Favoriting The Frow Show with Jesse Jarnow: Playlist from February 15, 2021 Favoriting

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Grand pianos in the surf, singing frogs, hyphenated psych, outtakes, live collaging, twangy drone, old folk, and ephemeral pop.

Tuesday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 15, 2021: baby drums.

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
          baby drummers for Milford Graves, via YouTube  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Milford Graves  Nothing 13   Favoriting Percussion Ensemble with Sunny Morgan  ESP-Disk'  1965  Milford Graves, 1941-2021. https://milfordgraves.bandcamp.com/album/percussion-ensemble  0:02:31 (Pop-up)
Greg Fox  Dance Performance   Favoriting Mitral Transmission  Data Garden  2014  https://gregfox.bandcamp.com/album/mitral-transmission  0:06:53 (Pop-up)
Matmos  Circle of Shivers   Favoriting The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises in Group Form  Thrill Jockey  2020  https://matmos.bandcamp.com/album/the-consuming-flame-open-exercises-in-group-form  0:21:40 (Pop-up)
JD Emmanuel  Sunrise On A Tibetan Hillside   Favoriting Echoes From Ancient Caves  Sun Ark  1981/2021  https://sunarkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/echoes-from-ancient-caves  0:24:57 (Pop-up)
Van Dyke Parks  Souvenir de la Havan   Favoriting Reflective: A Dublab Covers Compilation  Dublab  2015  https://dublab.bandcamp.com/album/reflective-a-dublab-covers-compilation  0:29:56 (Pop-up)
Tom Zé  Silêncio de Nós Dois   Favoriting Raridades  Warner Music Brazil  1971/2020    0:32:16 (Pop-up)
The Premiers  When You Are In Love   Favoriting When You Are In Love 7"  Fortune  1957  feat. Alice McLeod/Coltrane on keys  0:35:23 (Pop-up)
Lester Young And His Orchestra  A Foggy Day   Favoriting A Foggy Day  Clef  1953  happy Presidents Day!  0:38:28 (Pop-up)
Jiving Juniors  Sweet As An Angel   Favoriting If I Had A Pair Of Wings: Jamaican Doo Wop, Vol. 3  Death Is Not the End  1960/2020  https://deathisnot.bandcamp.com/album/if-i-had-a-pair-of-wings-jamaican-doo-wop-vol-3  0:41:17 (Pop-up)
The Supremes  All I Want   Favoriting Produced and Arranged by Jimmy Webb  Motown  1972  Mary Wilson, 1944-2021.  0:53:02 (Pop-up)
Matt Sweeney & Bonnie "Prince" Billy  Hall of Death   Favoriting Superwolves  Drag City  2021  https://mattsweeneybonnieprincebilly.bandcamp.com/album/superwolves  0:56:27 (Pop-up)
Steven  Room Full of Mirrors   Favoriting Steven Does Hendrix  (no label)  198?  https://archive.org/details/04-steven-who-knows  1:00:01 (Pop-up)
L-Seven  No One   Favoriting L-Seven  Third Man  1980?/2020    1:03:46 (Pop-up)
Akiko Yano  Rose Garden   Favoriting Tadaima  Japan Record  1981    1:06:48 (Pop-up)
David Byrne  Puzzlin' Evidence   Favoriting True Stories demos  (no label)  1986    1:10:28 (Pop-up)
Dougie Poole  Toshiba Sky   Favoriting Toshiba Sky  Looking Glass  2020  https://dougiepoole.bandcamp.com/track/toshiba-sky  1:15:05 (Pop-up)
Rose City Band  Lonely Places   Favoriting Earth Trip  Thrill Jockey  2021  https://rosecityband.bandcamp.com/album/earth-trip  1:18:08 (Pop-up)
The Moving Pictures  Loved Ones   Favoriting Fake Books  K  2021  https://mov-pix.bandcamp.com/album/fake-books  1:21:55 (Pop-up)
Wet Tuna  Walk On   Favoriting Eau'd To A Fake Bookie Vol. 3  (no label)  2020  https://wettuna.bandcamp.com/album/eaud-to-a-fake-bookie-volume-3  1:26:09 (Pop-up)
Mark and Suzann Farmer  I'll Remind You (Who You Are)   Favoriting We've Been There  Numero Group  1978/2021  https://fromthestacks.bandcamp.com/album/we-ve-been-there  1:41:57 (Pop-up)
Dida & Ssaliva  Cave Puzzle   Favoriting BRICOL  Van Dank  2021  https://vandank.bandcamp.com/album/dida-ssaliva-bricol  1:52:21 (Pop-up)
Gil Trythall  Harper Valley P.T.A.   Favoriting Country Moog (Switched on Nashville)  Athena  1972    1:53:46 (Pop-up)
Toiret Status  #70   Favoriting surf000  Surf  2020  https://surf.bandcamp.com/album/surf000-2  1:56:29 (Pop-up)
Fuuka ASMR  Silky 9   Favoriting Hyperpop 2 (Part 2)  HRR  2021  https://hrrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/hyperpop-2-part-2  1:59:11 (Pop-up)
Simon Chioini  Réservoir III   Favoriting Climat Avenir  Anòmia  2021  https://anomia-prod.bandcamp.com/album/climat-avenir  2:01:41 (Pop-up)
Tomoko Kina  Ink   Favoriting Heisei No Oto - Japanese Left-field Pop From The CD Age (1989-1996)  Music From Memory  199?/2021    2:06:50 (Pop-up)
Kendra Amalie  Haunted My House   Favoriting 2008-2014  (no label)  2021  https://soundcloud.com/kendraplex/sets/2008-2014a  2:12:22 (Pop-up)
Collin Walcott/John Abercrombie/Dave Holland  Night Glider   Favoriting 19 January 1976 Village Gate, NYC  (no label)  1976    2:16:45 (Pop-up)
Ralph Towner & Gary Burton  Goodbye Pork Pie Hat (Theme For Lester Young)   Favoriting Match Book  ECM  1975  happy Presidents Day, continued!  2:25:54 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Wood & Bob Dylan  King of Kings   Favoriting Not For Beginners  Steamhammer  2001    2:30:11 (Pop-up)
Circle  Quartet Piece no. 2   Favoriting Circulus  Blue Note  1970/1978  Chick Corea, 1941-2021.  2:42:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Frowdy doody.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

