ NotARealDoctor @7:51
NotaRealDoctor, thanks, that's a good one!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:01am

↳ -жеи @7:58
That's a fair point.Maybe we could work out a deal where we split the take?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:37am
Krys O.:

Marnin', жеи. When I went to an allergist years ago, they posted signs saying that no food items were allowed on their premises due to the harm they would cause to those with food allergies. Note: If you have a latex allergy, you might also be allergic to bananas. :(
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:42am

↳ -жеи @7:58
I see how it is. I would have been OK with a 60/40 split. Stonewall me all you want, but you can' be on both sides of the door.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:42am
Krys O.:

I get contact dermatitis from latex bandages. I get mouth sores from kiwi and bananas. It's a recent thang.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:42am

↳ Krys O. @8:37
Yes, there seem to be more banana bans than peanut bans out there
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:42am

↳ AnAnonymousParty @8:42
Actually I CAN. It's not pretty, but I can do it.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:44am

↳ -жеи @8:42
This will be fun.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:44am
Krys O.:

↳ -жеи @8:42
Interesting. My grand nephews have nut allergies.

I do like Queen's song I'm Going Slightly Mad where Freddie Mercury sings, "I think I'm a banana treeeeee."
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:45am
Krys O.:

From 1991's Innuendo:
When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is oh so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you, oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something?
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink my dear
To be honest you haven't got a clue
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened, ooh woh
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad
Oh dear
I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree
Oh dear
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad (I'm going slightly mad)
It finally happened, happened
It finally happened, uh huh
It finally happened, I'm slightly mad
Oh dear
Uh uh ah ah
Uh uh ah ah
I'm knitting with only one needle
Unraveling fast it's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But my dear, how about you?
I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened
It finally happened, oh yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Just very slightly mad
And there you have it
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:50am

There will be no songs about peanuts OR bananas on today's program so you can all rest easy
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Krys O.:

Avatar 🚽 8:55am
Triple G:

Hi Staysh and Freeformers
Avatar 🚽 8:56am
Triple G:

Funny.. I saw "Sabrina" (original one) last night at Film Forum -- "Yes We Have No Bananas" is in it, so bananas were on the mind (more than the usual amount, of course)
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Handy Haversack:

Morning, Ken, all.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:00am
Krys O.:

↳ Triple G @8:56
Ha! I forgot there was a remake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Marley P. Dogg:

All hail Staysh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Edgar from Maine:

Do plantains count as bananas?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Ken From Hyde Park:

No, we have no bananas today. 🍌
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Morning everybody! So incredibly happy to be here
Avatar 9:02am

Yes! We have no bananas. We have no bananas today.
Avatar 🚽 9:02am
Triple G:

↳ Krys O. @9:00
The Hepburn/Bogart/Wilder one is now the only one I've seen and I honestly don't think I need to see any others. I was charmed.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

Hey Staysh! Hi everyone!
Avatar 🚽 9:02am
Andrea C:

Ciao Ken and toilet lovers. Ken: I was very sorry to hear you missing the boat. I hope you at least got the cucumber!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am
Derek Westerholm:

Good morning Ken/all, hello hello & happy day to you!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

↳ Edgar from Maine @9:01
Yes they do. They are wannabe bananas of the worst kind
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:03am

What about banana bread? Technically, not bananas...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

↳ Edgar from Maine @9:01
Try eating a raw plantain
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03am

↳ -жеи @9:02
Incredibly happy you're here, looking forward to the wild music ride ahead. Hello free formers, how are you today.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:04am

↳ Vivian @9:03
banana bread is delicious. if you WANT TO DIE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

↳ Vivian @9:03
Gastrointestinal dynamite

morning fellow freedforms
@Lovetolaf are things better today?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:05am

Revolution Blues... I likey
Avatar 9:05am

Morning DJ Ken.
I'm lamenting not having a banana for my bowl of cereal this morn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06am

↳ Song: "What Goes On" by "Pascal Comelade, Ramon Prats, L...
Nice cover
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:07am

↳ Song: "What Goes On" by "Pascal Comelade, Ramon Prats, L...
Why did somebody have to start singing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07am
Edgar from Maine:

↳ JReganK @9:03
They aren't delicious until cooked. I learned this as a child while staying in Mexico.
lazy pierogi:

this was going great until he opened his mouth :/
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:08am

I like bananas, because they got no bones!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:09am
The Butterman:

Just got my two tickets for the Aug 3, Thursday showing of the Syd doc. I’m SO excited!
Also, immyworks/school’s longest running “Top Banana “ or employee of the month- awarded at the faculty meeting, March 1 of 2020. Due to pandemic we didn’t start giving them out for a year!

Hoping there is no lee Ranaldo bad news...
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:09am
Handy Haversack:

↳ -жеи @9:07
Agreed. It was all going so well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09am

↳ Robm @9:05
I'm still shocked and horrified, I didn't think anyone could reach that level of meanness. Best friend / sister called the cemetery, and no, my dad has not been interred. As I expected, neither answer was going to be a happy one. Thanks for asking, how are you doing today?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:10am
Baja Joe:

Hello жеи, and everyone listening to жеи's show.
Avatar 9:11am

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
Had to turn this one up!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

↳ -жеи @9:07
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

big fan of Lee Ranaldo cover versions now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11am

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
Dammit Staysh, this was the only thing that could possibly make me dance this morning. You are my hero!

