Favoriting Wm. Berger presents My Castle of Quiet: Playlist from July 13, 2012 Favoriting

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WFMU's House of Horrors; with black/death/doom metal, punk/grind, Kosmische/Krautrock, filmmusic, and noise/improv. Regular live guests and film commentary.

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Favoriting July 13, 2012: #152 Hot Ambient Drug Sluts Maybe Attending

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Fabio Frizzi & Giorgio Tucci  Zombie Theme   Favoriting Zombie OST  Blackest Heart Media    CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Unsane  East Broadway   Favoriting Visqueen  Ipecac  2008  CD  Closing theme to the French horror film The Pack; look for it on my top ten horror films of the year list! Released by Bloody Disgusting on DVD.  0:04:55 (Pop-up)
Free Clinic  SWAN   Favoriting split LP with Half Nelson  ?    LP    0:13:32 (Pop-up)
Defeatist  Stench of Corpse + Maruta + Afflicted   Favoriting Sharp Blade Sinks Deep Into Dull Minds  Willowtip  2009  CD    0:17:07 (Pop-up)
Helcaraxë  To Plunder   Favoriting Broadsword  Regimental Records  2009  CD    0:20:19 (Pop-up)
Cerebrate  I   Favoriting Cerebrate  Psychic Violence Records  2011  Cassette    0:22:12 (Pop-up)
The Freeze  Won't Come Back Alive   Favoriting Land of the Lost  Modern Method Records  1984  LP    0:25:22 (Pop-up)
Shaved Women  Exorcism   Favoriting Static 7" EP  Pass Judgement  2012  7"    0:28:05 (Pop-up)
Arch Toll  Serpent Tail   Favoriting Poisener  All Dead Tapes / Legion Blotan Records  2012  LP    0:29:46 (Pop-up)
Agatus  Night Mares   Favoriting Night Mares 7"  Necroterror Records  2011  7"  Greece  0:33:47 (Pop-up)
Grafvolluth  Iron Broom   Favoriting Long Live Death!  Regimental Records  2011  CD    0:36:56 (Pop-up)
Sun Splitter  Carrion Eater   Favoriting II  self-released  2010  CD-R  http://sun-splitter.bandcamp.com/album/ii  0:50:12 (Pop-up)
Heimat  Oerlug   Favoriting Heem  Regimental Records  2012  CD  Belgium  1:00:51 (Pop-up)
WOLD  Death Spiral   Favoriting Working Together for Our Privacy  Profound Lore Records  2010  CD    1:05:22 (Pop-up)
Moonknight  The Translucent Path   Favoriting Ligeia  Rising Beast Recordings  2012  CD    1:20:14 (Pop-up)
York Factory Complaint  Sufferings   Favoriting Sufferings 3" CD  Robert & Leopold  2011  CD-R    1:30:41 (Pop-up)
Shalocins  Scrapped Mold Pt. I   Favoriting Scrapped Mold  DumpsterScore Home Recordings  2011  CD-R    1:46:43 (Pop-up)
Death Factory  Manifestation Of Fear (3rd Version)   Favoriting Machinen Unter Kontrolle  No Visible Scars Label  2012  CD    2:17:30 (Pop-up)
Super Meat Boy  The Ballad of Lil' Slugger   Favoriting         video game music; posted on YouTube.  2:32:09 (Pop-up)
Super Meat Boy  World 2 - The Hospital   Favoriting         video game music; posted on YouTube.  2:35:17 (Pop-up)
The Binding of Isaac  Sacrificial   Favoriting         video game music; posted on YouTube.  2:38:29 (Pop-up)
NRIII  The Constant Struggle   Favoriting Reticence.  Neon Doom Records  2012  CD    2:42:51 (Pop-up)
Scott Walker  Jesse   Favoriting The Drift  4AD  2006  CD    2:56:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Ok this Unsane track kills.
r i s k y:

GO WILLIAM!!!!!!!!!
r i s k y:

r i s k y:

Your sister blown out in a wheelchair on acid with AIDS!
huge pupils (Sean):

Leaving the meatlocker and entering the castle of quiet this WOLD is perfect right now!
r i s k y:

Cheers sean!

