Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from June 30, 2022 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting June 30, 2022

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Folk Rabe  Argh!   Favoriting Argh    0:10:13 (Pop-up)
Factoria  Screams   Favoriting Heroine    0:11:00 (Pop-up)
Colin Stetson  Time is Advancing with Fitful Irregularity   Favoriting New History Warfare Volume 1    0:17:04 (Pop-up)
Ariel Kalma  Enuej Elleiv   Favoriting An Evolutionary Music (Original Recordings: 1972-1979)    0:21:57 (Pop-up)
Ariel Kalma  Asalam Yamarek   Favoriting An Evolutionary Music (Original Recordings: 1972-1979)    0:22:22 (Pop-up)
Roberto Musci / Giovanni Venosta  Tower   Favoriting Urban And Tribal Portraits    0:33:44 (Pop-up)
Gate  Wilderness   Favoriting A Republic of Sadness    0:34:11 (Pop-up)
Francisco Meirino  Surrender   Favoriting Surrender, Render, End    0:46:51 (Pop-up)
Tibor Szemző  Steamy Whale   Favoriting Ain't Nothing But A Little Bit of Music for Moving Pictures    0:55:25 (Pop-up)
Wabi Sabi  Untitled #3   Favoriting Wabi Sabi    0:59:03 (Pop-up)
Claire M Singer  A Different Place   Favoriting Solas    1:06:24 (Pop-up)
Lucien Goethals / Karel Goeyvaerts  Op Acht Paarden Wedden (excerpt)   Favoriting IPEM 1963-73  Composition: Karel Goeyvaerts  1:14:55 (Pop-up)
Donato Epiro  Alocasia   Favoriting Supercontinent    1:22:04 (Pop-up)
Harold Budd  The Oak of the Golden Dreams   Favoriting The Oak of the Golden Dreams    1:40:51 (Pop-up)
Sean Landers  The Man Within   Favoriting The Agents of Impurity (V/A)    2:02:44 (Pop-up)
Takuji Naka / Tim Olive  Untitled   Favoriting Minouragatake    2:07:41 (Pop-up)
TR  Ma Perché?   Favoriting Manifesto Rumoratorio    2:13:17 (Pop-up)
Joel Stern  Wake In Fright   Favoriting Objects. Masks. Props    2:20:57 (Pop-up)
Joel Stern  Pheromone Wings   Favoriting Objects. Masks. Props    2:22:36 (Pop-up)
Yoshi Machida  Potential   Favoriting Hypernatural #2    2:25:05 (Pop-up)
Arnold Dreyblatt & The Orchestra of Excited Strings  Formation   Favoriting Nodal Excitation    2:32:31 (Pop-up)
Frenemas  V   Favoriting Frenemas – 2    2:43:46 (Pop-up)
Roxy Music  Mother of Pear;   Favoriting Stranded    2:53:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


heigh-ho! heigh-ho! its off to giant land we go
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm
The Count of Al Dente:

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Hi-ho party-o!
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winston legthigh:

fabio! its been a minute. where have you been?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

W A B C !!!
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Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

ah shit, here we go again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

greetings Fabio, Failures
Avatar 3:05pm

The music we want to hear is right! 😍
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fabio, all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
listener 126464:

It's ding-dong, 3 o'clock!

afternoon fellow failures
the lonely phillip:

Good afternoon fellow failures. And @fabio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TheFabioSellsOut ~
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winston legthigh:

hey hyper, coela, bbqbja, g, chresti, al dente, all!
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tim from washington:

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Bas NL:

Hi Fabio! Failurites!

@Fabio your quote should also say
Failure of the supreme court.
the lonely phillip:

This is something you hear when the station is going off the air or changing formats
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Talk about failure: I went all-in with pocket aces and the final card gave my challenger two pair.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

It's the Fabio April Fools Show, three months late.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

*failure-0 with Fabio...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

My new Conceptual GarageBand:
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David (in London):

*sidles into the Lounge of Failure carrying a small bag of snakes, trips on someone's foot, stumbles into the side table, arms flailing, table, lamp and tasteful glass ornaments crashing to the floor, chaos, bags falls, neck comes loose, snakes slithering out everywhere*

Mm, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
Evening groovers!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:09pm

hey winston!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Hello back, Winston.