↳ love2laf @9:09
pretty good doing my laundry and going to the library later
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
Such a great song & lovely video... So glad GB has done a solo album... It's be lovely if there were to be more ahead!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:12am
Krys O.:

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
The fingers really give away AI. AI is jealous of fingers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:12am

↳ Edgar from Maine @9:07
Quite true! Best when cooked like a potato chip
Avatar 9:12am

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
But I blocked that horrible image of MTG which has nothing to do with this song and just is painful to look at
Avatar 9:13am

↳ Song: "I Play My Bass Loud" by "Gina Birch"
<- Ouch, my eyes.
(Not the "bass" song, the photo. Though it should be an adverb, "loudly," correct? But the syllable probably didn't fit the rhythm, so.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am
Asheville Jon:

how does one block that picture?
F⎌F⎌ (:

This show has lost its banana appeel.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:13am

↳ Robm @9:12
Nothing better than going to the library, sacred space, healing space, learning space.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am

↳ Yetz @9:12
Cmon! Look at that face. She could be one of the Stones!
Avatar 9:14am

↳ Asheville Jon @9:13
UBlockOrigin or AdBlockPro lets you block any element you want. (I use it quite a bit on Ken's show)
Avatar 9:14am

Coincidentally, immediately before learning of this morning's program's theme, I put bananas on my shopping list.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:14am
Krys O.:

I loved plantain chips as a kid. There was a bodega around the corner from my elementary school and I'd pick up a bag to eat on the way home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14am

bananas mysteriously keep fisherman from catching fish, powerful and fish know, even if they have no feelings
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Derek Westerholm:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am
Asheville Jon:

↳ Yetz @9:14
ugh, thanks. don't have that stuff. i guess i'll just have to look at horse face eating baby hands pedo pizza until the playlist gets longer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15am

↳ rsj @9:14
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:15am

I brought a banana on the boat, they can't kick me off now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am

ask your doctor if playing your bass is right for you. Unless you're Scott Kempner: "I Play the Drums"

↳ love2laf @9:13
librarians are my favorite people
Avatar 9:16am

↳ Asheville Jon @9:15
both are free and easy to install. i wouldn't go online without AdBlock, it saves me from so much crap
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Derek Westerholm:

Essential Logic has become one of my favourite things in these days!
wendy del formaggio:

“Born in Flames”! I love this movie. And this song too.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:16am

↳ Krys O. @8:37
Gmornin all
That is interesting about the latex and bananas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16am
Asheville Jon:

↳ Yetz @9:16
thanks, will look into it

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:16
hey detek nice to see you here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Robm @9:17
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:17am

Ken, I heard you had a flat on Saturday. Did you have to get a new tire or just have it plugged?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Chris Hiatt:

↳ -жеи @9:02
They'll be around long after regular bananas are gone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17am
Edgar from Maine:

↳ JReganK @9:12
I love the plantains they served at Tina's Cuban food in midtown. Dripping in garlic Yum
Avatar 🚽 9:17am
Triple G:

sweet plantains are my religion
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Robm @9:17
I might have to jump ship soon so I can get work done... Being bad and checking out the mothership during working hours...

im on the app w dialup level speed thanks to verizon and tourists , but now I'll have to risk opening the website to see the photo
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Krys O.:

Lizzie Borden's Born in Flames is sitting on my DVR waiting for me to get some free time to watch it. Sigh.
Avatar 9:19am

↳ Song: "Sweetheart" by "Dagmar Krause & Kevin Coyne"
Dagmar! Yes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am

Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:19am

↳ Vivian @9:17
Yeah, I got a flat and my new fucking prius doesnt come with a spare. I needed a tow and a new tire. I got a blowout right before the lincoln tunnel... wanted to shoot myself in the phace
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Sweetheart" by "Dagmar Krause & Kevin Coyne"
This is amazing, I am unfamiliar...
Avatar 9:21am

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:19
suggest listening to anything else by either of these two
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

i just recently learned it's better to peel a banana from the non-stem end. After doing it wrong all these years ... oh well i'm on a low-potassium diet anyways
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:19
This is why we tune into FMU. Incredible song, can't wait to hear the album!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21am

↳ -жеи @9:19
I simply can't believe after all you do for WFMU that you missed the boat cruise. I am so sorry Staysh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ -жеи @9:19
A car driving up our street yesterday blew out a tire and smashed into a parked car, the same spot I often park our car in. We heard the screech and slam even with the windows closed in our house... Luckily everyone was safe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am

↳ Krys O. @9:19
was that on recently?

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:18
work that four letter word
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:22am

↳ -жеи @9:19
That's horrible! No spare?? What the hell, as much as a prius costs, you would think they would throw in a spare. Having a blowout is so scary. I had one driving up to NC in my Eurovan this past spring. Good thing we were only going 30 when it happened.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Dano59 @9:21
This has never occurred to me!
F⎌F⎌ (:

Hi, Handy! Where you there in the cruise adventure?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am

↳ Edgar from Maine @9:17
You're reminding me of the Ironbound section of Newark! The best!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Látomás (Vision)" by "Kampec Dolores"
This is also amazing! Yikes! Ok... Really got to get back to doing some actual work here at work...
  Swag For Life Member 9:23am
captain beef fart:

apples don't really have cores
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24am

↳ Dano59 @9:21
Ha, yes. Started doing this after hearing monkeys do it this way. Figured they knew best--they did!
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ Dano59 @9:21
And do you know how to peel an apple? I struggle quite a a lot.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:25am
Handy Haversack:

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @9:23
Hi, F⎌F⎌. I was there. I even wore Ken's "Trust Us. It's Music." shirt. I'd assumed we'd all be wearing it. With Ken getting a flat, the Ken-to-Andy ratio was technically illegal in territorial waters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25am

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @9:24
the curly way with a small paring knife i guess; though there is a special tool or two out there
F⎌F⎌ (:

Ah, and do we have pictures of the event?

