Favoriting If You Lose Your Horse with Sam Segal: Playlist from December 30, 2020 Favoriting

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Wednesday 10pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting December 30, 2020: Will He Later Hallucinate His Horse?

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Charles Mingus  Free Cell Block F, 'Tis Nazi U.S.A.   Favoriting At Bremen 1964 & 1975  Sunnyside  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sonny Rollins  Love Walked In   Favoriting Rollins in Holland  Resonance  0:09:33 (Pop-up)
Puppet  Television   Favoriting 傀儡自选 Selected Works(1995​-​2014)  Old Heaven Books  0:26:17 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Libyan Reggae   Favoriting YouTube to MP3: Streaming Only Oddities Now on CD! (IYLYH 2019 DJ Premium)    0:31:32 (Pop-up)
Beres Hammond  Rock Away   Favoriting Down In Jamaica: 40 Years of VP Records  VP  0:35:22 (Pop-up)
Espião  Cada Um, Cada Um   Favoriting Daora: Underground Sounds of Urban Brasil  Mais Um  0:39:25 (Pop-up)
Babau  Into the Glassy Surface   Favoriting Exotic Ésotérique Vol​​.​​3  Artetetra  0:45:04 (Pop-up)
Four Tet  0000 871 0016   Favoriting 871  Self-Released  0:50:18 (Pop-up)
silentobserver  DRAMA WORLD DON'T DO ME BABY DON'T STOP   Favoriting 4 BOXES OF TAPE  Self-Released  0:52:46 (Pop-up)
Kurt Buttigieg  Unfolding #2 (Confiance en moi)   Favoriting Unfolding  Self-Released  0:54:55 (Pop-up)
Mio Takaki  射程距離 (Shooting Distance)   Favoriting New-Tant  Canyon  1:02:19 (Pop-up)
Rob Mazurek & Exploding Star Orchestra  Parable 3000 (We All Come From Somewhere Else)   Favoriting Dimensional Stardust  International Anthem  1:14:41 (Pop-up)
Trevor Watts  Alatopa Take 2   Favoriting A World View  Fundacja Słuchaj  1:19:19 (Pop-up)
George Lewis  With Douglas Ewart and Derek Bailey   Favoriting Rainbow Family  Carrier  1:26:13 (Pop-up)
PAZ  Solar Wind   Favoriting Ron Mathewson Memorial  Jazz in Britain  1:35:08 (Pop-up)
The Claudia Quintet  September 25th: Somber Blanket   Favoriting September  Cuneiform  1:41:20 (Pop-up)
Moskus  Ville Vesten   Favoriting Salmesykkel  Hubro  1:47:31 (Pop-up)
Keith Jarrett / Gary Peacock / Jack DeJohnette  It's Easy to Remember   Favoriting Tribute  ECM  1:52:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


would be nice to see the playlist..enjoying the program
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

Hi Sam and horse hallucinations!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:01pm

This is the playlist for the program starting now. How you found the previous playlist. It's still there.
Avatar 10:04pm

Hi gang, I don't wanna barge in. Nice to be here
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:04pm
Sam Segal:

Welcome, Chresti, WR, Pie, and Shelley (if you are still here)!
Avatar 10:06pm

what if you lost your horse on.....acid????
Avatar 10:07pm

Mingus - check, awesome title - check! clicky star - check!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm
Sam Segal:

The trip would end but the horse would stay gone, NGH!
Avatar 10:12pm

I often comment from my parents cabin where I am allowed to reside because "I got no place else to go". There is a picture of it in my bio if anyone is curious!
It was taken tonight as we were star gazing and contemplating the mysteries and wonders! Much like the advisory warning for this show lived out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Sam Segal:

Any good pie joints near that cabin, Pie?
Avatar 10:18pm

No you need to go to Two Harbor, north of Duluth and Betty's Pie's to a small joint that is famous. Might I recommend the Carrot cake if you do find this place.
Avatar 10:19pm