Any of you ever check out the yootoob channel, All Episodes At Once?

I guess Fabio feeling nostalgic
Avatar 3:10pm

this music is still being updated.
Avatar 3:10pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

this song is CRAZY
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm

greetings winston!

G that's the way to make an april fools day prank really fool someone
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:10pm

Downtown sounding menacing, excellent
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm

Hi Fabio & Fabio-listeners
Avatar 🎸 3:11pm
winston legthigh:

al least it was not kacey kasem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Like in 'ElecticKoolAid' when the Pranksters go see TheBeatles' last show in SanFrancisco - tripping nads witnessing the great 'Pink Octopus' of their audience contorting & trying to possess them...

Accurately capturing my current mental state!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm

we've slipped through the looking glass
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12pm
The Count of Al Dente:

With the new SCOTUS ruling on prayer, any of you with kids should get them to join the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarism for all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

i remember this one. they played it every hour in july of the summer of llove. my parents didn't care for it.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:14pm
The Count of Al Dente:

For LanoSheen!

Factoria_great screams!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:15pm

technically, the supreme clot probably can be impeached, and probably court marshaled
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

Hey all. Having a Work Failure currently. So tired...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

All-in with just a pair? Nice try!
Avatar 3:16pm

Colin Stetson ?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:16pm

Yeah, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster needs to embed a minister as a school sports coach and start praying on the field ASAP!
Avatar 3:16pm

Heya winston!
Who broke the didgeridoo?
Avatar 🎸 3:17pm
winston legthigh:

x-day next tuesday. slack off and f-them!
Avatar 3:17pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

This show expands my noise music parameters comfort level. It like hybrid noise/extremely free jazz.
I almost want them to let me play this at the swimming pool on the lifeguard boombox.
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*I'll call the park rangers to safely remove the spilled snakes

Wild Neil, DO IT!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

The Failure of Extremely Free Jazz
I'd like that too, Neil
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tim from washington:

Wild Neil - Imagine this blasted underwater in the deep end.

Afternoon three moons
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If there are kids in the pool, there must be plenty of screaming as it is.
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Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

RE prayer at the 50 yard line....need to get in touch with my local branch of Church of Satan....
Avatar 🎸 3:29pm
winston legthigh:

has there been a ruling on the jerry falwell jr with his pants down photo?
Avatar 3:30pm

Heya Fab and failurinos. Failingly late to the programme ...
Avatar 🎸 3:32pm
winston legthigh:

hi carm. things just starting to heat up.

@Three moons sounds like a plan
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:32pm

Colin Stetson will be at The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever in November!
Ha 3moons
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

IMHO Satan is far too Christianity-centric and makes too easy of a boogeyman that will further activate Christians as something for them to rally around and organize against. Just my 2.6969 cents.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
tim from washington:

@Threemoons - I'm pretty sure the church of satan showed up to protest when the coach's prayers were getting huge.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:35pm

The Failure of Satan
The Success of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

68 murders in Albuquerque so far this year.
Avatar 3:36pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

ER no, 74
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chris in the redwoods:

here fer da Gate, yay. hello, Fabio and friends of failure.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
tim from washington:

Gate is always good.
Avatar 3:43pm
Kamp Climax:

Yeah, Wild Neil, but breakfast at breakfast at Barelas or the Frontier is still good
Avatar 3:43pm
Kamp Climax:

I'm at either one every morning
Avatar 3:43pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

@Kamp Climax-gotta check those out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
The Count of Al Dente:

I miss Albuquerque. Gotta go again soon.

@The count never been to Albuquerque but i want too
Avatar 4:01pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

@RobM-its the best place to live and the worst place to live according to a guy I know. There is a lot to do, but crime is nuts. Nature is beutiful here!

