Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

September 13, 2009 Favoriting

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Favoriting Son(g) Of A Miner - Daddy Was A Driver (Daddy Was A Driver) [Zip]
Favoriting You're Gonna Miss Me - The Spades (45) [Zero] 1965
Favoriting Airplay - The Catholic Girls (CD single) [Cinema]

Favoriting Bad Love - Yesterday's Thoughts (12" LP: A Moment To Pray) [Sound Effect]
Favoriting I'm The Face - The High Numbers (45) [Fontana] 1964
Favoriting Cause I Sez So - The New York Dolls (CD: Cause I Sez So) [Atco]
Favoriting Fortune Teller - Benny Spellman (45) [Minit] 1962
Favoriting Hypnotist - The Ribeye Brothers (CD: New Ways To Fail) [This Is You]
Favoriting Hypnotised - The Chants (45) [B. Ware] 1966

Favoriting Don't Get Into My Head - The Thromboes (CD: She's Like A British Car) [CatErratic]
Favoriting Nunca - The Latin Lads (45) [Clifton] 1963
Favoriting Out Of My Mind - The Mediums (Demo)
Favoriting You Lie - The Lynx (45) [Thunderball] 1967
Favoriting Shallow Grave - The A-Bones (CD; The A-Bones, Not Now!) [Norton]
Favoriting Rock And Roll Love Letter - Tim Moore (45) [Asylum] 1975

Favoriting Carousel - The Bishops (CD: The Bishops) [1234] 2007
Favoriting Friday At The Hideout - The Underdogs (45) [Hideout] 1965
Favoriting My Girl's A Vampire - The Sprained Ankles (CD: Oh Snap, It's The Sprained Ankles) [Teenage Heart]
Favoriting Party Doll - Buddy Knox w/ The Rhythm Orchids (45) [Roulette] 1957
Favoriting #9 Train - H. M. V. W (CD: H. M. V. W) [Mooreland Street Records]

Favoriting You're Bringing Me Down - The Love Me Nots (CD: Upside Down Inside Out) [Atomic A Go Go]
Favoriting Any Way The Wind Blows - The Sonics (45) [Uni] 1968
Favoriting The News - The Tol- Puddle Martyrs (CD: A Celebrated Man) [Secretdeals]
Favoriting Peek-A-Boo - The Cadillacs (45) [Josie] 1958
Favoriting Girl Talk - Tina Peel (12" LP: Pajama Party) [Misty Lane] 2003

Favoriting Complicate My Life - The Mojomatics (CD: Don't Pretend That You Know Me) [Ghost]
Favoriting Rich With Nothin' - The Split Ends (45) [CFP] 1967
Favoriting Maureen - The No-Goods (45) [Kuriosa]
Favoriting Every Day I Have To Cry - Steve Alaimo (45) [Checker] 1963
Favoriting Escape - Earl & The Losers (CD: Earl & The Losers) [Fuzz Overdose]

Favoriting Open Up Your Heart - Baby Woodrose (CD: Baby Woodrose) [Bad Afro]
Favoriting She Needs Me - The Grains Of Sand (45) [Valiant] 1966
Favoriting Uprising - King Salami & The Cumberland Three (7" EP: Everybody Does The Mojo Workout) [Butterfly] 2008
Favoriting "Nag" - The Halos (45) [7 Arts] 1961
Favoriting Heal The Earth - Girl On Top (Cherry Blossoms / Sakura) [Girl On Top] 2004

Favoriting Can't Get A Read On You - Tinted Windows (CD: Tinted Windows) [S-Curve]
Favoriting How Many Tears - The Improper Bostonians (45) [Minuteman] 1966
Favoriting Red Letter Day - The Lovedays (CD: The Paisley Polka Dot Picnic Party) [Brand Medway] 2008
Favoriting Last Kiss - J. Frank Wilson & Cavaliers (45) [Josie] 1964
Favoriting There She Goes - The La's (CD: BBC, In Session) [Go! Discs] 2006

Favoriting Redemption Song - Hair & The Iotas (12" LP: Head It On) [Wattsville]

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