How de frows!

Frow now, brown cow?
Avatar 9:04pm

How-do DJ Jesse, skeleton Scott, and the Showed-up.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

All showered and showed.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

Present and hello at this late hour
Avatar 9:07pm

good evening, Jesse and Skeletons and Frowsters!
hope everyone is staying warm and safe, it is crazy cold ICE-Y out there!
Rest in MAGNIFICENCE, Milford Graves
vlad the inhaler:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Jesse Jarnow:

callooh callay, radio friends.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I say, is this the right bus to Frow Town?
bob dublon:

i was a drummer with the band Plasticland..milford graves ...what a loss 😣
J Gilla:

Hello from a volcano

so satisfying

Greg Fox is such an ethereal being
Avatar 9:19pm

I fall in love on FMU every five minutes.
Avatar 9:24pm

That G. Fox sounded like a koto, or the Chinese instrument ___? maybe..

🎼Frow frow frow your boat gently down the show, Merrily merrily merrily, life is but a frow show♪.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

“No day comes back again:
One inch of time is worth
A foot of jade.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

s/o to my friends at the ICA Philadelphia who pulled off what appeared to be a beautiful exhibition of Milford Graves life & work just before he passed away
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Ha Kpx!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Hello, Jesse and everyone! Long live Milford Graves...in music & memory!
Avatar 9:30pm

Sunrise On A Tibetan Hillside -- SO BEAUTIFUL!!!
Avatar 9:32pm

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more poignant. I'm wrapping this show around my shoulders like a giant love slug.

Yo Chresti: \\//are you still brushing them up with crest?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm

\\//heh, colgate actually.

If it isn't there Groove man himself TDK 60.[oo]

Dang! 'THE' Groove man himself.
Avatar 9:41pm

heya Mr. Pumpy! hope all is well with you!
heat FINALLY got fixed & came back on this afternoon . . . then power went out about two hours ago, hah! (just came back on a little while ago)
and yeah, Milford Graves -- a true creator
(& wracking my brain, trying to figure out if i have somehow crossed paths with him at some point??? not just the music, but the martial arts, herbalism, paintings, etc.)

if I were president, I would give every single FMU DJ and volunteer a Medal of Freedom
Avatar 9:43pm

Hi there, kpx. Rumor round town is that it is indeed in the groove, man.

Get back on the bus Ken, we don't want no high and mighty folk from Hyde Park Here in Frow town. Just kidding of course, it's my first time here. I think I might be lost, when's the next bus to funky Town?

