Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from June 20, 2014 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting June 20, 2014: The One You Love (Summertime Blues)
~~Animation by Minnesota Jeff

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Glenn Frey  The One You Love   Favoriting single  Asylum Records  1982  45     
Listen With Sarah  Drum N Berceuse   Favoriting My Little Hula GIrl  Cherryade    CD-R    0:06:25 (Pop-up)
Mefisto  Return of Gemini   Favoriting Surfbeat Behind the Iron Curtain  Archive International Products  1997  CD    0:10:17 (Pop-up)
Mike Sarne  The Waitress's Song   Favoriting Come Inside  unknown        0:13:02 (Pop-up)
Mark Weaver's Brassum  Seven Enchiladas   Favoriting Warning Lights  Plutonium Records  2003  CD    0:14:43 (Pop-up)
Samm Bennett  A Thousand Rhymes   Favoriting Roomful of Ghosts  Polarity  2009  CD    0:17:50 (Pop-up)
The Reveries  Lovers Rock   Favoriting Matchmakers Volume 2: The Music of Sade  Barnyard  2012  CD    0:22:12 (Pop-up)
The Clash  Lover's Rock   Favoriting London Calling  Epic  2004  CD  Originally released in 1979  0:28:54 (Pop-up)
The Specials  Too Much Too Young   Favoriting The Singles Collection  Chrysalis  1991  CD  Originally released in 1980  0:32:52 (Pop-up)
The Techniques  How I Wish It Would Rain   Favoriting Duke Reid's Treasure Chest: Treasure Isle - Rock Steady  Heartbeat  1992  CD    0:34:51 (Pop-up)
Bernie Worrell  I Wanna Go Outside in the Rain   Favoriting Elevation  Methods of Defiance  2013  CD    0:37:03 (Pop-up)
Prince  Space (Acoustic Version)   Favoriting Space  Warner Bros  1994  CD    0:42:06 (Pop-up)
Blondie  Atomic   Favoriting Greatest Hits  Chrysalis  2002  CD  Originally released in 1980  0:46:39 (Pop-up)
The Heavy  Be Mine   Favoriting The Glorious Dead  Ninja Tune  2012  CD    0:51:17 (Pop-up)
The Rolling Stones  No Use in Crying   Favoriting Tattoo You  Rolling Stones Records  1981  LP    0:55:25 (Pop-up)
Thin Lizzy  Sha La La   Favoriting At the BBC  Universal  2011  CD  Recorded in 1974  1:05:01 (Pop-up)
Neil Diamond  Hell Yeah   Favoriting 12 Songs  Columbia  2005  CD    1:08:33 (Pop-up)
Billy Brag & Wilco  Walt Whitman's Niece   Favoriting Mermaid Avenue  Elektra  1998  CD    1:12:54 (Pop-up)
George Jones  Ain't Love A Lot Like That   Favoriting Cold Hard Truth  Asylum Records  1999  CD    1:16:40 (Pop-up)
Helena Vondráčková  Retez   Favoriting Ten koho ráda mám 1964-1966  unknown        1:18:53 (Pop-up)
The Arbors  So Nice (Summer Samba)   Favoriting The Very Best of the Arbors  Taragon    CD    1:21:07 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  Dear Wack! / You Really Got a Hold On Me   Favoriting Live at the BBC  Apple  1994  CD  Recorded in 1963  1:23:18 (Pop-up)
Cilla Black  You've Lost That Loving Feeling   Favoriting Cilla in the 60s  EMI Gold  2005  CD  Originally released in 1965  1:26:40 (Pop-up)
Margareth Kammerer  mmmm   Favoriting Why is the Sea so Blue  Mikroton  2013  CD    1:36:54 (Pop-up)
Daniel Kientzy  Tortue de Mer   Favoriting Kientzy Plays Johnson  Pogus  2004  CD  Composed by Tom Johnson  1:39:02 (Pop-up)
John Lurie National Orchestra  Men With Sticks (Noble Version)   Favoriting Men With Sticks  Made to Measure  1991  CD    1:42:03 (Pop-up)
Ornette Coleman  Theme From A Symphony (Variation One)   Favoriting Dancing in Your Head  A&M Records  1986  CD  Originally released in 1977  1:46:56 (Pop-up)
Charles Mingus  Cumbia & Jazz Fusion   Favoriting Cumbia & Jazz Fusion  Rhino  1994  CD  Originally released in 1978  2:05:10 (Pop-up)
The Matthew Shipp Duo with William Parker  Summertime   Favoriting single  Yakuza  1995  7"    2:33:11 (Pop-up)
Paul Elwood  Old Joe Clark   Favoriting Stanley Kubrick's Mountain Home  Innova  2011  CD    2:39:14 (Pop-up)
dragonflies  Brood X   Favoriting Broken Hearted Dragonflies: Insect Electronica From Southeast Asia  Sublime Frequencies  2005  CD    2:48:22 (Pop-up)
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD    2:57:58 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:59pm

popcorn farts! hee hee!
Avatar 3:01pm

this sounds like a rewrite of Love on a Two Way Street
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

solo Glenn Frey deep album cut?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

oh, it says "single" right there. duh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02pm

obligatory 80s cheesesax solo included
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

some assembly required
Avatar 3:03pm
adrian in mpls:

this is, uhm, definitely a song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Hello all! Missed last week, because I was at the summer cottage. Back home now, waiting to see if there'll be snow this weekend. Sheesh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