Maybe it looks like this, Sam, but hopefully Pie stays away from the Black Lodge: imgflip.com...
Avatar 10:20pm

(My FB profile has the Black Lodge as it's background).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:20pm

Don't have to guess where today's playlist photo was taken. It is written on the post office sign. I'm curious if that is really a zip code on the sign. When were zip codes introduced compared to when the photo was taken?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:21pm

Good recommendation Pie, will bookmark that.
Avatar 10:27pm

Rustic Inn Cafe- Carrot cake has coconut shavings in it and was the best i've ever had. I have an anecdote of why I know this but.. not anymore.. it involved work a colleague who had had better. ;)

I liked that picture NGH it was fitting for my short experience of being a fly by night auditor of the north woods.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Sam Segal:

I can backup Chris's suggestion. I've been to Betty's Pies too. Had some incredible blackberry peach pie, if I remember correctly. Great spot!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:30pm

Nice cabin, Pie.
Avatar 10:30pm

I've been outted nobody is safe. Run!

"our house, in the middle of our street"
Avatar 10:31pm

Chris Farrell's my name. I'm Sam's associate from high school.

"my colleagues and associates have kicked out all the lights"

Thanks Chresti <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Sam Segal:

We go back further than high school, Pie Chris!
Avatar 10:35pm

The Madness quote "our house, in the middle of our street" is related to a gent I played baseball with in "gopher state" Minnetonka's version of "little league" but are different organizations with different rules.

We were allowed to choose the names on our jersey's and his name was pie. He used to sing that song.

Its a catchy tune. David Byrne's passion project?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:35pm

Here's the rabbit hole that photo led me to..
Avatar 10:36pm

We go all the way back to the days of hammerin hank and the rugrat and rabble rouser days. Days of old! like this song <3

Avatar 🥁 10:37pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

My favorite part of the wikipedia article on ZIP Codes:
"Robert Moon is considered the father of the ZIP Code; he submitted his proposal in 1944 while working as a postal inspector. The post office only credits Moon with the first three digits of the ZIP Code"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38pm
Sam Segal:

Kenzo! Glad to have you here.
Avatar 10:39pm

Moon helped create Zippy the postman (way before my time).
Avatar 10:41pm

Thanks for that Kenzo.. thats fascinating and something I would never have inquired about. Its very "innocous"?

Chresti- that flickr page is lit lol.. I like the one with the miner with the profile in a red helmet
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:42pm

greetings Sam, imaginary horse and imaginary stablemates
Avatar 10:43pm

Kenzo, why are my comments leaving a return space before the text, is it my browser? It started 10 days ago...
Avatar 10:44pm

Still holding on to my baile funk (braziliano) rekkids, for now...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:45pm
Sam Segal:

Welcome, Very Real Coel!
Avatar 10:47pm

This Babau reminds me of Jon Hassel's Fourth World projects (including Eno).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49pm
Sam Segal:

Funny you should say that, NGH, because the label had the audacity to tag this album as "Fifth World" on Bandcamp.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:49pm

it's a little like that ..."over...burundi..."? song?
Avatar 10:50pm

ok, obviously an inspiration....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm

no, i think it's "rising thermal" - the last song on side a
Avatar 10:53pm

kieran hebden!
Avatar 10:54pm

"Hey! Make sure Deloitte checks for his fob before he heads out. I don't trust these mountains just as much as they don't trust me"

Deloitte (the original) is considered the father or founder of auditing. It was designed based around rail roads. A fob is part of a pocket watch which have a history with railworkers. I believe if you worked for the railways long enough you were awarded a fob and pocket watch. Glendale Train, a classic country song, echoes sentiments of these times.