Greetings Jesse and Frow Crowd. Thanks for the excellent Presidents Day tweet about The Prez himself.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

I'm snapping my fingers like a beatnik in approval of that first setlist since chat doesn't support video.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

Hey JJ, Crew, friends! Lurking and working. Just found this fascinating article on Kim Novak. I didn't even know she was still alive. Look at her artwok though, they're definitely not Dubya's paintings of dogs: www.theguardian.com...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

Good night. Happy Presidents day! Good Free’K lore on wake today! The Pidge sends warm greetings!!

Baby, whoooze your favorite president
“...we shall do our part to build a world of peace...Confident and unafraid, we go on...”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm

'Night, PaulRobeson.
Avatar 9:51pm

For anyone in New Orleans on a nice weather Sunday afternoon, Congo Square is the place to be if you want a chance at seeing babies jamming on the drums.
Avatar 9:51pm

At least that's what happened to me.
Avatar 9:53pm

Happy Family Day and Louis Riel Day as well everyone :) en.wikipedia.org...

@paulRobeson: Right on Man, Right On!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

This is good post-Diana Supremes. RIP MW.
Avatar 9:58pm

good night, PaulRobeson1920!

I'll check that site out Mariano, but I better not see a couple of dogs and a man in a row boat, where one dog's going one way, and another dog is going the other way. And the guys sitting there looking like what do you want from me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm

ifny: I'm in New Orleans, but this week at least my ass is staying in, brrrr ;) In the 18th and 19th centuries, Congo Square was a place where free and enslaved people of color were allowed to play their traditional music and socialize on Sundays, so it's seen as the cradle of NOLA music, and by extension much of American music. i.pinimg.com...

Kpx: With the guy who looks like somebody we know?

of course that 'vaxnyc.nyc.gov' site has to repeatedly crash when I try to load it

er. 'vax4nyc'

it's some dumbass certificate issue
Avatar 10:13pm

Hey Jesse and regulars.

Milford finally ran out of beats. A life well lived and I'm grateful to have been in the same room as him a few times and and felt his energy. Respect DJ and Rest in Beats MG.
Avatar 10:14pm

@mariano -- WOW had no idea that Kim Novak is this incredible painter! really digging her art -- and her ATTITUDE! amazing lady :) -- thank you!
and geez you still have no heat??? freaking ICE STORMS here -- but thankfully heat finally came back on this afternoon
Avatar 10:14pm

@mariano Yes indeed, it is a special place with an important history. The Sundays are put on by the Congo Square Preservation Society www.congosquarepreservationsociety.org... The day I was there there was a Santeria ceremony, a drum circle with babies and adults, and a story/banjo tribute to Buddy Bolden <3 Then the banjo player and I played costume-no costume.
Avatar 10:15pm

@kpx -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA one dog goes this way, the other dog goes that way :)
Avatar 10:19pm

I remember one of the kids fell asleep drumming while we all just carried on. So special. I got there a bit late -- had just come from hours in searching multiple cemeteries for Buddy Bolden's grave. Not complaining, the search was held meaning and beauty in and of itself. And found him eventually. Now it's much easier to find as people have put up a big individual tombstone right at the cemetery entrance.
Avatar 10:24pm

was listening in bed, had to get up again. great set

With a band name like this you would expect a Rush tribute
Avatar 10:27pm

I want a poster saying 'Wet Tuna opening for Captain Beefheart'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

slugluv: Still? I've never had heat in my apartment, it's an old place. Central air/heat is pretty standard here, but not in my old building. My hood has barely left my head, and I've been under my comforter with a space heater 80% of the time.

ifny: Sounds like quite the adventure! It's a great city for that type of quest. There's a Bolden biopic that came out last year, it's really interesting: www.youtube.com... And apparently available for free on Tubi: tubitv.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm

Sweaty bum-cracks in Sydney, steamy.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:31pm

Sydney is having the opposite of a polar vortex, sounds like.