@Wild neil i guess you can say that about all big cities in the us
Avatar 4:08pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

@RobM-we used to live ten minutes from Lockport, NY, population 20,000. About two shootings a month there. Per capita the entire US has gone crazy and there are no more safe cities anywhere with maybe the exception of Fargo or something.
Avatar 4:09pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

there are plenty of safe cities lol

Failing hard and failing fine today, Fabio
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
tim from washington:

Was A Different Place used in a film?
Avatar 4:11pm

Hi Fabio and everyone . I 'm just arriving at home . Arghh ,I missed Ariel Kalma !

WIld neil and the if the USSC had their way, there would be no gun laws at all, don’t want to get too political on here so i will just shut up and lurk.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
chris in the redwoods:

"Op Acht Paarden Wedden" sounds like what drunk me mumbles whilst making my way to the restroom in a crowded bar.
Avatar 4:19pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Claire Singer sounds like a movie soundtrack for sure.

love this!!!
Avatar 4:20pm

Six weeks , that's the time a friend of mine has been discovered in his apartment after his death . I 'm not feeling very well since I learnt the tragedy , one week ago .
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tim from washington:

I've been listening to Jonny Greenwood's Spencer soundtrack. It's fantastic! 70s Miles meets modern composition. I can't handle Radiohead at all but I think Jonny Greenwood's soundtrack work is such good listening.
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chris in the redwoods:

Foutracbaldisco, that's horrible. my condolences.
Avatar 4:22pm

Thanks Chris
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Singer did do the soundrack for, Tell It To The Bees.
Avatar 4:23pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Foutracbaldisco sorry for your loss an the horrible circumstances!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:24pm

Actually, per capita, NYC isn't even among the top 200 most dangerous cities (or even 500 if you count small cities). Most of the worst ones are in red states, and are subject to red-state gun laws.

That said, sadly, Baltimore and Philly are certainly near the top, as is Vallejo CA which, along with Albuquerque, has one of the most corrupt and out-of-control police forces in the country, where people won't come forward re: crimes because the police have such a horrible reputation, so the social fabric is caught in a vicious circle endlessly spiraling downwards.

Never heard of the flying sghetti monster?. Where did it come from? Why is there one? What does it do?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Bas NL:

'To Bet On Eight Horses'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm
The Count of Al Dente:

A friend lived in Albu for some years and liked it a lot. Her only complaint was that it's very conservative, except when the UofM is in session.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
Zach from Hackensack:

seems wrong to talk over this beautiful track
Avatar 4:29pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

crime per capita is a somewhat useless way of looking at how safe a city is. NYC is clearly more dangerous than a small town with a higher murder rate per capita...you can't really compare a population of 20,000 to a city of 8 million like that
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winston legthigh:

its a parody religion. but they are all made up anyway and thats the point.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29pm
The Count of Al Dente:

I just read that nationally, the majority of gun deaths are in rural areas and small towns.
Avatar 4:30pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

and they are probably mostly suicides as well.
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chris in the redwoods:

as are most mass shootings, BBQBJA.
Smog on the Tyne:

Greetings fellow travellers through full force failure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:36pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Friends, A great movie.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:36pm

@BBQJA, that's why I made the comparison only between NYC and other cities.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:38pm
The Count of Al Dente:

$17. Is that the average movie price nowadays?
Avatar 4:38pm

Thanks Weild Neil / Peace All . I 'm trying to describe in few words (in another comment) who he was and the approach of his artistic works ( he was a sculptor and painter/drawer ) but I'm french ,and it's very frustrating for me not to master english language . I 'm afraid of doing mistakes . Perhaps , silence is better or I have just to listen to Fabio's show , in silence . My friend loved the seventeen's music of Brian Eno (Music for AIrports ...)
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chris in the redwoods:

Foutracbaldisco, your English is better than my French. :)
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@Foutra, you're doing well!
Avatar 🎸 4:42pm
winston legthigh:

so sorry for your loss and pain foutracbaldisco. please share your story in french and we can translate. it will be more personal for me that way.
Gerard Leckey:

Just tuning in to ... a state
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...there's always GoogleTranslate - to use - & to blame.

per capita / statistics etc. It's all only numbers UNTIL it's someone you know & love
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tim from washington:

Holy moly! I've never heard this Harold Budd before. It's like Sonic Boom jamming out after smoking a comically large Cheech and Chong joint.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

chris @ 4:31: Good point. Grim - but pertinent.
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Bas NL:

Fantastic, this by Harold Budd.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm

Harold Budd using an unchanging E-flat drone, that Terry Riley and La Monte Young had been doing on saxophone and piano.
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chris in the redwoods:

pre-click-starred, dig!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

good breathing music
Avatar 4:46pm

You're wright Winston . Thanks . It will procure better feelings to me . Je me lance (in an other comment , I will take my time ) . Harold Budd's muusic is perfect . See you soon !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Foutra: Désolé pour ta perte. C'est toujours difficile de perdre des amis. Je m'en occupe toujours. Accrochez-vous. Pour paraphraser le Dr Seuss, ne pleure pas parce que c'est fini, souris parce que tu étais là.
Avatar 🎸 4:48pm
winston legthigh:

gotta run guys. thanks fabio. peace and love to all.
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chris in the redwoods:

ciao, winston.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Like Climate Change - more moisture & higher temperatures in a Chaotic System - has been said to mean Fewer storms - but Larger.
It's not always the Consequences people first think of.
Problem as I see it is too many people in a Society such as our actual one - to whom having a Gun is more important than the fact that they have one purpose only - to Injure & Kill. We have to take our shoes off to get on planes - yet we supersaturate our shared space with powerful weapons. Too many Ideologies & not enuff Empathy...
Avatar 🎸 4:49pm
winston legthigh:

will read you comment on the archives foutracbaldisco, show already clicky starred.

Hello all. I’ve been here working and listening to my friend and the show. Sorry for your loss of friend @Foutracbaldisco
Avatar 4:52pm

@ The Count of Al Dente : la culpabilité , on se dit qu'on aurait pu être là d'avantage ( même si on ne connait toujours pas la cause de sa mort , on pense tout de même à un éventuel suicide , çà trotte dans la tête et çà fait mal ) . Je l'avais appelé il y a un mois un soir sur son téléphone portable, il n'avait pas répondu et je n'avais pas eu de nouvelles depuis .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& how blind & bourgeois do you have to be to see that people *do* & *will* fall between the cracks in our Society? The idea that people are going to act responsibly with guns against all evidence...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
The Count of Al Dente:

I see Richard Maxfield shares the album with Budd.
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alan the painter:

WFMU your feed keeps being broken I'm sad
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Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

feed has been fine for me all day
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chris in the redwoods:

no problems here, alan. that would suck, esp during Fabio's show.
Avatar 4:55pm

I take now time to write in french about my friend . So I have to concentrate myself . I won't answer to you , good friendly loved WFMU listeners , for a few moments . Thanks .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

One effect of the Interwebz & Social Media : Being witness to people's mental ~ emotional health crises - in real time but often @ great distance. Even in some cases when they threaten self-harm. What tools have I got for this ??...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Foutracbaldisco: J'ai eu une expérience où un ami m'a appelé, nous avons eu une conversation agréable, je pense qu'il avait dit quelque chose sur le fait de profiter de notre amitié, et j'ai découvert quelques jours plus tard qu'il s'était suicidé.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:03pm
tim from washington:

Gus Bodenheim before he became a shyster?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

Is Sean related, tim? I was thinking the same!

