Favoriting Solid Gold Hell with Sue P.: Playlist from November 13, 2009 Favoriting

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Favoriting November 13, 2009

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Scientists  Solid Gold Hell   Favoriting Blood Red River: 1982-84             
Wipers  So Young   Favoriting Over the Edge            0:03:44 (Pop-up)
The Fucking Champs  Aliens of Gold   Favoriting V  Drag City  2002        0:07:55 (Pop-up)
Magma  Hortz Fur Dëhn Stekëhn West   Favoriting Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh  A&M  1973        0:12:30 (Pop-up)
Zomes  Sentient Beings   Favoriting Zomes  Holy Mountain  2008        0:22:23 (Pop-up)
Wizardry  Nigh Invincible   Favoriting Wizardry  self released  2009        0:25:54 (Pop-up)
Eagle Twin  Murder of...   Favoriting The Unkindness of Crows  Southern Lord        *   0:34:48 (Pop-up)
Witch  Disappear   Favoriting Paralyzed  Tee Pee  2008        0:46:38 (Pop-up)
Coalesce  Absent In Death   Favoriting Oxep  Relapse        *   0:51:11 (Pop-up)
Circle  Veitsi   Favoriting Taantumus (reissue)  Ektro  2001/2009        0:56:15 (Pop-up)
Jan Dukes de Grey  Mice and Rats in the Loft   Favoriting Sorcerers / Mice and Rats in the Loft  Cherry Tree    CD box set  orig. 1971  *   1:05:33 (Pop-up)
Kasumi Trio  So Far   Favoriting VA - Mutant Sounds for Mutant People Sampler 2009  Beta-lactam Ring        *   1:13:57 (Pop-up)
Wet Hair  Cult Electric Annihilation   Favoriting Dream  Not Not Fun    Vinyl    *   1:19:33 (Pop-up)
Kawabata Makoto / Melvins  4th Floor Hellcopter   Favoriting Chicken Switch  Ipecac        *   1:33:30 (Pop-up)
Nancy Garcia  Healing Sensation   Favoriting Be The Climb  Ecstatic Peace!        *   1:38:18 (Pop-up)
Noise Nomads  Soaked Blanket   Favoriting split w/ Urthquake  Spooky Tree    7"    *   1:47:47 (Pop-up)
Quttinirpaaq  Dragged Through the Streets   Favoriting Dragged Through the Streets  Item Recordings        *   1:57:41 (Pop-up)
Smokers Please  Grey Christmas   Favoriting   Yoko Ono Tribute Weekend    7"    *   2:18:51 (Pop-up)
Ed Sunspot  You are Not a Prisoner, You are a Patient   Favoriting VA - Resonant Hole Vol.1  Mountaain / Rampart        *   2:24:11 (Pop-up)
Cheater Slicks    Bats in the Dead Trees  Lost Treasures of the Underworld  2009  Vinyl      2:29:30 (Pop-up)
Didimao  Fingernails   Favoriting Didimao  Cococonk    Vinyl    *   2:48:05 (Pop-up)
Blo  Don't   Favoriting Chapter and Phases: The Complete Albums 1973-1975  RPM        *   2:57:19 (Pop-up)
Edwin Starr  Easin' In   Favoriting VA - Can You Dig It?: The Music and Politics of Black Action Films  Soul Jazz    CD box set    *   3:03:10 (Pop-up)
Circuit Rider  Red Dog   Favoriting Circuit Rider            3:06:27 (Pop-up)
Prou Matic  It Is My World   Favoriting VA - More Andergraun Vibrations  Hundergrum      orig. 1972  *   3:09:25 (Pop-up)
Michael and the Mumbles  I Tried   Favoriting Michael and the Mumbles  De Stijl        *   3:12:08 (Pop-up)
Lyres  Touch   Favoriting Some Lyres  Taang!          3:15:49 (Pop-up)
Clawhammer  Sticky Thing   Favoriting Deep in the Heart of Nowhere!: Live in Texas 1995  Munster        *   3:19:21 (Pop-up)
Christmas Island  Weird You Out   Favoriting Blackout Summer  In the Red        *   3:29:38 (Pop-up)
Pink Noise  Flow Into the Void   Favoriting Graffiti Youth  Kill Shaman        *   3:33:42 (Pop-up)
The Lasters  Junk Male   Favoriting Idiot Jerk Parade  Futilitarian    7"    *   3:35:53 (Pop-up)
German Measles  Totally Wild   Favoriting Wild EP  Captured Tracks        *   3:37:28 (Pop-up)
Lubricated Goat  Kill Somebody Today   Favoriting VA - Rokko's Adventures  Austro Mechana        *   3:39:21 (Pop-up)
Jungle  Slave Ship   Favoriting VA - Love, Peace & Poetry: America  QDK Media/Normal          3:43:15 (Pop-up)
Shrinebuilder  Pyramid of the Moon   Favoriting Shrinebuilder  Neurot Recordings        *   3:48:27 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

(mta) Tony:

Wow Sue, you're burnin' me up! I'm on fire! What a beginning!