Okay I'm back, definitely no dogs or white hair old man there Mariano. There was a lot to read so I gave it a quick run through. Wow, who knew any of that about kim Novak. 88 and still going strong. She had a lot of trials and tribulations growing up. And you were right about her paintings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm

Feb always steam month here, summer with a dash of monsoon
Avatar 10:33pm

@mariano -- yeah, heat fixed & came back on this afternoon -- but power went out for about 2 hours, around 7:30pm -- what fun!
and yow! no heat at all, not even radiators? or was it just assumed that New Orleans would never get that cold?
Avatar 10:36pm

@mariano Thank you!!!! I hadn't heard about the biopic. You are right about quests. It was a really hard town to leave, I miss it a lot. I hope everyone down there is making it through okay. I haven't listened to WWOZ lately but I will check in there soon.
Avatar 10:38pm

Reminds a bit of that Gratitude Mortuary style.

This wet tuna is sounding a bit grateful deadish.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:40pm

wet tuna's drummer is more emotionally/rhythmically stable than the dead's rhythm section, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

Took me a while to hear this Wet Tuna as a Neil cover.
Avatar 10:42pm

@ifny, @mariano -- Congo Square looks/sounds AMAZING! one can still find drum/similar gatherings in NYC area -- Marcus Garvey Park, Central Park, some of the smaller parks -- but not as plentiful as years ago . . . on the other hand, the recently *fancy* Grove Street area in Jersey City has these festivals in the Summer (well, during "normal" Summers!) -- and i was SO HAPPY to see Segunda Quimbamba performing there a couple of years ago, and thrilled to learn that they are still thriving in JC :)
Avatar 10:42pm

wet wet tuna
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:43pm

slugluv: It occasionally gets this cold here, but rarely for this long. It even snows from time to time. North Louisiana got a nice blanket. A friend sent me a pic from Monroe. Glad your power and heat are back, it's a good bit colder up by you. Right now it's 28 (-2C), high tomorrow of 40, but a high of 60 on Wednesday. Then Highs in the high 40s again. Kind of glad it's this cold though since Carnival/Mardi Gras was canceled.

ifny: Yeah, everyone's hanging in there like everyone else. We haven't had any anti-mask drama or anything like that, thankfully.
Avatar 10:50pm

@mariano I'm glad. NOLA carries precious cargo.
admiral crisp:

Wake listener here. Love your show! I should be sleeping but you’re playing too good of music to turn it my off
Avatar 10:53pm

@sluglu Drum circles are fun. There are some great par;
/ beachfront drum circles on the West Coast too, but I wouldn't call Congo Square Sundays a drum circle example. They're in a class of its own, and not a free-join jam per se, unless you are invited to play. It feels more like an invocation and invitation to the ancestors, and the future.
Avatar 10:53pm

Thanks Jesse, skeleton, all. Off to the fields of sleep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm

ifny: Thanks, yeah, quite a legacy to preserve. People here are really invested in the preservation though, thankfully.

'Night, TDK60.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:54pm

'Night, TDK60.
Avatar 10:54pm

Avatar 10:55pm

@mariano thanks for bringing some personally profound memories back to top of mind for me.
Avatar 10:55pm

@Jesse and company: Enjoyed the show and chatorama immensely, thank you so much!

I have a pressing question, what do you set your iron on when pressing a polyester cotton blend. And should I use steam.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:56pm

I think it's low iron for polyester.

Enjoyed this show immensely
Avatar 10:57pm

You can put a teatowel on top if you are worried. Steam is fine.
Avatar 10:58pm

@chresti we may have been had, but just in case hey? :P
Avatar 10:58pm

@mariano -- YIKES! it is actually "warmer" here, a whopping 34º -- yeah i hope it does not stay that cold for too long! saw news clips earlier of Texas, Tennessee -- both got hit pretty hard too
and i WISH i could remember this, but when my family lived in Atlanta (1960 to 1962/3 i think? my younger sister was born there in '62) there was a HUGE snowstorm, my Mom told me that the city really did not know what to do, they had to get snow plows sent down from NYC, etc. . . . i have old photos, though, of our German Shepherd leaping and frolicking in all that snow!
Avatar 11:00pm

i once was caught in a blizzard when i was a teenager down in Vienna VA. my late uncle and i must have shoveled over 4 feet of snow. i am Forty Six now. these soundscapes are opening my brain receptors.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:02pm

What PortsmouthJay said. Thank you Jesse and crew.
Ha ifny, I can't remember the last time I ironed anything-probably an iron-on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm

At your soivice, ifny ;)

slugluv: Yeah, it's supposed to be the worst winter in generations not just here but for the whole country.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm

thanks @PortsmouthJay & @chresti. i'm pretty iron deficient & perpetually ruffled, sorry!
Avatar 11:04pm

@chresti Me either haha. I guess it's like riding a bike. Or an iron horse.
Avatar 11:04pm

this track is definitely something Thom Yorke would consider remixing.
Avatar 11:04pm

@jj Not to mention that you're on a roll!