The dance hall would play this Glen Frey song and all the boyfriend/girlfriend pairs would slow dance. Meanwhile, if you were dancing with a stranger, the girl would go sit down and you'd slink off to the side.
Avatar 3:07pm

Yes, I'm sitting comfortably, and thanks for asking.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

I'm not that comfortable, but it's still better than standing, so...
Avatar 3:14pm

i didn't like this last song perspective .. should be the guy worried that his waitress wife was being hit on by others at work
Avatar 3:14pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

Good day, everyone!
Avatar 3:15pm

just to keep him focused in thinking on her therefore no love lost
Avatar 3:16pm

from now on i only say hi to girls and djs when suggested to by them
Avatar 3:16pm

hello Kurt
Avatar 3:17pm

I love this guy! (And the name is Bennett, not Benn)
r i s k y:

Samm Bennett*
Avatar 3:18pm

www.youtube.com... <- brilliant VU cover by Samm
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

Ahh, lovely.
Avatar 3:18pm

(but don't listen now, wait until Kurt's show is over!)
Avatar 3:19pm

(you can skip the intro music for Shut Up Weirdo. just this once.)
Avatar 3:21pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

whoops, putting too much trust in auto-fill. thanks, yeti.
Avatar 3:22pm

who needs to be wasting time on listening to the obnoxious scrutiny of whats not reality or is what it is .. you (must be a ruminant)
Avatar 3:24pm

until further notice only animal known to man is Yeti i'm no Guru
Avatar 3:26pm
adrian in mpls:

i saw sade and thought of the marquis...and then figured it out. because brain work good.
Avatar 3:29pm

the Clash always struck me as bad advisors on the subject of love.
Avatar 3:31pm

the specials, on the other hand...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm

The Clash and The Specials in a row? Now you're just spoiling us, Kurt.
Avatar 3:34pm
Chris from DC:

Slightly less than 2 hours to beersies. Just saying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

I think it's sad that the title of this song makes me automatically think of the Phil Collins song.
Avatar 3:34pm
V Priceless:

Hey Kurt and gang!
siss of magnency:

when you have two horns the ball just seems to find them with ease
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
Mike East:

Am I here?

I've had this Worrell record on my list since you last played it! Can't wait to get a copy. It'll be lullaby music for my kids.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36pm

@Mike: would you believe us if we said no?
Avatar 3:37pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

the worrell record is dead beautiful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37pm
Mike East:

I might, Caryn. Its been that kind of week.
Avatar 3:37pm
adrian in mpls:

@Chris - I'm with you on the beersies!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

beersies you say!!!
Avatar 3:44pm
the glowing one:

omg, was that a drum computer? those things have no soul.
Avatar 3:46pm

i've to say totally love Young and Beautiful from Prince's One Nite Alone .. a lot of Cyrus fans parents should be aware of its power
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

I hope the neighbours don't mind that I'm singing along to this at full blast. Well, they're probably all out getting drunk and setting bonfires alight...
Avatar 3:50pm
Chris from DC:

@adrian: there's a Perennial Aria waiting for me next door real soon. Sounds like a good Belgian style ale, and I like their products.
Avatar 3:54pm

wow, I never hear the Heavy on this station. I saw them live, the lead singer is amazingly charismatic.
Avatar 3:54pm
kirk from beer city usa:

man, this rolling stones track sounds surprisingly good...
Avatar 3:56pm

i'm attached to neighborhoods and architecture, urban and nature spots
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm

this is so much better slow!
Avatar 3:58pm

stores and minds as a "So, thats where i'll be at" imply a predisposition that is not in itself 100% genuine to begin
Avatar 3:58pm
V Priceless:

...and Ray Davies' 70th Birthday! ; )
Avatar 4:02pm

right on, Lizzy.
Avatar 4:03pm

Ray and my sister are Gemini-Scorpio cusps.
Wicked tempers.
Avatar 4:04pm

Sorry, not Scorpio. Cancer! Oy....
Avatar 4:06pm

i wish i would go to Phil's statue in Dublin
Avatar 4:15pm
V Priceless:

of course, the dog has to buy it, and not the cat.
Avatar 4:15pm

i visited Philo's statute and grave each visit to Eire
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm

Wait, what's the issue you're having with the year of the Techniques track, Kurt? It's track 5 on the A side of their 1967 album "Little Did You Know". Then again, it was a single B side in 1965 and a single A side in 1968, so it is difficult to say which year to use.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm

Phil's statue is quite nice. And located not far from a nice pub.
Avatar 4:18pm

He used to frequent that pub often. My mother grew up in the neighborhood next to him. His mom, Philomena, still lives there.
Avatar 4:20pm

she's had a hard life. At least she has some lovely grandchildren, most of which she knew about when Phil was alive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:27pm

