Favoriting The Blind Tourist with Adriene: Playlist from December 6, 2018 Favoriting

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Favoriting December 6, 2018: Digestion

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Artist Track Album Year Approx. start time
  95.3 WLKR out of Norwalk Ohio 89.3 hr3 in Frankfurt, Germany 97.8 Dampradio in Roskilde, Denmark
  Speaking about celiacs disease
Fred Myrow  Soylent Green   Favoriting     0:03:03 (Pop-up)
  Digestion in Ruminants
  Echinoderms: Sea Stars and Their Relatives

Music behind DJ:
Lonnie Smith 

It's Changed   Favoriting

Funk Reaction 


0:04:12 (Pop-up)
  Belly sounds mix
  Vegetables committing seppuku for a curry
  Digestion for kids
  Once Upon A Time.. Live, in English, Spanish and Russian
Acid Mothers Temple  I Wanna Be Your Bicycle Saddle   Favoriting Have You Seen the Other Side of the Sky?    0:14:03 (Pop-up)
Jan Erik Andersson & Shawn Decker  Apple Concert   Favoriting     0:15:05 (Pop-up)
T3 Pop Temerario  Indigestion   Favoriting INDIGESTION  2017  0:18:48 (Pop-up)
Tom Zé  Tropicalea Jacta Est   Favoriting Tropicália Lixo Lógico    0:21:52 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Lonnie Smith 

It's Changed   Favoriting

Funk Reaction 


0:27:34 (Pop-up)
        0:31:21 (Pop-up)
  Only Human
  How the Digestive System Works
Alva Noto and Opiate  Opto File 3   Favoriting Opto Files    0:37:45 (Pop-up)
  Michael Sealey’s Hypnosis for IBS
The Beatles  Oh! Darling   Favoriting Abbey Road  1969  0:43:42 (Pop-up)
  Yoga for the stomach

Music behind DJ:
Lonnie Smith 

It's Changed   Favoriting

Funk Reaction 


0:51:48 (Pop-up)
Kovács Apollónia  Fáj a gyomrom, fáj   Favoriting     0:55:51 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:04pm

Hi all. I know that cold sweat well!
Avatar 6:05pm

I'm allergic to everything but gluten, protein, dark veggies, and veggies w/o to much simple sugars...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm

hey Adriene -we taking a fantastic voyage through the intestines?
Avatar 6:07pm

I still don't alter my diet too much, I just suffer gladly (I love food!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

Music for tummy rumblin'. Hi everyone!
Avatar 6:08pm

"i can't believe i ate the whole thing"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Toady's background color is brought to you by the Pepto-Bismol Corporation.
Avatar 6:13pm

I'm reminded of the Beach Boys' "Vegetables".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

My stomach's been off all day and this is giving me serious anxiety
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

i'm reminded of a doctor who ate grass. "ordinary grass,ma'am, like a donkey eats"; and his parsimonious ruminant voice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm
listener james from westwood:

This kid's a panic!
Avatar 6:19pm

Ifeelfatnsassy, that's my stomach 90% of the time (well, my intestines to be exact).

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:20pm
listener james from westwood:

Clay's hurl sound effect!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:23pm

i just made myself finish some gross instant oatmeal with whey protein added, because i had to try it and i hate to waste food. but ugh why do people subject themselves to that?
hopefully it won't upset my usually good digestion.

tom zé <3333
Avatar 6:29pm

what tak said....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:29pm

what ngh said
Avatar 6:30pm
Krys O.:

Hello, Adriene!
Avatar 6:32pm
Krys O.:

My gallbladder is kaput and I have the Sphincter of Oddi disorder plus autoimmune thyroid disease, therefore, my digestive processes are SNAFU.
Avatar 6:40pm

youch, Krys O! My immune system is attacking my skin, but seems to be slowly abating. I'm glad my at least gall bladder and thyroid still work (I'd be in trouble if the former went).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

hi all!
Avatar 6:45pm

If I relieve all stress and anxiety from my stomach and bowels, I'll never leave work tonight!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46pm

I also have digestive dysfunction, bleh!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:47pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Do they have a pill yet that records what it sees and all that as it goes along and then you see the report when it exits?
Avatar 6:48pm

@Ken: They actually do! (visually at least, probably audio as well).

I’m out, just injured myself
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

what a time to tune in
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

it'd have to be small or itself would cause pain.
before i discovered that i (like probably the majority of americans) wasn't producing adequate stomach acid, i was taking this multivitamin (solgar vm-75 - one of the worst natural vitamins on the market) and often having sharp pain that was anywhere along my digestive tract. then saw that i was passing that thing out whole. (probably why i never got high from all the pills i tried as a teenager)
Avatar 6:54pm
Krys O.:

You always provide a fascinating journey, Adriene! Thank you so much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54pm

P-90 i hope you're okay

@coel: yes, was just trying to follow along
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Adriene!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Miracle nutrition, indeed. Thanks, Adriene.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

hahaha okay P-90!
Avatar 6:57pm

Thanks Adriene!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Thanks Adriene!
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