Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 9, 2003 Favoriting

Marathon show with co-host Hova
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Favoriting The Time Of Our Lives - The Guttersnipes (UK)
Favoriting Any Way The Wind Blows - The Mothers Of Invention

Favoriting What A Wonderful World - Joey Ramone
Favoriting Cry A Little Longer - The Grodes

Favoriting See Saw - The Crybabies
Favoriting Stay Away - The Mystic Tide

Favoriting Channel Surfing - The Dictators
Favoriting If I Could - The Mach V

Favoriting Going Down Fast - The Masonics
Favoriting You're Gonna Miss Me - The Spades

Favoriting Three Faint Calls - The Greenhornes
Favoriting I'm Gone - The Magic Mushroom

Favoriting I Tried So Hard - The Creatures Of The Golden Dawn
Favoriting I'm On My Way Down The Road - The Wig / Wags

Favoriting Knock On My Door - The Riviera Playboys
Favoriting So Much - Little Phil & The Night Shadows

Favoriting Fall Of The Queen - McFadden's Parachute
Favoriting I Will Make History - The Surprize

Favoriting Stand In Line - The Waistcoats
Favoriting Things You Do - The Morning After

Favoriting Lucy Leave - The Pink Floyd

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