Favoriting Zzzzzzero Hour with Bill Mac: Playlist from March 31, 2012 Favoriting

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Lullabies and reveilles. Something for the late nighters and early risers.

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Favoriting March 31, 2012: Decapitated Huh?

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
Expo 70  Growing Mushrooms of Potency   Favoriting Journey Through Astral Projection  Immune  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bjork  Pleasure is All Mine   Favoriting Medulla  Elektra  *   0:04:53 (Pop-up)
Lilacs & Champagne  Everywhere, Everyone   Favoriting Lilacs & Champagne  Mexican Summer  *   0:08:23 (Pop-up)
Sly & Robbie  Dirty Flirty   Favoriting Blackwood Dub  Groove Attack  *   0:13:25 (Pop-up)
Les Momies de Palerme  Incarnation   Favoriting Brulez cd Couer  Constellation  *   0:16:48 (Pop-up)
Hamza El Din  Mwashah   Favoriting Welcome to Our World  Ryko    0:23:56 (Pop-up)
Rob St Jon  Your Phantom Limb   Favoriting The Wire Tapper 28  The Wire    0:27:09 (Pop-up)
Acanthus  La Chateau   Favoriting The B-Music of Jean Rollin  finders Keepers  *   0:29:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



0:33:07 (Pop-up)
Surplus 1980  Excellent Girl   Favoriting Relapse in Response  Delphine Knormal Music  *   0:42:14 (Pop-up)
Grimes  Oblivian   Favoriting Visions  4AD  *   0:46:26 (Pop-up)
Francois & the Atlas Mountains  Edge of Town   Favoriting E Volo Love  Domino  *   0:50:28 (Pop-up)
B.R Garm  Matron of the Animal Pond   Favoriting The 78th Morningtide  Dont Trust the Ruin  *   0:54:43 (Pop-up)
Air  Astronomic Club   Favoriting Le Voyage Dans la Lune  Astralwerks  *   0:57:30 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



1:01:04 (Pop-up)
The Incredible String Band  Big Ted   Favoriting Changing Horses  Hannibal    1:05:01 (Pop-up)
Ed Schrader's Music Beat  I Can't Stop Eating Sugar   Favoriting Jazz Mind  Load    1:09:14 (Pop-up)
OWT  Angel Food   Favoriting Good as Gold  Homestead Records    1:18:21 (Pop-up)
Curved Air  Vivaldi   Favoriting Air Conditioning  Collectors Choice    1:18:53 (Pop-up)
French Frith Kaiser and Thompson  Where's the Money   Favoriting Live Love Larf and Loaf  Shanachie    1:26:34 (Pop-up)
Headless Chickens  George   Favoriting Tally Ho! Flying Nun's Greatest Bits  Flying Nun  *   1:29:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



1:33:57 (Pop-up)
The scissor Girls  BY PROCESS E-LMNATN   Favoriting Here is the IS NOT  Atavistic    1:39:45 (Pop-up)
Staff Carpenbourg & the Electric Corona  Let the Thing Comin Up   Favoriting Kraut Bloody Rageous  Kain & Bebel    1:43:58 (Pop-up)
Kimma  The Past is Frozen   Favoriting Tension Spanish Experimental Underground 1980-1985  Munster    1:46:36 (Pop-up)
Killdozer  Pour Man   Favoriting God Hears the pleas of the Innocent  Touch and Go    1:49:40 (Pop-up)
Brother JT  Brother JT   Favoriting The Svelteness of Boogietude  None    1:52:57 (Pop-up)
The Cramps  Save It   Favoriting File Under Sacred music  Munster    1:57:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



2:00:56 (Pop-up)
Deborah Washington  The Shortest Lady   Favoriting Personal Space: Electronic Soul 1974-1984  Chocolate Industry    2:05:14 (Pop-up)
Lijadu Sisters  Dibe Nuwa   Favoriting Mother Africa  Knitting Factory  *   2:07:57 (Pop-up)
Mahmoud Ahmed  Hoy Na-Na Jegnaw Na   Favoriting Jequol naw Betwa  Missippi  *   2:13:45 (Pop-up)
The Funkees  Acid Rock   Favoriting Dancing Time: The Best of Nigeria's Afro Rock Exponents 1973-77  Soundway    2:18:15 (Pop-up)
Derdiyoklar Ikilisi  Yoday   Favoriting Disko Folk  Guerssen  *   2:22:22 (Pop-up)
Kim Fowley  Memories of a High School Bride   Favoriting Another Man's Gold  Norton    2:26:11 (Pop-up)
Mitch Ryder  Sock It To Me - Baby   Favoriting Sock It To Me  Sundazed    2:29:59 (Pop-up)
the Fugs  Carpe Diem   Favoriting The Fugs First Album  Akarma    2:32:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



2:38:48 (Pop-up)
The Turbans  B-I-N-G-O   Favoriting When You Dance  Acrobat  *   2:43:13 (Pop-up)
Ray Charles  Sticks and Stones   Favoriting His Greatest Hits Vol 2  DCC    2:46:08 (Pop-up)
The Persuasions  Willie and Laura Jones   Favoriting The Chirpin  Elektra    2:47:01 (Pop-up)
Chris Chandler  Watergate Generation   Favoriting No Television  Flying Fish    2:50:46 (Pop-up)
Lester Flatt & earl scruggs  Foggy Mountain Breakdown   Favoriting Changin Times  Columbia    2:55:13 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good morning Bill and all.
Back in time sync again, its good to catch the show from the start (and what a start!).