The quote is sort of a pun because auditing is essentially attesting to accuracy and relieving the burden of doubts of fraud or error.
Avatar 10:55pm

I like to think of Deloitte as a "city slicker" who entered and was eventually accepted by the "working class" of the railways.
Avatar 🥁 10:57pm
Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

@ngh, send me a screenshot and your browser details. I don't see anything weird in my browsers.
Avatar 11:03pm

I would look at it myself, but I have shitty hotel internet, or have been using my iphone hotdpot. If the internet improves, I'll send the wfmu code via the browser I'm using (unless that's too much info).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:04pm

Thank you for the Flickr link chresti. I've long followed the library of congress on Flickr, have seen some remarkable photos.
Avatar 11:05pm

I organize all of my books by Library of Congress numbers....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:06pm

Good evening savvy listeners, and also perplexed wanderers bereft of horse, like myself. And of course, hello Sam.
Avatar 11:06pm

@Sam- <3 the music
@WR- Thats amazing.
@Chresti- Thanks again
@NGH- i like that
@coel- hello
Avatar 11:08pm

Has anyone seen Errol Morris's documentary on Vernon FL?

There is a great scene in it about the relationship between a "1 track mind" and "4 track mind"

wikipedia says Mio Takaki's single released july 1982 was a hit. it selled 800,000 copies
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

My partner says 射程距離 is translated as shooting distance. Yes. As with a firearm.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:11pm

I have seen Vernon FLA, Pie, but being old enough to have an 8-track tape mind, I can't remember the details.
Avatar 11:11pm

I can't read Kanji outside of place names....

Is Kurt related to Mayor Pete?
Avatar 11:15pm

but, I believe it means the range of gun, as a metaphor, to a target... (my Japanese sucks, but I've been watching japanese movies and series lately).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:15pm
Sam Segal:

Welcome to the chat, String and Marabouto!
Chris Farrell:

@stringofperils- nice

My computer froze so I went to my phone.

@stringofperils- when I thought of my response to your response to my question. It seemed wet, real, and visceral. When I typed if after the shift it seemed dry, unleavened, and bare.
Avatar 11:16pm

well, my brain was slow, WR beat me to it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm
Sam Segal:

I wondered whether Kurt was related to our incoming Transportation Secretary as well...I know Pete's father was from Malta. Could be a common name there, perhaps?
Avatar 11:17pm

I keep on losing the stream, and can't type comments....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm
Sam Segal:

Thank you and your partner for the help, WR!
Avatar 11:19pm

(there's still part of my 13-year old brain inside me, when I left Japan and was almost fluent in Japanese).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:21pm

That was pretty good reading NGH. I had thought about trying to figure it out but only 40 minutes left in the show and I'm so slow. So I just asked.
Chris Farrell:

Range and distance could be golf related and Pebble Beach in Monterey had Japanese roots. So I thought about how stoic some of the Japanese golfers looked when my parents brought me there (I got to go twice which was cool).

The shooting thing is a blank for me, I could see them enjoying trap and skeet though. Not sure about hunting for their culture (sport or food).

I’m slow lol.

In Russian Revolution (I watched that last night on Netflix, I knew very little if anything about Russia) they talked about the fierceness of the Japanese soldier (they referred to a guard who was stabbed in the head and proceeded to smoke a cigarette).
Avatar 11:22pm

Don't worry, WR, when some spanish slang comes up I don't understand, I text her and then post it here (but I credit her).
Avatar 11:25pm

Chris: There was a skeet range next to golf course on our navy base. Me and my friends would chill there before dark, before laser tag on the golf course at dark (we would jump the barbed wire fence if the shore patrol came by)
Chris Farrell:

I did a joke tweet (because it did have some pretty extreme stuff being discussed about like revolts and stuff, all very confusing and I’m a sensitive viewer) thatVladimir Lenin sorta looked like Anton DeVaye and one of the members of the lollipop guild from the Wizard of Oz
Chris Farrell:

@ngh- nice
Avatar 11:27pm

(it was a joint a Japanese Defense Force-USN base, so all signs were bilingual.
Chris Farrell:

Laser tag is a great. Do they still have it? It used to be super fun. They had the at home sets and then the arcades also had elaborate setups also. Like black light paint and fog at the one I went to.
Avatar 11:29pm