Monkeys don't eat fruit skin.
(another) Patrick in Hoboken:

Konsumier mich!
Avatar 🚽 9:26am
Triple G:

↳ Vivian @9:22
Was driving *in the Lincoln Tunnel when my car broke down, on Memorial Day Weekend Saturday

Those driving around me were, let's just say, not happy
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @9:26
I second that suggestion

No banana eating during today's show!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:27am

Hey Handy!
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↳ Vivian @9:22
APPARENTLYT and I just learned this, 30% of cars sold in the USA now lack a spare tire. Idiocracy has become reality
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27am
Marley P. Dogg:

God I hate bananas
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Edgar from Maine:

↳ Triple G @9:26
People in the Lincoln Tunnel are usually unhappy in general.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:28am
Krys O.:

↳ Song: "Uh-Uh-Uh" by "Station 17"
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Triple G:

↳ Krys O. @9:28
Was about to ask same :)

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28am

↳ -жеи @9:27
it's not like infrastructure has been sorted out. i've had more tires and shocks ruined by potholes in the tax-poor college town than I care to remember
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Derek Westerholm:

ESG cover?
F⎌F⎌ (:

It's worst than that, Ken. 100% of the cars sold in the USA have no banana holder.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

This is an incredible set of music. So glad I lied to my boss about staying home to attend an ethics webinar!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

No spare in my Nissan Leaf.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
dave wuz here:

↳ -жеи @9:27
that is crazy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

↳ -жеи @9:27
It all began circling the drain when dogs started marrying cats
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Krys O. @9:28
Ah yes! Should have read the comments before asking... haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29am

Donut spares and "run-flat" tires aren't good substitutes either
Avatar 🚽 9:30am
Triple G:

This portion of the show brought to you by the Jazz Police
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Vivian @9:27
Hi. Vivian. Saw Happymaan and graphic taco on the boat. There are some nice pix of them at the station on the Flikr page: www.flickr.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am

(was today's show inspired by a latex allergy?)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:31am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ -жеи @9:27
I just learned that in the last few weeks, too... Though to be fair, the guy who hit a parked car on our street last night blew out his spare tire... So maybe there is something to it. He was driving on his spare & intending to change it *next* week. He said he wasn't even going fast. (We're a minor street.)
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:31am

↳ -жеи @9:27
It's the enshittifcation of everything, including cars. To get a spare tire now requires a subscription of $79.00 per year.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:33am

↳ Song: "Uh-Uh-Uh" by "Station 17"
Ut O
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:33am
Derek Westerholm:

Being a fan of The Fall, I always find it interesting how sometimes they attribute a song a cover, sometimes they give co-credits for song elements they pilfer, and sometimes they just don't bother at all... There's quite a few Fall songs that are essentially lifts from other songs, uncredited.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:35am

↳ Dano59 @9:21
I saw this recently also.

Will the station be purchasing a Johnny Quest style hydroplane for future boat shuttles?
F⎌F⎌ (:

Restaurant In Peace Bob Dylan
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Asheville Jon:

such tragic bob dylan news. the world may not recover from this one
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the Bob Dylan news on Jagger's 80th birthday, such mixed feelings
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↳ Handy Haversack @9:31
Nice! Happyman kept me up to date about all the fun. Felt like I was almost there
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Edgar from Maine:

I was just talking to Bob the other day. Wow. I warned him about the balloons but he was so damn stubborn.
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The people in the hot air balloon were fleeing Bob Dylan eating a banana.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37am

Balloons are full of hot air.
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Chris Hiatt:

↳ -жеи @9:27
Oh wow, I thought it would have been higher than 30%. My last two cars, nada.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:39am

And when I went to the Toyota deralership to BUY THE F'IN SPARE TIRE they never told me I didnt have, they didnt know what I was talking about. I could not explain the the sales guy what a spare tire was. I literally had to start showing him pictures. I am not making this up

anyone know what a reddish bird that looks like like a Cardnal size sparrow would be ? there's one on branch outside

right on.
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ Handy Haversack @9:31
Nice! It looks like a big boat ! The SS Wes Anderson that is. But not as big as Ken's yacht (aka SS Marathonnia Rules the Radio Waves)
F⎌F⎌ (:


True. But let me ask you. Do YOU have a spare DJ in case you pass out ? No, right? I knew it.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:42am

↳ Triple G @9:26
Oh noo, that sounds torturous
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↳ -жеи @9:39
Geezus, how difficult of a concept is it grasp what a spare tire is? Not to mention you don't have one, along with kit, in your car? What do they have in place of the spare tire - tailgate cooler?
Avatar 🚽 9:43am
Triple G:

↳ DjLorraine @9:42
It was memorable :-D
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Krys O.:

↳ TerrDE @9:39
Could be a house finch.
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↳ -жеи @9:39
Wait, what?! That's worse than trying to explain a black & white tv. I mean, shows & movies show people changing tires, it is a real thing, I have done this. So confused about this modern world.
Avatar 🚽 9:43am
Triple G:

↳ Song: "Fur Dich" by "Thomas Dinger"
Who else wants to Sprockets right now??
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Just another reason for me to hold on to my 20 yr old car
  🚽 9:44am

If they don't make a spare, they probably don't make a jack for it, either
  Swag For Life Member 9:44am
captain beef fart:

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @9:42
ken has an auto-pilot DJ in the event he's incapacitated. It plays bagpipe covers non-stop aside from station IDs until somebody intervenes.
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↳ TerrDE @9:39
Take a look for a Cedar Waxwing, that might be what you are seeing.
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↳ Dano59 @9:31
No, banana gloves
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↳ Vivian @9:43
THey give you a can of air instead. And those dont work for serious flats and blowouts. They only work for slow leaks.
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↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @9:42
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Asheville Jon:

lots of new / recent manufacture cars don't have spare tires. saves the manufacturers millions, reduces wasted space in the car, etc...
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↳ -жеи @9:44
Right, I've used it before when I got a screw in my tire. Between screws, nails and potholes, tire places make a killing in Atl.
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↳ Thelud @9:44
No, weirdly, they included a jack and crowbar with my car, but no spare
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Codeine version
  🚽 9:47am

I guess you could spring for a rim/tire and keep it in your trunk, then?
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↳ Song: "Blue Monday (Slowed + Reverb)" by "New Order"
For all the Texas bois, and Texas gulls
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↳ Thelud @9:47
Yep, no choice..
Chief Guy:

Can’t believe it. I like it better than the original.
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↳ -жеи @9:39
Yeah, well suppose you did have a spare tire. Now, I'm from the midwest where we don't have fancy things like tunnels, and expect at the Lincoln tunnel there must be like 20-30 cars going through every hour? So there you are changing your tire when somebody watching a tic-tok video instead of the road slams into you and kills you dead. You should probably thank the Prius dealer for saving your life.
Chief Guy:

Ok, not anymore.
F⎌F⎌ (:

I think you bought the wrong Prius, Ken. Next time order a Prius Grande (spare tire incuded), not the Short one (no spare tire included).
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:50am

↳ love2laf @9:43
Recently, I went to Target to get a timer. The sales associate had no idea what I was talking about, he asked 'Like a clock?'