Really good show tonight Wm., still an hour and a half to go. Keep it up!

greetings Sir Wm.! pray tell, from what film is tonight's still? (which, btw, is perfect with the Moonknight piece)

re: your top ten horror films -- this year's or last's? if the latter, where do you have it posted?
shemp, the blind poet:

visions of electric. Noyama Shinagawa INCorporated, I am the blinds through which the igloo is shaped. I am the wave length through which all JELL-O is strained. BEHOLD Grape Jelly Turnip Powdered delight.

I once wrestled a tortoise on the beaches of your mind,
Where Icelandic Slugworths drank zombies from their own minds.
STAY OUT OF MY SLUSHIES and into the eve of my errors
my errors
my errors
mr errols.

ERROL FLYNN licked voraciously somnambulatiously the eggplanet of truth was the soft shoe which we tapped out to the one true vision of Shecky that was truth. Behold, there was an Ernest Borgnine Odinson to the bitter end. Here's looking at ya kiddo. Time to go surfing. Cheerio.
Avatar 1:41am

The Pack will be on this year's list, still to come.... The still is from Mario Bava's Baron Blood; not the best Bava, but Elke Sommer does provide some sweet eyeball candy, despite her many horrible crocheted outfits!

My movie list for 2011 was on Beware of The Blog, but folded into a post of other DJs' year-end lists, so you may have missed it. It's also up at my blog >>> my-castle-of-quiet.blogspot.com...

Really great filth-noise!

Shaved women are so mediocre. sorry. Really good show though
Avatar 2:38am

Sara, you certainly have a right to your opinion; obviously, I disagree.... And don't get me started on mediocrity; there's many a celebrated artist that I find appallingly mediocre, particularly all the indie-pop / rock crap like, oh, Jay Reatard for example.
Avatar 2:41am

Times New Viking, Thee Oh Sees, I could go on—are these bands really so great?!?
Avatar 2:42am

...glad you like the show, SW excepted....

Jay Reatard is lame surely. But if that's their best track, I hope they practice more. Thanks for doing the show!

I like this.

Why do people always limit music. Music can be mediocre, it can be anything.

awesome, Wm., THANK YOU!!!! now to track down all these gems!
i have this vague recollection of "Shriek of the Mutilated" -- perhaps was playing at a local drive-in when i was a kid? never got to see "Snuff" but i totally remember those ads! :)
and i had no idea that Roberta Findlay made a film about Shauna Grant! OR that Michael Findlay was sliced-and-diced to death on the Pan-Am building (although that MUST have been on the news when it happened) again, THANK YOU for your most splendidly *educational* show!

Daniel Johnston strummed an untuned guitar and dammit he did it with alot of heart and soul in it.
Avatar 2:50am

Daniel Johnston wrote GREAT songs, and probably still does. I never once considered him mediocre. But a lot of these newer pop-rock bands are just doing so-so bunk, and receiving accolades.
Avatar 2:51am

There's so much GREAT music nowadays, I haven't time to investigate the middling stuff...
Avatar 2:56am

There's room for all tastes on WFMU, fortunately for all of us, with our widely varying opinions on music. One person's "mediocre" is another person's "gold."

I used to think the same way sara did. listening to early Sonic Youth really had an impact on me as far what i thought music could be.

where may one acquire a CD of "Ligeia"? not at Aquarius, have found cassette and downloads but no CD . . .
Avatar 2:59am

And nowadays, Sonic Youth? Riding out their laurels, I'd say, but they were undeniably great and influential for a good, long time.

re: mediocre music -- for years would hear all about some *great new artist(s)* -- only to be utterly underwhelmed when i would actually hear her/his/their stuff . . . and yeah, i TOTALLY agree with you about Sonic Youth -- were AMAZING back in early/mid-1980s!!!!!!!!!! "Death Valley '69 STILL remains an all-time favorite

I really like "I Love Her All The Time." That song just kills me.

Another greatly enjoyed archive!! Shalocins, & NRIII,in particular, flickin the forked tongue my way (though much of the broadcast had me thrillin)!

Listening, Monday morning, no hope.

Goddamn I am a sucker for WOLD.

Holy god, this Shalocins is fucking murderous.
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