George Lewis, awesome live and on record!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:29pm

@11:10 @Marabouto
Looking at Wikipedia looks like her song from July 1982 was:

Dansu wa umaku odorenai
I can't dance well.
Chris Farrell:

@NGH- Ken Jennings (a Jeopardy champion and the temporary host after Alex Trebek’s passing) spent some years overseas with his family and it seemed extremely formative for how he is now.
I love stuff like that
Avatar 11:30pm

@Chris: There's a laser tag arena a few blocks away from my hotel (I'm at a tourist hell, I try not to venture out).
Chris Farrell:

Yeah you mentioned a hotel. Stay safe (pre and post covid safe)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm
Sam Segal:

I've long been interested in reading George Lewis's book about the AACM: "A Power Stronger Than Itself."
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:34pm

I bought George Lewis book when it first came out. Damn, didn't get far into it because I moved. Wonder where the book is now....
Avatar 11:35pm

I need to read, that Sam!

It's weird, this whole area is crawling w/ tourist, probably only 85% is masked (Universal hit capacity w/in 10 mins this morning, hence mad traffic).
Avatar 11:35pm

err, tourists...(plural)....


Avatar 11:37pm

I think half of my favorite books I lent to friends and never got back. I don't need to read many things twice, but the quotes sometimes come in handy...
Chris Farrell:

@NGH- that’s fascinating. Good for people feeling like they can “live before they die” or bare the risks.

Even getting to chill in a hotel room (if that’s all you do) doesn’t sound horrible, terrible, or awful.

@Sam- don’t know AACM. What is it? Or what’s that?

I like to read, but I also like to return things that don’t belong to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:41pm

I should look into that book. I'd like to know more about Muhal Richard Abrams. That stuff really opened my ears to some new territory.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:42pm

The George Lewis book is more expensive on Kindle than what I paid for the hardback in 2008. And Amazon only has 3 hb used copies, all for about $250. Maybe more reasonable for someone on Abebooks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43pm

@Chris > the AACM
Chris Farrell:

@stringofperils- thank you!
Avatar 11:47pm

I got this hotel room 60% off (and a corner suite at that). I've been here before, and I speak to him in spanish, and he likes that, as it makes the staff feel better. So, I heard the quote in front of me, and heard $70/night, and spoke to him en espanol, so, the people behind me couldn't understand, and he quoted me $30/night (just got 6 months of unemployment).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm

Good one ngh! The universe owes you a break.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:50pm

Nice NGH, some days in a room with ok facilities (i hope) to recharge.
Chris Farrell:

This has been a great night for me. Thank you everyone, I’m signing off now so I don’t get over excited over my own self and loose sleep over essentially nothing.

“I should take my own advice” is the closer for me :).
Birthed from:
“Well, I disagree”
“Corpus Christi”
In cute narrated visions of others whom I have known and loved :)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:51pm

Bye pie.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52pm
Sam Segal:

Sleep well, Pie (Chris)!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53pm

StringO you may be interested in this
i remember other tributes to Muhal Richard Abrams at that time but having trouble remembering which shows
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:53pm

Good night, Pie. Not worth losing sleep over things these days (although I admit I have)..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm

ah, here 'tis
Avatar 11:55pm

Never heard Gary Peacock, and DeJohnnette w/ Jarrett....

Thanks, Sam and friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:56pm

Oh, thanks coel! I will check that out. I have some of his albums, but I don't know much about Muhal, the person.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:58pm

Thanks for finding that Muhal tribute link coelacanth∅.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Smooth ride on the horse tonight, thank you Sam. Laters all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

that's because it was a hallucination
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am

Thanks Sam! good night y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:01am

Thanks for another fine show, Sam!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03am

Thanks Sam! Good Night everybody! Have a happy New Year, see you next year!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 10:16am

Couldn't listen in real time, just got to hear the show, really fine show! Not familiar with Moskus, have to check them out.
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