Thanks, Kris it looked Finchy
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↳ Chief Guy @9:50
Too late Big Daddy. You can take back that shit

run flat. i just had to replace a pair on my toyota, which they came with used cuz to get to the spare you basically have to disassemble the interior… AAA is aleays worth it imx …
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52am

↳ Vivian @9:50
Oh that must have been a surreal moment. Can't make this stuff up, it's out there, and it's real.

Hi Ken and programme participants!
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Derek Westerholm:

↳ chresti @9:52
Hello Chresti! :)
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↳ pmcWhenevah @9:51
AAA also fucked up on me. I could not reach a human being. Had to use their automated system. Could only provide my location with a pull down list. Chose "Lincoln Tunnel." AN hour later when they learned that I was not INSIDE the tunnel, they turned around because they were a New York truck and I was in Jersey. Just barely
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53am
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Blue Monday (Slowed + Reverb)" by "New Order"
Enjoying this Blue Monday immensely
F⎌F⎌ (:

Is this a New New Order? Or the Old New Order?
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Krys O.:

↳ Vivian @9:50
I bought a retro kitchen timer at Target last year. That is the product name. It works great.
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Edgar from Maine:

The internet is what happens when you give Zippy the Pinhead a trillion dollars worth of technical infrastructure to manage.
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Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

↳ Song: "Blue Monday (Slowed + Reverb)" by "New Order"
I like this Thorazine version better than the original.
Avatar 🚽 9:57am
Triple G:

↳ Song: "A Bad Attitude f. King Ayisoba" by "African Head ...
haha apropos
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Krys O.:

I can imagine the laffs galore trying to buy a washboard at a retail store.
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↳ Song: "A Bad Attitude f. King Ayisoba" by "African Head ...
"A banana is like a flat tire. You cant go anywhere until you change it." - African Head Charge
F⎌F⎌ (:

Ken played that "flat tire" soundbite in last week's show. Karma ?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:58am

↳ Krys O. @9:54
I saw kitchen timers. What I described to the sales associate is a timer that you plug into the wall, where you can have a lamp go off at a particular time- he still didn't know what I was talking about. Unbeknownst to me, Targets in NYC don't carry this item. Finally found it in Queens. I feel so old
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am

↳ Song: "A Bad Attitude f. King Ayisoba" by "African Head ...
On the nose! Bad attitude is AAA and flat tire, is well, flat tire.

oh my nek, yay AAA is a variable, run flat isnt just for James Bond these days, and wasnt that much more, new AHCharge is great -ttfn
rx scabin:

@TerrDE purple finch?
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 9:58am

↳ -жеи @9:53
So an app running on a device containing an embedded GPS receiver couldn't leverage that readily available location information pinpointing exactly where you were?
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Krys O.:

↳ AnAnonymousParty @9:58
location turned off?
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ AnAnonymousParty @9:58
Not if you are running the Mark Hurts' GPS blocker extension©
rx scabin:

Good morning, Ken and Everyone.
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↳ Krys O. @9:59
If ever there were a situation that called for it being enabled ...

↳ Vivian @9:50
"... some people can't even boil and egg in the kitchen...."
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I have AAA and I really don't know why. The past two times I broke down it ended up much faster to just call a local guy with a tow truck. Plus Geico offers 25 mile free towing with every insurance policy anyway
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Does the app even offer that as an option? If not, then stunningly bad design.

But I'll bet it could offer you ads for other AAA services.
F⎌F⎌ (:

AAAh! It's the Ed Gein talking pie! RUN!
Avatar 🚽 10:02am

no spare tire reduces the car's weight by 30 lbs and makes it more fuel efficient. This is so car manufacturers can meet the Cafe code (minimum fuel efficiency). bad move.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:02am
Chris Hiatt:

↳ AnAnonymousParty @9:58
I ran into the same problem, they could not


Whatever gear AAA is using is nicht so gut.
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Erin in TO:

Just joining in, and relieved that I wasn't planning a banana with my breakfast today
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All puppet ears?
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Asheville Jon:

my puppet can't hear you, it has a banana in its ear
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Is Spinal Tap gonna perform at Puppet Slam?

Pinocchio was a golem?
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Webhamster Henry:

Decades ago, WFMU sought to have a puppet "avatar" to be the official media face of WFMU. My wife and I submitted a Sloth design.
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Asheville Jon:

does WFMU have an annual mascot anymore?
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Brian C.:

Trying to think of a 100-year-old banana-themed #1 song for you…
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(Hearty interviewed an older puppet) memorable
gauche knee:

Gary 🐿️ & Vance 🎧 4eva 💕
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Michael in Montclair:

↳ JReganK @10:06
If they are, then they are likely not going to be the headliner.
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Webhamster Henry:

I was at the boat ride too. Bus, walking, subway. No flat tire, but a little blistering.
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↳ Michael in Montclair @10:08
As long as the amps still go to eleven
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We're not getting anything from Bananamoon today, are we...🌙😒
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↳ Gregolomania @10:10
No greg, it's a banana-free zone. Gotta think of the more vulnerable among us
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Webhamster Henry @10:09
K8 got a sunburn waiting for the ferries that took us to the boat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am

↳ Handy Haversack @10:11
Hope that it's easing up now, sunburn is no fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14am
Franco Twinkie:

I was sitting with my mom and dad at the kitchen table when my father looked at the small vertical lines extending from my mothers mouth to her chin and said "You know Virginia, you're starting to look like a puppet."

