Favoriting Lamin: Playlist from March 27, 2013 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 27, 2013: pete swanson

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Mammane Sani et son Orgue  Bodo (81)   Favoriting La Musique Electronique Du Niger  Mississippi  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Yellow Swans  Sovereign   Favoriting Going Places  Type  0:05:04 (Pop-up)
Monopoly Child Star Searchers  selections from The Garnet Toucan   Favoriting The Garnet Toucan  Underwater Peoples  0:09:11 (Pop-up)
Tolerance  Misa (Gig's Tapes In "C")   Favoriting Divin  Vanity  0:27:36 (Pop-up)
Mark Stewart & Maffia  Blessed Are Those Who Struggle   Favoriting Learning to Cope with Cowardice  Plexus  0:31:27 (Pop-up)
Igor Wakhevitch  Rituel de Guerre des Esprits de la Terre   Favoriting Hathor  Atlantic   0:35:28 (Pop-up)
GRAUZONE  Wutendes Glas   Favoriting Traume Mit Mir  EMI  0:42:15 (Pop-up)
Lubomyr Melnyk  Wave-Lox (For 2 Pianos) I   Favoriting Wave-Lox  Bandura Records  0:45:16 (Pop-up)
The Gist  Yanks   Favoriting The Gist  Rough Trade  1:02:01 (Pop-up)
Peter Jefferies  On an Unknown Beach   Favoriting The Last Great Challenge in a Dull World  Ajax Records  1:04:25 (Pop-up)
Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin  Uptown Psychedelia   Favoriting Instrumental Tourist  Software Records  1:08:20 (Pop-up)
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes  Ame Debout   Favoriting Ame Debout  Phillips  1:13:57 (Pop-up)
William Basinski  Disintegration Loops I   Favoriting Disintegration Loops Box Set  Temporary Residence  1:22:58 (Pop-up)
Drexciya  Positron Island   Favoriting Journey Of The Deep Sea Dweller II  Clone  1:40:30 (Pop-up)
Mdou Moctar  Anar   Favoriting Music From Saharan Cellphones Vol. 2  Sahel Sounds  1:44:02 (Pop-up)
Matthew Young  Dummy Line   Favoriting Traveler's Advisory  Drag City/Yoga  1:48:35 (Pop-up)
Gate  Trees   Favoriting A Republic of Sadness  Ba Da Bing!  1:53:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:03pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

greetings all!
Avatar 7:13pm
Greg of Portland:

Pete Swanson = amazing musician and super nice dude! Awesome to hear him here. Thanks, Lamin and Pete!
Avatar 7:16pm

i missed the show in Bk but LOVE the two recent EPs
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I love to hear from a musician who desires being on the edge of out of control in their music. So enlivening!
joe mulligan:

that show at Public assembly was one of the best Bunker nights ever. not too many people and great music. rad to see Pete set his gear up right in the middle of the space!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

This Mark Stewart
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

This Mark Stewart and Maffia track is •my• kind of Wild Style!
Avatar 7:48pm
Ralf from Frankfurt:

Great! Grauzone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
George of Troy:

Really loving this set so far!
joe mulligan:

i havent heard this peter jeffries track in years! so wonderful
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Thank you, Lamin and Pete! What a perfectly centering way to spend a mid-week afternoon!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I would bet that Pete Swanson is an exceptionally empathetic and passionate friend to the homeless and mentally misunderstood out in this world. R.I.P. James Chasse, and other misplaced souls.
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

...and by "misplaced," I mean misdirected by outside agencies.
Avatar 8:26pm

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!! I'm back, damn, missed 90 minutes!
Avatar 8:28pm

I heart MTY! I've dj'ed there before, and met, my gf there 5 years ago. It looks like the Zetas have backed out of town. As most of the clubs there have closed down (from indie rock to club) due to no one going out b/c of the violence.
Avatar 8:30pm

Jeese, haven't seen Pete since he was in the d Yellow Swans nearly 6 years ago!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:


~Bono/Pete Swanson~
Avatar 8:36pm

damn, Pete played at the Bunker? Usually Spinoza has an amazing lineup every 3 months or so, but, I rarely do the super late nights any more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Kat in Chicago:

Catching only the last bit of this... oh well, something to listen to tomorrow at work.
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

@Kat: this interview with Pete Swanson is so beautiful and inspiring. You'll likely enjoy the ride.
Avatar 8:44pm

I figured Pete would do a live set, but the interview has been as or more interesting.
Avatar 8:44pm

I did too, I went to the store during 7SD, hoping to catch this set, and missed and hour and a half, crap!
Avatar 8:46pm

that's one long trip to the store
Avatar 8:46pm

Pete should team up w/ Carlos Giffoni. Both love cathartic sounds and tight club beats w/ sometimes a lowered pH.
Avatar 8:46pm

has dj rupture played this exact track before?
Avatar 8:47pm

I had a beer and read for 45 minutes, so, I felt like I left my apt this week.

yes, /rupture has played this track, and put it on either one of his mixes or premiums.
Avatar 8:47pm

no, I'm wrong, but I did fave this track on Jace's show.
Avatar 8:55pm

Richard from Chicago:

Great, great, great show -- thank you!
Avatar 8:59pm

Third Eye Foundation did a nice d&b remix of Gate about 14 years ago.
Avatar 8:59pm

joe mulligan:

f'ng love gate!! now Pete all makes sense!!
Avatar 10:10am
Deed Runlea:

@joe that public assembly set was so hard
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