(Leaps out of bed)Morning Bill. Up early and things are looking good. (Collects cup of tea and lies down again exhausted)
Brain in KU:

Hello Bill, Martyn & Stanley. KU reporting for duty. Easy Stanley.
Avatar 3:13am
Bill Mac:

Morning Gents, and others.... so am I to surmise that we're also back in sync time-wise? Thanks for the kudos Martyn, hope not to disappoint. Starting out on the left foot for a change..

Oh yes, some Sly and Robbie. This is what we need. Hi Martyn and Brain.
Brain in KU:

Is there a better drummer than Sly for mixing it up?

eerie, nice!
Brain in KU:

Bill, are you giving us a heads up or heads off? Lawd I hate management talk. Whatever happened to ballpark figures?
Avatar 3:21am
Bill Mac:

Rainy dark and damp here.... so's the weather :P

Brian, at least we're all singing from the same hymn sheet.
Brain in KU:

Rosining the same bow would be appropriate here!!
Avatar 3:27am
Bill Mac:

Don't fret Brian .... just another attempt on my part to be predictably unpredictable

Hello Bill, and everyone involved. Great start. Love this show, always a battle to stay awake...perhaps that's why it's fun...
Avatar 3:32am
Bill Mac:

You got a couple games going on there D. You're certainly getting a different look at the proceedings by virtue of the lacks of zzzzzz's. You're not hallucinating or seeing tracers tired are you?
Brain in KU:

Getting hungry, champagne & mushrooms.

Feels like I'm hallucinating most of the time nowadays.

Jean Rollin was a french film director, active from the 1960s on and mostly famous for his productions that finely balanced between sleaze and art. His most famous films often involve very seductive female vampires ;-)

Umm, not that exciting bill. I watched the midnight replay of the Wings getting destroyed by Nashville, and now drifting off to sleep. Love the show. Totally wish I was hallucinating, just not my decade anymore :(
Avatar 3:41am
Bill Mac:

Hasn't been my decade since sometime in the 1900s....

I had a decade once. Can't remember when.

I'm just floating in space, I trust you to put me in the appropriate decade and accelerate the experience.
Brain in KU:

Love the shot in sync with the music
Avatar 3:49am
Bill Mac:

@Johannes Thanks! Do they bear any resemblance to the Hammer horror films from the 70s?

Good morning bill our nice warm days have gone :( .. that picture gave me a bit of a\shock as the pc came on .. hope that is not you
Jay/ London:

sorry bill that ? is me i have not had my coffee yet about to now
Avatar 3:56am
Bill Mac:

Yep.... playing with the kid... whatsup Jay?
Jay/ London:

oh just got up .. that picture what has the guy got in his hand .. i am back to work on Tuesday .. no more cabin fever
do you know what film the picture is from Bill ?
Avatar 4:01am
Bill Mac:

That's Shirley Temple doing the hacking... Must be from that slasher film of hers that they never released.
BTW congrats on the upgrade to your status.
I think that's his other hand
Brain in KU:

Air seem to have lost their lightness of touch.
Avatar 4:12am
Bill Mac:

Another band that I've not heard enough of for sure
Jay/ London:

i like most things by vivaldi best music to wake up too .. but i never get round to putting it on in the mornings this curved air is not at all bad
Avatar 4:26am
Bill Mac:

I wasn't sure whether you'd feel this was too over the top...

Over the top is good Bill.
Brain in KU:

Pleasure in its many & dubious forms and food seem to be emerging as themes today. Time for dog walking.
Avatar 4:29am
Bill Mac:

When in doubt, eh Mart?
Avatar 4:30am
Bill Mac:

I know I'm hungry, B!
Jay/ London:

no enjoyed that curved air/ vivaldi would not mind another one later on in the show if you are up for it (spring would be good ).. is there anymore cramps today ... i have my tape machine standing by he he
Jay/ London:

@ brian KU where is KU ??

'When in doubt, go out' is one of my mottos. Not suggesting you do that though Bill, the show must go on.
Brain in KU:

When in doubt do nowt.

Jay universe in reverse.
Jay/ London:

i thought so Brian

That Killdozer was awesome. And so is this Brother JT. Just thought I'd mention it.
Avatar 4:59am
Bill Mac:

Brother JT with horns.... who woulda thunk it?
Jay/ London:

hey bill thanks now i am waking up NOW!!!

Love Mahmoud Ahmed the man with the biggest collection of shirts in Ethiopia
trolly mctrollerson:

frrp - who farted? lol just a jokin' joke - just woke up. also, it was me. I farted.
trolly mctrollerson:

that little girl is messed up!

Oh this is great

That Kim Fowley was some phenomenom. Seemed to have a hand is so many culturally crazy things. Little known over here.
Brain in KU:

Effete dilletante. That's Kim Fowley, not you Bill.
Avatar 5:45am
Bill Mac:

Unless of course that means tired.... cos I am tonite.... wahhhh!!!!

@ Brian - had to look him up seems to have been quite a controversial character. But did produce the first Modern Lovers album, so not all bad.
Brain in KU:

This chorus sounds like Alexei Sayles' 'Hello John Got a New Motor'.
Brain in KU:

RIP Mr Scruggs. Top job, Bill. Go get some sleep.
Avatar 5:58am
Bill Mac:

Thanks gents.... Have a great weekend!

Thank you Bill!

Echo Brian's sentiments. take it easy y'all
Jay/ London:

thanks for the show bill now i will have to start on the painting
Brain in KU:

Jay, hope next week is not too painful.
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