As you can imagine, this unleashed a torrent of rage that ruined lunch.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15am

↳ Franco Twinkie @10:14
Hope you got your Mom's smarts, as your Dad is clearly not a thinking dude.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17am
Franco Twinkie:

I'd like to think, but probably not.
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how did you extract AI Rudy Giuliani from my nightmares
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🎅🏻 but you just want to explode
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Triple G:

The now controversial Summer of Seger continues

S.O.S. indeed
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ nathan @10:18
That's Rudy Giuliani at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping Cemetery.
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Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

Growing up with Cleveland radio stations has led me to despise Bob Seeger.
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Summer of LUNA!
listener monica:

love this
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:11
That's a lot of sea-time! And it was very sunny, indeed, had to find the shadows so I wouldn't dissolve into a pile of dust.
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "Turn The Page (Bob Seger)" by "Luna"
this one is actually nice. because it's a cover?
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↳ Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b @10:20
Home of the Buzzard!
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I would donate to A Segerless Summer
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admiral crisp:

lmao I just saw this earlier today
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Erin in TO:

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
Now I want to hear the ShittyFlute version
Hi from Holland:

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
Aloha! This is the best!
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:23am

↳ Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b @10:20
I feel you Jonny, I spent almost six years in Michigan
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If there isn't a shittyflute version of this Evanescence song, there should be
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Deano de los Muertos:

Hey Ken, Seger fans
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The Oscar:

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
Lost it at the "wake me up!"
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↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
wow this is fantastic, what a great cover! how do you find these things!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:23am

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
The low duck quack rap in the chorus is undoing me

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
If you stuck a microphone deep inside your heart this is what it would sound like.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ -жеи @10:23
We're heading to Western Michigan on Sunday. Radio out there isn't terrible.
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Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
Ok, I am all on board with the otamatone covers of emo-metal.
Matt formerly jetboy:

Good day Ken and all! Can you believe I wasn’t able to join until now due to work? Crazy world
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↳ Song: "Bring Me To Life (Evanescence Otamatone Cover)" b...
Sounds just like it
Avatar 10:25am

The stereo mixing on this track is great
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Deano de los Muertos:

I always yell “this is the part of the song where I FUCKING SCREEEAM” at that part
Avatar 10:26am

↳ Song: "The Single Lady Blitz" by "DJ Cummerbund"
she thinks Bey's the passionate one

That Bring me to Life cover was haunting
F⎌F⎌ (:

No Pee Wee Herman in this mashup?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28am

↳ Song: "The Single Lady Blitz" by "DJ Cummerbund"
She wants a cigarette?
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This is terrible why do I like it

↳ Song: "The Single Lady Blitz" by "DJ Cummerbund"
Makes me think of my teaching years '90-2017 and chaperoning HS Prom stuff in Bed-Stuy ...

If you’re enjoying Ken’s show this morning….
Put a ring on it!
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↳ Handy Haversack @10:23
Lucky you! Love western Michigan. Are you going up the coast?
F⎌F⎌ (:

"Donde esta el baño?" segment! Everybody speaks Spanish now!
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“Wow man! Freak out!” Was that the Macho Man Randy Savage?
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↳ Sam @10:29
You mean like- get engaged?
F⎌F⎌ (:

Donde esta Webcui Enrique?

↳ chresti @10:31
No, more like toss a ring onto it
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @10:31
¡Estoy aquí!
F⎌F⎌ (:

Hey! Es Sam el Valuador!

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @10:32
¡Si senor! ¡El banyo es libre y listo!
F⎌F⎌ (:

Bienvenido, Webcuy Enrique! Mi casa es tu casa.
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Lo siento. No tengo el bano
F⎌F⎌ (:

Vamos a quebrar el excusado, muchachos !

(lets break the toilet, guys!)
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Donde esta El STeely Dan?

El excusado regulare!
Regular toilet!
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Andrea C:

↳ -жеи @10:35
El Steely sta escuchando la radio
F⎌F⎌ (:

El Steely Dan esta en un Globo Aereostatic con Bob Dylan.
F⎌F⎌ (:


Dan isn’t nearly as steely as people think.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:36am
Handy Haversack:

↳ Vivian @10:30
Not sure exactly what our plan is, but we'll be by the lake. Family in Muskegon and old family property about 45 miles north in Oceana County. We're keeping options open because we just don't know how we're going to react to being out there this year. Might head up the coast farther, Traverse City-ward. Just not sure what we're going to be able to handle this year.
Avatar 🚽 Swag For Life Member 10:37am

You sure know a lot about Steely Dan.
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Webcui Enrique:

¡Cerveza Dan!
  🚽 10:37am

Weird, wild stuff!
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Webcui Enrique:

Me gusto el Gusto.
Avatar 10:38am

For now on, a 6 pack of Schlitz shall be known as Steely Cans

oddly the commercial aired in Yokohama
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Barefoot Jimmy G:

Amazing! Foolish not to use this, Schlitz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:39am
Franco Twinkie:

↳ Song: "Schlitz Beer Commericial" by "Steely Dan"
I love this more than Bodhisattva!
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↳ Song: "Schlitz Beer Commericial" by "Steely Dan"
Heavens to Mergatroid!
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geo in jc:

Damn I thought this Dan time was a joke!
F⎌F⎌ (:

Steely Dan Schlitz jingle (spanish preamble)
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↳ Song: "Schlitz Beer Commericial" by "Steely Dan"
Eso fue increible
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dave miss:

Long walk for that joke.
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Webcui Enrique:

¡Ricky, no pierdas ese six-pack!
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dave miss:

Did they ever do a promo for the Steely Dan dildo?

isnt Schlitz Deutsch for diarrhea ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40am

↳ Handy Haversack @10:36
Grief, loss, memories, it's very hard to navigate. You and K8 will find the way to best vacation for how you're feeling.