JetBoy of Brooklyn:

Reminds me of a certain stabile genius
Avatar 5:05pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

JetBoy of Brooklyn:

Stable of course
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...whereas I know since my best skills are in making noisy GittarRawk - I'm 50-60 years behind the Times. It's tough all over pal...
Gerard Leckey:

I'm glad that GREATNESS has been taken care of.
Johnny Sixx:

Dude needs a chromium bitch!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
Jason from Houston:

[bows head but with one eye open]
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People Like Us:

I seem to recall being told he did a trial for a radio slot on fmu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 5:09pm
Wild Neil||Peace All:

Sean Landers did the trial slot @People Like Us?
Avatar 5:09pm
People Like Us:

he tried out for a radio show
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Brian in New Orleans:

Lander's animal paintings are pretty funny
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tim from washington:

Hmmm...very little to be found on Sean Landers but rumor has it (from PLU) that he tried out for WFMU. It's gotta be budding Bodenheim for sure.
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Brian in New Orleans:

same Landers?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

You think Vicki Bennett creates her own palette ?
...We can only imagine his Vision...
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People Like Us:

I love that Landers track - have only heard one other audio thing by him - both through Kenny G
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tim from washington:

While I appreciated Sean Landers' honest self reflection, I thing Lou Reed's "A Gift" captures the humility of being an artist much better.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...he likes Bunns I'm in :
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

hey fablio. good sounds. well, some are bad but that makes them good.

Is she saying a putty cat?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:16pm

i thought she said 'a SOUP can....a SOUP can.'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm

you have frightened my spouse away
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What about a compromise 'a Soupy cat...a Soupy cat'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Soup - like Warhol...
Thx chresti
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tim from washington:

Good sleuthing, chresti. Thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...it was the 1960s - & he had a lot of soupy sales...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:25pm

A trial? Was he found guilty of being awesome?
Miss G:

*whew* The "hits" just keep on comin and I ain't talkin bout music. What a day! Thank goodness for the archive to hear this show. Thank you DJ Fabio and everyone have a great weekend!

I always wondered how Campbell's felt about Warhol making money off their brand name.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Bas NL:

@Pax: Just that story! www.phaidon.com...

Unless it helped boost their sales, then I'm guessing they felt great about it.
Avatar 5:37pm

OK, an MF'er of a day here. Government fiscal close and it's kicking my ass. Cranking the drone music helps the office drone ...
Avatar 5:42pm
People Like Us:

Agents of Impurity was curated by Kenny G, btw
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
tim from washington:

That makes sense, People Like Us. There's quite a few FMU favorites on that comp.

Wake In Fright!!!
Avatar 5:45pm
People Like Us:

curated for the now gone Sonic Arts Network. Irwin curated one too, as did I

@Bas NL: ah, I see, so there was a mutual cooperation where they profited from Warhol's work in the long run. Thank's


John Scott interview, including Wake In Fright
Avatar 5:51pm

How would one locate Agents of Impurity, People Like Us?
The other Kenny G messes everything up.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:51pm
Summer and Michael and Sylvia:

Great stuff, as ever, Fabio!

Crap, sorry Bas NL, I was ? By mistake
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chris in the redwoods:

grazie, Fabio!
take good care, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm

If you are looking for love....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

ahhh great show, thanks
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i think 'how i met your mother' used mother of pearl. weird for a show like that but i guess they were looking for street cred.
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Wild Neil||Peace All:

Frenemas sounded kinda like Interpol mixed in with....Roxy Music. Brilliant transition!
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Bas NL:

I got it @Pax! :)

Thanks Fabio! Great selection!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Here's an excerpt from a court case that was about the Rights of Publicity: "...The court looked to whether the new work was "transformative" of the old. If a work "adds something new, with a further purpose or different character, altering the first with new expression, meaning or message," then it is sufficiently transformative to garner its own protection."
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tim from washington:

Oh man. Roxy Music is so great!

Thank you all
the lonely phillip:

Great show as always

father of 🍎 apple
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Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

thanks for the show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Fabio ~
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Glad to have been here today. Ciao everyone!