This reminds me of the time Cilla happened to mention how she'd gone through all the Beatles. She then had to clarify that she didn't mean it that way...
Avatar 4:27pm

I think an adult son of Phil's showed up a few years back.
Avatar 4:31pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32pm

NICE Kurt! break that shit!
glenn frey:

it's pronounced "fry" and thanks a lot
Avatar 4:33pm
adrian in mpls:

yes! break it!! catharsis!
Avatar 4:34pm
still b/p:

Teacher says every time a record breaks, an Eagle gets its wings....clipped.
Avatar 4:36pm
adrian in mpls:

there's that syd barrett version of joyce's "Golden Hair"
Avatar 4:39pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yup, dan got that one!
Avatar 4:41pm
adrian in mpls:

i need to check that show out...
Avatar 4:45pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

Per Mojo Nixon: "He's a tortured artist
Used to be in the Eagles
Now he whines
Like a wounded beagle
Poet of despair!
Pumped up with hot air!
He's serious, pretentious
And I just don't care
Don Henley must die!
Don't let him get back together
With Glenn Frey!"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

HEY. it's time for beersies! happy weekending! thanks kurt!
Avatar 4:54pm
Chris from DC:

What Common said.
Avatar 4:56pm
adrian in mpls:

enjoy! i still have another hour.....
Avatar 5:01pm

me too man
Avatar 5:03pm

1. I love this piece
2. I think it's pronounced Coom-bee-ya
Avatar 5:03pm
adrian in mpls:

damn central time....
Avatar 5:04pm

I can watch Community re-runs an hour earlier, so there's that.
Avatar 5:05pm

Avatar 5:05pm

Avatar 5:06pm
adrian in mpls:

that bass is moving!
Avatar 5:08pm

one of his last records. You'd never know it.
Avatar 5:12pm

i'm really enjoying the show today kurt! great mix of music, all of which i like :)
Avatar 5:16pm
Studio B Ben:

Love this track. Mingus is the best ever.
Avatar 5:21pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

thanks, y'alls!
Avatar 5:27pm

yeah good winds those jazzy long-1truck of a music was farout the best expirience i've had jamming with phones
Avatar 5:28pm

Loving this Mingus, Kurt. Perfect!
Avatar 5:28pm

what about kissey's performance ..powerfull thanks FMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:30pm

Sittin' over here like a drummer. This Mingus really has me movin'! Wheeee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

talkin' bout Kissey's performance on the Duane Train, t_J? That was really nice. Can't wait for the video of her set.

Shipp and Parker do this on an early album, too, but it's twelve minutes, so probably not the single version.
Avatar 5:35pm

fahey recorded a great version too
Avatar 5:35pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

this might be an edit from the album, or a separate take. not sure, but they're from around the same time.
Avatar 5:36pm

the vid is already on the currents on the main P
Avatar 5:36pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

haven't heard the album in quite a while but that fade made me think it's an edit.
Avatar 5:38pm

If you ever encounter this song, "Galleon" by Salamander, that has a similar sound, and a terrific vocal by a kid.

FWIW, the recording you just played sounded familiar. Not that I've internalized every note Shipp and Parker have played together on record.
Avatar 5:41pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

yeah, i suspect it's the same take as well, dean.
Avatar 5:46pm

get billy jam to do it
Avatar 5:49pm

loved everything up to this track! i've tried listening to this insect record, it just drives me totally crazy!!
Avatar 5:51pm
Kurt Gottschalk:

everything up to this track is a pretty good average! thx yet.
Avatar 5:51pm

Avatar 5:52pm

insect sounds are great conceptually but just make my ears hurt. it fits in with the summer theme though :)

Compared to Yasunao Tone's wounded CD, however, these dragonflies are Percy Faith.
Avatar 5:54pm

Dean: Thanks for the tip, I'll avoid that CD :)
Avatar 5:55pm

I don't mind this at all.
I am always putting on nature sounds to calm me. This is just the thrash metal version of nature sounds.
Avatar 5:56pm

in fact, I'd listen to an hour of this over a lot of things.
Avatar 5:56pm

one of my wife's favorite jokes, when we are out camping, is to yell at the noisy birds and insects: "Shut up, you guys, we're trying to enjoy the nature sounds!"

whoa, just left the room to get a beer & my ears felt weird
Avatar 5:57pm
Studio B Ben:

I covered a show for a guy when I was a college DJ, and his stuff was pretty out-there electronica stuff at the time, and we had a drunk guy always calling up and requesting Freebird at all hours. I told him it'd be right up. The next song was some Aphex Twin that was variations on test tones (or something) that I even potted down inside the booth, so I hope that got him to turn off the radio.

This, however, I don't mind.
Avatar 5:57pm

one of my wife's favorite jokes, when we are out camping, is to yell at the noisy birds and insects: "shut up you guys we're trying to enjoy the nature sounds!"
marmalade kitty:

Nice, frantic, great jazz sets their Mr.G
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