Is there going to be a Schlitz boycott now?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41am
tom tom the pipers son:

ich habe schlitzen
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Edgar from Maine:

I'd switch off between Blatz and Billy Beer back in the days when Schlitz was king.
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Franco Twinkie:

Huevos triste?

Bienvenido a mi baño. Please come in and take a schlitz.
Avatar 10:42am
Bob Barth:


Pete Seeger + Bob Saget = Bob Seeger
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dave miss:

Morning Franco!
Morning Handy et al

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Ken From Hyde Park:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:36
Have a nice break, Handy. Shoving off later today to visit my dear mother for a copule weeks. ✈️
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am

somebody needs to train an AI on the diarrhea lady and then generate her singing the Steely Dan Schlitz jingle
F⎌F⎌ (:

dave miss,

I'm afraid your dancing banana companion can't come in to today's show.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:46am
Alvy Singer:

Is it Matt or AI??
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Stop Hiding!
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:47am
dave miss:

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @10:46
I'm already inside the house
rx scabin:

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I'm here Matt, find me!
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The Oscar:

We need to know the name of this game-- I need to play it!
Avatar 10:47am

Big daddy?!
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Just sounds like 9:42 to me...

the owl

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Edgar from Maine:

This solves the week for me.
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Deano de los Muertos:

oh, he’s doing something for Bioshock!
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Triple G:

If one of the monologues mentions bananas the website might crash

Holy shit matty doin bioshock VO??
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sounds like a new Bioshock game
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Mark Hurst:

Can't WAIT to hear more about this video game.
rx scabin:


lol. a Bioshock game maybe?
Avatar 🚽 10:48am
Triple G:

We Can Take The Big Daddy: A Matt Warwick Memoir
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paddy in matawan:

This is perfect for Micah
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big daddy put down that can of bang
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Krys O.:

Burl Ives???
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FuNEE stuff
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dave miss:

Big Daddy only smells mendacity

The Big Daddy might have some bananas hidden in his trench coat
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Gotta be bioshock or "video game soon to be sued by Bioshock IP holders"
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Erin in TO:

I think Matt just became Big Daddy in all our hearts
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Ok toast!
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Deano de los Muertos:

Big Daddy Garbage
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just in case ... sometimes voice actors have to sign NDAs if the game is from a particularly highly anticpated franchise ... I hope you're not putting Matt in hot water here!
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Mark Hurst:

The new fighting game, Daddy Garbage Vs. The Big Daddy
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Can you hear me toast?
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Andrea C:

on the toilet!
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The Oscar:

Guys, I think we should probably think about watching that Big Daddy.

Also thank you Ken this is some great radio
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..Every July, peas grow there.
F⎌F⎌ (:

Find him. FIND HIM!
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I’ll tell ya where the BIG DADDY went 🤣
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49am

Matt is going to bring back the use of the Mid-Atlantic accent. It's been a while since William F Buckley used it.

It's the new Cat On a Hot Tin Roof video game
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Fishtown Mike:

Hello Steven, this is Clem Fandango. Can you hear me?
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Ken From Hyde Park:

This is just training an AI machine, I'm pretty sure.
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is this Matt ww on the FMU picket line from last Wednesday?
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This part is the sad part, where we lost the Big Daddy
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Deano de los Muertos:

Billy Jam gotta do something with this 😆
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Bob Barth:

If someone isn't recording this to put it into a techno - missed opportunity
Matt formerly jetboy:

Radio gold
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Krys O.:

The doo wop group that performed hits of the day in a retro style in the 80s/90s?
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This is the worst james Brown tune I've ever heard.
The Big Daddy:

Find me
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Grunting part is best part
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Franco Twinkie:

Wipe it off man!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @10:46
Enjoy it, Ken.
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this needs to be combined with dia lady
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Webcui Enrique:

¡Me gusto los gruntos de Matt!

Big Daddy's boat washed ashore here at Rehoboth Beach when I was little
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Right. We've officially moved on to Disturbing™.
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We need the Darren game
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Handy Haversack:

↳ dave miss @10:45
Hey, dave miss. We were hoping to see you on the boat.
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Bob Barth:

I'm available to play Big Daddy. DM me.
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now Fire-Toolz i can get into
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Matt's the big Daddy?

A A P , I did lol
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dave miss:

Lolo and I were out of town for a week. We def missed it.
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🧌 uugh!
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The Butterman:

Where is the little Matty?
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↳ Handy Haversack @10:36
I hear you. Last summer, we had planned to go up towards Traverse City, camp at Sleeping Bears after camping at Luddington but decided to hold off until next time. Just didn't have enough time. Hope it's a fun trip.
Banana Early Warning System:

Banana detected at 10:51:00
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Vivian @10:51
The farm property is about halfway between Muskegon and Luddington. Near Ruby Creek.
rx scabin:

Thank you for the delightful and educational radio. I must water the flowers before the temperature becomes hellish (hell like? hellesque?).
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @10:01
No, mine is the Ed Gein Pie, it's even more disturbing because I was trying to imitate facial muscles it it Came Out Wrong.

'I will be with you on your wedding night.' it intoned in the German it had learned perched on the window-sill of a small hut as a young man recounted "The Sorrows of Young Werther" to his run-away Persian princess.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

↳ Asheville Jon @10:05
No puppet! No puppet!
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dave miss:

↳ Banana Early Warning System @10:53
A lil slow on the uptick BEWS
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ (Murakami Whywolf))) @10:54
Is that the one that is singing? Cos' that one is terrifying.
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "A Sunset Song" by "Sigh"
Ken: Imaginary Sonicscape
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:50
Please explain to the typing audience the Traverse City inclination to refer to a hamburger as a hamburg. As far as I can tell, no one outside of Western Michigan uses this corruption.