Thank you Fabio!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
tim from washington:

Thank you, Fabio! Ole! Ole! Ole!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

when friends give enemas.
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Le corps défunt de l'artiste et de mon ami Christophe Vailati a été tragiquement découvert par les pompiers dans son appartement , quelques semaines après sa mort , une amie à lui commençant à se faire du soucis de ne plus le voir depuis trop de temps . Il avait 56 ans . Depuis une trentaine d'années , il habitait la ville de Saint-Etienne en France . Christophe a toujours été très actif et présent dans le milieu associatif artistique de cette ville pendant toutes ces années . Je l'ai côtoyé et apprécié quasiment dès le tout début de son arrivée à Saint-Etienne . A l'époque , après ses études aux Beaux-Arts de Lyon , il avait trouvé à louer un vaste et vieux atelier en sheds où il concevait de grandes sculptures couchées en plaques d'acier découpées et soudées entre elles et organisait des expositions et des concerts . C'était un lieu underground avant-gardiste incontournable de la ville ( le groupe grenoblois Etant Donnés y avait joué ainsi que beaucoup d'autres ) . Malheureusement , le sort de son atelier tourna court , la mairie de la ville ayant décidé de le raser pour réaliser des projets immobiliers plus lucratifs . Christophe s'est donc replié dans son petit appartement situé en centre ville . Finies les organisations d'expositions et de concerts ! Finie la sculpture ! Mais du coup , c'est peut-être à partir de là que peut-être tout a commençé pour lui . En effet , délaissant la sculpture , il s'est mis petit à petit à travailler avec différents types de papier , des encres , des colorants alimentaires , des liquides de toutes sortes , il faisait plus ou moins tremper ou surnager ces papiers dans des bacs en plastique plus ou moins remplis de ces mélanges de liquides divers et variés , et observait la réaction qui s'y déroulait , laissant libre cours au temps , à la réaction chimique qui peu à peu évoluait , déplaçant parfois le papier pour espérer arriver à une forme qui lui parle . Travail très expérimental , alchimique où l'aléatoire , l'inconnu avaient une grande place même si Christophe opérait malgré tout des choix pour orienter le dessin , la forme, les couleurs vers une direction ou une autre . Ce qui m'a le plus intéressé dans le travail créatif de mon ami , c'est ce qui est venu par la suite . Depuis une dizaine d'années , il a plus au moins délaissé les trempages , y revenant juste de temps en temps , et s'est lançé dans le dessin pur , dessins réalisés dans toutes sortes de carnets de différents formats . Dessins réalisés à l'encre ou aux feutres , notamment des feutres nouvelles générations dont il explorait des possibilités plastiques vraiment étonnantes . De multiples carnets et cahiers bien remplis , contenant des oeuvres abstraites ou figuratives étonnantes . Sa démarche était de ne produire aucun repentir , il opérait quand il le sentait et uniquement quand il le sentait , cela pouvait juste se limiter à quelques traits , une forme , un aplat ,rajoutés à un dessin préalablement commençé .

Fabio Great finish, Thanks 4 the music. Everyone stay safe and be well

TY Fab's, see everyone else eventually. Later all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Time for lemonade and mac 'n cheese. Now I'm having signal problems.

what a goofy song
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:00pm

Thanks Fabio!
Avatar 6:00pm

i will post the suite in another comment . Thanks Fabio and listeners .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm
The Count of Al Dente:

Thanks Foutracbaldisco.
Avatar 7:33pm

Il avait toujours beaucoup de dessins en cours , qu'il gardait bien en mémoire notamment en feuilletant assez souvent ses carnets pour ne pas perdre le fil. Il intervenait sur l'un ou l'autre quand la nécessité se faisait pressante , en ayant j'imagine comme des sortes de flashs , des fulgurances . A chaque élément rajouté , il notait la date de l' intervention dans un coin de la page , ainsi sur certaines oeuvres terminées , il pouvait y avoir parfois plus de cinq dates différentes inscrites en petit dans un ordre chronologique les unes au dessus des autres . Il y avait je crois une certaine approche mystique dans cette façon de procéder , une forme d'ascèse . Tu es parti trop tôt , tu avais encore beaucoup à dire et à créer mais le destin en a voulu autrement .Repose en paix Christophe
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