Thanks, Tony! Sometimes our friends can inspire us to places we might not otherwise go.
(mta) Tony:

Now just exactly how is this to be a fun night with this bad news? Thank GOD (however you perceive HIM to be) for this music through you. My condolances.
steve in chicago:

Thanks for keeping me awake as I fix stuff the Sears website! I hate the Holidays, but really like your show!

Shucks, Steve, thanks. I actually love the holidays, but maybe that's just cuz it means lots of sharing good food!

hey too,
Great show as always :)

thx Sue as always for the early morning kick start. badly needed here;)

Thanks fer checking in, Paul. Hope yr coffee is brewing.

wow. this quitti... is so beautiful
(mta) Tony:

Is avoidance possible? That method has always worked for me but your circumstances may prohibit it. Is avoidance possible or not?

Unfortunately complete avoidance is not possible.
(mta) Tony:

MUST you interact with this person verbally to some degree?

(mta) Tony:

If this person is evil and deserving, can you cause their dismissal by setting them up? Or, do you really just want tips on how to simply get-along?

Not evil...just annoying to me in ways that mentally exhaust me. I guess I was hoping for some special breathing technique or something that would somehow diffuse the anger. Too simple?
(mta) Tony:

Can you take drugs (this is for medicinal purposes)?

i can probably help you. their are many different options. at some stage ive tried most of them. this is an amazing show. indirectly this asshole is prob driving the edgy slant of the show this morning;). drop me an email;)
(mta) Tony:

Some people's personalities are so very different than others, that it becomes offensive. Can you try more understanding of their weirdness?
(mta) Tony:

The bottom line is you must put a smile on your face and be happy; you can't allow this to upset you so. Try a wry smile and a sort of sideways head shake to yourself when these things occur.
(mta) Tony:

I work with MANY different personalities and I've found that if I concentrate on what I'M doing, I can block out a great amount of stupidity. So, self-concentration can help.
(mta) Tony:

And you're right, long deep breaths (I'd estimate 4) can give some relief. Leave for a cup of coffee or juice drink. Excuse yourself to the toilet for a short while. Go out for a slice of pizza.

the lightest option is known as
the twisted kick technique.
this is to encourage or enthusiastically bring out even more of whatever it is in this male/female that really destroys your mind. By doing this it gives you some sense of control of the proceedings like a sardonic puppetmaster. this beleive it or not can become quite entertaining so for eg. if the person in uestion plays shit music in your personal space, a very delicate matter i know, and if you in no way can switch it off, tell the person to turn it up/say you love the show and that do they own any of the music thats played on it etc etc you have to keep it very straight. this will only work if the enemy doesnt know you have a prob with them. this is the uickest and lightest of all the suggestions i have for you.;)

africas first rock band was jimi hendrix;)
(mta) Tony:

The Twisted Kick Technique sounds good. Sue, can you be more specific in what transpires? What's the worst part of this person that you have to either change or accept since you can't avoid it? Is it they way they speak, their music, work performance, etc?

OK, I will try some of these suggestions and see if they work. Thanks!

a more sophisticated and edgier technique is known in black comedy prank circles as
prank jams.
i cant go into too much detail but if you are familiar with the work of experimental UK broadcaster Chris Morris that will give you some clues;).

the last technique i will publicly mention which can be instigated without too much fuss is what i call the
erratic in the attic technique.
in the briefest of explanations this is to start behaving like a freakball, in otherwords you start smelling bad(not physically just socially).
if instigated with some subtlety and reasonable thespianism this can keep this person well away from you. bottom line is no one likes a
real freak
in otherwords just behave very erratically and freakishly and this will often give you the space you need. hope it works for you. hate to see good peeps having their personal space fuked up by the world of
aggressive normality.
thx for the show

Thanks for your suggestions, PP!

May I suggest readin' Eugene S. Robinsons "Fight" Book...The front-on sleeper hold is a bit tricky, but you can get it with practice...Hope the weeken goes betteer...Kaffee's on here..

(mta) Tony:

i agree with Paul... and I do it myself at work, too. I make myself someone to avoid. In my case, people think I'm nuts so they stay away from me. Truly works well, but I'm lucky in that I have a lot of free space around me. Just don't kill them!

i love love love lubricated goat and discovered them throw brian on fmu. he played nerve quake and it blew me away. had on loop repeat on my mp3player or about 2 weeks solid. this is what fmu does do its listeners;)

...O.k.,O.K....Most people avoid me anyway...It may be the cause of the smell of Urine...Ha
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