@ifny/Chresti: thanks, I'll remember that if I actually ever get an iron and an ironing board.
Avatar 11:07pm

My motto is, if they don't love me wrinkled, they probably didn't love me much in the first place.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:08pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I bought an iron a few years ago and to my recollection, the only time I've ever used it was to apply patches to some pants.
Avatar 11:08pm

But then I wear play clothes most of the time. I do make a stink about lint, but then that's because most of my wardrobe is black and the world refuses to follow suit.
Avatar 11:10pm

I also tend to cut collars off if they refuse to sit evenly au natural.
Avatar 11:10pm

@ifny -- true! yes there are drum circles all over the place -- the gatherings i am remembering are in public, but not just anyone can jump in
Avatar 11:10pm

This Tomoko Kina piece is luxurious.
Avatar 11:11pm

Ah gotcha. I'll keep my sticks to myself :)
Avatar 11:12pm

holy crap just hearing that the power outage in Hoboken was due to some explosion further uptown -- ???
and Johnny Pacheco is gone :(
Avatar 11:12pm

good night, TDK60!
Avatar 11:13pm

do u remember a fellow named Joseph Phillips from Hyde Park?
Avatar 11:15pm

Oh dear, RIP Johnny Pacheco!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

No, sorry. Does not ring a bell.
Avatar 11:17pm

@ifny -- oh i can so *relate* re: EVIL LINT! or more accurately, CAT HAIR! i wear mostly black clothing, and OF COURSE any cat who has lived with me just LOVES to waltz all over my stuff
Avatar 11:17pm

i was college classmates with him. he was affected with Tourettes syndrome.
Avatar 11:19pm

@sluglu I recommend black cats.
Avatar 11:19pm

i'd like the link to Kim Novak's art paintings. thanx. stay safe now.
Avatar 11:19pm

@ifny -- more like invocations, as you describe -- but, friends have been invited :)
Avatar 11:20pm

@ifny -- hahahahaha somehow the black cats' hair shows up the MOST, it is like . . . they KNOW!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:28pm

Ohhh, I love "Pork Pie Hat"! Haven't heard it in ages, love hearing it on vibes too, one of my favorite instruments.
Avatar 11:28pm

Hmmm I suspect they want you all to themselves. Human-hoarding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm

anomalee: You talking about this link? www.theguardian.com... She also has a site: www.kimnovakartist.com

I seem to have a vague memory of putting on a freshly iron shirt. The fresh smell and the warm felling of it.that was sweet!.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm

Putting on an iron shirt is also great for chasing the devil out of Earth ;)
Avatar 11:35pm

Yes ironed clothes smell fabulous. But I wonder if it's the same reason that clothes hung in the sun smell fabulous -- because all the little micro-critters are freshly cooked.
Avatar 11:36pm

I only have a laundry line so get to enjoy the scent of freshly cooked micro-critters all summer long.

I haven't heard that one before, but I'm all done with chasing the doovil out.


Crap, take two. I'm all DOWN with chasing the doovil out!

Have you ever heard of this one, when there's a sunshower that means the devil's beating his wife. Don't know why that is? but I've heard it.
Avatar 11:47pm

thanx M.

Kim is a very courageous woman. her style of art is wholly her own. i never realized she never had any children. i can relate to mental illness. i've had my share of tribulations.
Avatar 11:57pm

That's terrible @Kpx
Avatar 11:57pm

Thanks Double J and SW!
Avatar 11:57pm

In Japan a sunshower means the foxes are having their weddings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Kpx: It's a reggae song by Max Romeo, look it up, real classic.

Thanks, JJ and Crew, bye everyone!
Avatar 11:57pm

Thank you everyone! Happy ironing!
Avatar 11:59pm

Thanx Frowsters. it's been a whole another place, time, space, and dimension.
Avatar 11:59pm

thanks so much, Jesse and Skeletons, for another fantastic beautiful nourishing show!
be well, everyone -- stay warm, stay safe!!!

Thanks Jesse!
Avatar 12:00am

Avatar 12:00am

YES i like the Japan take on sun showers -- FOXES! <3
Avatar 12:05am

Oyasumi nasai, mina-san!
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