Any ideas?
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dave miss:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:53
What was the story on the Pirate cruise? Only hearing about it now.
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Mister Dobalina:

This is a good song to listen to while making banana bread. Extra walnuts!
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Franco Twinkie:

Hey Dave!
  🚽 10:57am

Andy must capitulate ASAP, so we can continue to half-heartedly watch mediocre streaming programs.
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Franco Twinkie @10:56
My relatives do that, yeah. And "warsh" for "wash." I dunno. I'm going to allow it.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ dave miss @10:57
Everyone had fun except Ken, who get an irreparable flat tire on the way there.
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "A Sunset Song" by "Sigh"
my pleasure Ken :)
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Handy Haversack:

↳ dave miss @10:57
We thought we'd shouted about it with you at the Sisters of Mercy show.
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↳ dave miss @10:57
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dave miss:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:58
Probably, but my ears was burst
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Robin comment in Italian: "I haven't had fun like this since I was in college."
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↳ Mister Dobalina @10:57
Have you tried putting lime and rum in your banana bread? So delish!
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Handy Haversack @10:57
I find it charming. I love Michigan in the Summertime.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

The 'Not good A.I.' images look like Henry Darger learned to use DayGlo™ acrylics.
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Krys O.:

↳ LouFancy @10:48
I used to play Bioshock!
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Handy Haversack:

↳ Franco Twinkie @10:59
Gonna be stone fruit season while we're there.
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↳ Vivian @10:59
She put de lime and rum in de banana bread, she ate 'em bot' up
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I wanted to hear the Banana Splits today.

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Oh My God it IS Bioshock! He just confirmed it

↳ Handy Haversack @11:00
August is banana season in the junglier parts of Michigan
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↳ Franco Twinkie @10:59
From what little I saw, I agree. Except for one individual, folks were very, very nice. Along with great weather, good beer and water.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Handy Haversack @11:00
YES! Cruising around on country roads eating cherries from a roadside stand.
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Mister Dobalina:

I used to like this band called Coroner, but not so much as of lately.
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↳ Sam @11:00
All year is banana tree time in New Orleans. A couple right by my driveway in the neighbor's yard. Bunches fall down on our side sometimes.
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↳ Mister Dobalina @11:02
Has your opinion undergone an autopsy yet?
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Mister Dobalina:

↳ G @11:02
That's a good idea, never thought of that. I'll talk to my doc about it.
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↳ Franco Twinkie @10:56
"Hamburg" is a Central NY thing, also -- Syracuse-Utica. Possibly Rochester and Buffalo also?

A lot of the original settlers of Michigan came from upstate NY.
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↳ -жеи @11:00
Bioshock is where Big Daddy is?
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Mister Dobalina:

Muscular, BatWoman & her hairy legs are giving me so feels I was not aware I had.
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Mister Dobalina:

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dave miss:

↳ G @11:02
Those are my people. Say hi to my rat colony
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Andrea C:

↳ -жеи @11:00
You mean Matt's work is for Bioshock?! WOW :)
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Krys O.:

Must track down Bioshock soundtrack:

The orchestral scores for BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite were composed by Garry Schyman. Schyman's music combines the influence of early 20th century classical music, aleatoric music, and musique concrete.[73] With the return to Rapture in BioShock 2, Schyman had the opportunity to revisit the setting, writing new music while retaining some elements and motifs from the first game, such as solo violins and mid-20th century compositional techniques.[74] While expectations were higher, Schyman noted having played the original game and using an established style made the process easier.[75] For Infinite, Schyman had to create a new soundscape evocative of the earlier era. Feeling that classical music of the time felt much more European than American, he opted to use less full orchestration and simpler string arrangements instead.[76] In addition to the score, the BioShock series uses licensed period music as diegetic sound.[77] For BioShock 2, more blues and religious music was included as it related to the sequel's themes.[78] Infinite features anachronistic covers of popular pop songs, such as Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and a barbershop quartet version of the Beach Boys's "God Only Knows".[79]

Roughly a quarter of the BioShock soundtrack was released on the internet,[73] with an EP featuring remixes of the game's music included in the Limited Edition of the game.[80] BioShock's full soundtrack was released on a vinyl LP with the BioShock 2 Special Edition in 2010.[81] The scores for BioShock 2 and Infinite were included in limited editions of their respective games.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Vivian @11:01
Another thing Traverse City excels at is deep fried onion rings.

The nicest, fattest, blond people on the planet. Seriously!
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David (in London):

Afternoon SMK and assembled loons, goons and spoons.
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Mister Dobalina:

  Swag For Life Member 11:06am
Bruce S.:

Batman and Robin in Drag? Batman shave you're legs before you put on a skirt
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↳ dave miss @11:04
Only small field mice, as far as I have personally seen here. We had an opossum die in our driveway, fortunately before it could crawl under the house. Much easier disposal.
listener w:

the masque of the red death. nice
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David (in London):

↳ chresti @11:06
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Andrea C:

↳ Bruce S. @11:06
Italian drags never shave. That's the law.
F⎌F⎌ (:

There is also love and life, hope and David (In London)!
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↳ Franco Twinkie @11:05
I'll have to pass on that tidbit of info. I had such a fantastic time up in the Mitten. Hope we can go again next year.
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David (in London):

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @11:07
Most kind FoFo, most kind.
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Krys O. @11:04
In 2013, Scott Bradlee (Postmodern Jukebox) found interest from the video game industry, gaining a composer credit for 2K Games' BioShock Infinite soundtrack, which features four of his stylized arrangements: a piano cover of Tears for Fears' "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" (piano and vocals), a jazzy ragtime cover of Gloria Jones' "Tainted Love" (arrangement, piano),[12] and covers of R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People" (arrangement and piano) and "After You’ve Gone" (arrangement, piano). WikiP)
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Webhamster Henry:

↳ Song: "LSD Trip Scene" by "Vincent Price"
Vincent Price adds class to every show!
F⎌F⎌ (:


Any sightings of a red Hot Air Balloon over London?
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The Oscar:

↳ Song: "LSD Trip Scene" by "Vincent Price"
A few years back one of our local theaters ran a series of William Castle screenings with the gimmicks intact, including The Tingler with real buzzing seats. One of my favorite experiences ever!
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Lizards in the aiiiir
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Song: "And When He Falleth" by "Theater of Tragedy"
A head band and flairs gives any run of the mill loudmouth the confidence to start a riot!
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Erin in TO:

↳ The Oscar @11:08
Theatre here a few years ago ran Mr. Sardonicus with the voting cards, it was a blast
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dave miss:

↳ chresti @11:06
Hey Chresti!
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get this man some Phish
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Mister Dobalina:

Ken, does FMU accept CD's donations?
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Handy Haversack:

Hey, David. Got your e-mail -- my thanks. Just haven't had the energy to write folx back.
  Swag For Life Member 11:10am
Bruce S.:

the walls man, the walls
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Krys O.:

↳ Franco Twinkie @11:09
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "LSD Trip Scene" by "Vincent Price"
I was today years old when I learned that LSD kills.
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David (in London): the tracking number says that the airlifted 200 kg shipment of WFMU branded bananas should be dropping with 100 m of your location within the next hour. Literally dropping, they don't land, and it makes quite a mess.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

More hard rock and theatrical metal on the Vortex of Chaos show, now on the Sheena stream Thursdays noon - 3PM. 🤘
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Krys O.:

↳ Song: "LSD Trip Scene" by "Vincent Price"
I played Boris Karloff and Red Skelton singing with Vincent Price last week.

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @11:08
Is there not or was there not a Gigantic Hotair balloon above the Thames ... not far from the big wheel??? I have not been back since pre-pandemic???
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David (in London):

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @11:08
FoFo, BDRRU did receive an alert earlier on today, but it turned out just to be Robbie Robertson getting in difficulties on a jetski outside Ilfracombe. Nothing else in today's duty log.
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Krys O.:

↳ Webhamster Henry @11:08
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↳ dave miss @11:09
Hi dave miss!
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↳ David (in London) @11:12
Keep Dylan very clear of those inbound bananas, they are coming in hot
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Deano de los Muertos:

That kids all mixed up
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Andrea C:

↳ Song: "LSD Trip Scene" by "Vincent Price"
I'll try to find The Tingler and watch it. Thanks Ken.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Song: "Blueboy Episode" by "Blueboy"
'That acid we've been hearing about'


↳ Song: "Blueboy Episode" by "Blueboy"
Makes one think of the Marijuana toddler in the bath episode ... was chatted about in the past year...
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Morning all. Ken, sorry you couldn't do the cruise!
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ morphe' @11:12
Perhaps you are referring to the Vauxhall's Garden hot air balloon from the late 19 century.
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↳ Karl @11:11
Bob Dylan will be piloting said balloon.
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Krys O.:

↳ Song: "Nothing To Fear" by "Steinski"
Nice Belmonts sample.
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↳ eileen_tooth @11:13
Hi Eileen!
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David (in London):

↳ Karl @11:11
Christ, thanks for the heads up Karl! I'd better message the town hall to deploy the borough fruit net immediately and make sure we land most of them intact.
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David (in London):

↳ Karl @11:12
Those bananas won't touch a single hair on Bob's beard. You have the BDRRU Europe solemn promise on that.
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ Song: "Nothing To Fear" by "Steinski"
Sugar cubes make you crave soft drinks, I see.
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Book Em’
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↳ Mister Dobalina @11:10
Right now, No because we are out of room, but after the CD Sale on 8/19, we would.
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joe mulligan:

theres a bananas at large store near where we live:
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David (in London):

↳ Handy Haversack @11:10
No worries my man.
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↳ -жеи @11:14
Hi Ken. Your show is always so fun
F⎌F⎌ (:


I can see the flying object dropping tons of bananas. London is drowning in a sea of yellow and I live by the river.
Avatar 🚽 11:17am

Right on, Ken. Right on
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David (in London):

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @11:16
Hammersmith & Fulham have already deployed their emergency monkey units to begin the clear up. They are highly trained and have an unlimited appetite for bananas.
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Mister Dobalina:

Mashin' bananas...
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Andrea C:

↳ -жеи @11:15
do CD donations ever land in your hands at al Ken? I sneaked one in my last donation for you. I thought you'd appreciate it. (this one -> www.discogs.com...)
Erik (VT):

* another B-Mpvie tarnished gem in this William
Castle tradition is: “The Mask” (1961 ; re-released as “Eyes of Hell” and “The Spooky Movie Show”) its a 1961 Canadian surrealist horror film. One of those simultaneously “bad but good” watching experiences.
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I wonder if his Hyundai has a spare..
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Lots of dialogue from Glengarry Glen Ross in this Steinski but not the movie... not sure which production it is from
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Ryan Sterlingvirtue:

that wasn't alec baldwin?
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LOL Robin Harris sample "Small World"

↳ F⎌F⎌ ( @11:13
I am old but not that old ..
When squatting Jenner Rd in the 80s with my then young son Arnan ... could not go to the pubs so when folks came home = 10:30- 11 then, I'd go out cycling and Vauxhall and the river was/were my direction .. on mate became suspicious that I was scoring drugs and hoarding them ... just liked the ride.. Wrote a prose poem about another mate who was to wed a Aussie to get her her papers though they were a couple and "so radical" they pierced their genatalia [sp?], but Sean's Prince Alert got infected and he could not join the "wedding Party' in A'dam... so I wrote:
"Down 'Round Vauxhall With Willy"
[can't remember verbatium]

Bloke 1 "Oi, what's that efffin smell???'

#2 - I'd say it's that pustulent Prince Albert wandering about again..

#1 efffin' shame .. no respect for Queen and Country ..

the end without my notebook..
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↳ Ryan Sterlingvirtue @11:22
Baldwin's scene is only in the movie, not in the play
F⎌F⎌ (:

↳ David (in London) @11:18
Good. London Borough of Hackney is getting the Tiger unit ready to be deployed later in Hammersmith & Fulham to eat all the well-fed monkeys.
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“I’m not an anarchist! I’m an Internationalist!”
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↳ unpopularfred @11:23
but that wasn't baldwin, was it?
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