Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 17 December 2008 Favoriting | Krampus 2008

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Artist Song Album Comments Approx. start time
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Brian Harris  Ukrainian Bell Song   Favoriting     0:03:58 (Pop-up)
Tortured Conscience  Little Drummer Boy   Favoriting     0:06:19 (Pop-up)
Ataraxia  Daria   Favoriting  
0:09:10 (Pop-up)
Laffy  Carol of the Bells   Favoriting     0:15:24 (Pop-up)
Harken  O Come All Ye Faithful   Favoriting  
0:16:31 (Pop-up)
Kids of CPH  O Come All Ye Faithful   Favoriting     0:18:55 (Pop-up)
Larry  Audio Letter 12-17-08   Favoriting     0:24:11 (Pop-up)
Herr Von Welkennachten  Werhat Angst   Favoriting  
0:23:54 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Ed Special & Zatumba 
      0:35:35 (Pop-up)
Agape and Agog        0:39:23 (Pop-up)
Mannheim Steamroller  Carol of the Bells   Favoriting  
0:41:50 (Pop-up)
Unknown  Jesus and I Go To Hell   Favoriting     0:44:49 (Pop-up)
Anny Aoao  Carol of the Bells   Favoriting  
0:52:01 (Pop-up)
God  Silent Night   Favoriting     0:56:46 (Pop-up)
Roger Christian  Little Mary Christmas   Favoriting     1:02:08 (Pop-up)
The Western Caravan featuring Thirsty Dave  Psycho Santa   Favoriting  
1:05:09 (Pop-up)
BBC Radiophonic Workshop  Christmas Commercial   Favoriting     1:08:34 (Pop-up)
The Vandals  Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies   Favoriting     1:09:21 (Pop-up)
The Jingle Cats  Little Drummer Boy   Favoriting  
1:11:53 (Pop-up)
Jonathan Kane  Little Drummer Boy   Favoriting     1:23:12 (Pop-up)
Rithmia        1:24:05 (Pop-up)
Psycho Jingle Funk    H om e For The Holidays 
1:24:44 (Pop-up)
Fat Dady  Fat Daddy   Favoriting     1:28:41 (Pop-up)
JIngle Dogs  Carol of the Bells   Favoriting     1:31:24 (Pop-up)
Elakelaiset  Humpaton Joulu   Favoriting  
1:40:06 (Pop-up)
A Toolbox Christmas  Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies   Favoriting     1:44:03 (Pop-up)
Brian Slawson  Nutcracker Suite   Favoriting  
1:46:21 (Pop-up)
Wish I knew! Parzival?        1:48:19 (Pop-up)
Laibach  Jesus Christ Superstar   Favoriting  
1:51:15 (Pop-up)
Knorkator  Weihnachtsnachtschimpfe   Favoriting  
1:56:37 (Pop-up)
Vaniths        2:01:25 (Pop-up)
Wing  It Came Upon A Midnight Clear   Favoriting     2:04:39 (Pop-up)
Wayne Butane  Christams Special   Favoriting  
2:05:45 (Pop-up)
Stan Boreson  Oh Lutefisk!   Favoriting     2:18:22 (Pop-up)
Sterk, Naken Og Biltyvene  Juleglede   Favoriting  
2:20:07 (Pop-up)
Jerry Goldsmith  The Omen   Favoriting  
2:30:43 (Pop-up)
Sigh  A Sunset Song   Favoriting Hell Refuses: A Compendium of Unusual Metal (Brian Turner's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium) (V/A) 
2:32:56 (Pop-up)
Boston Pops!  Carol Of The Bells   Favoriting  
2:42:00 (Pop-up)
Bob Rivers  Walkin' Round in Women's Underwear   Favoriting  
2:48:46 (Pop-up)
3:03:38 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:02am listener mark:

good morning ken
  9:02am Bad Ronald:

Morning Ken et al!
  9:02am Negator:

mERRY Krampus!
  9:03am anne:

hello from tokyo, nightime here.
  9:03am john from oslo:

Ho ho ho
  9:03am Ghengis Jung:

I've been hypnotized...
  9:03am annie:

har har har hee hee hee ho ho ho
  9:04am cheri:

happy holidays ken=)
  9:04am texas scott:

WOW sure is windy!!!
  9:06am Negator:

Nothing says fear, loss, sadness, and war like something Russian.Merry Krampus!
  9:07am mooose:

hello from jersey city, morningtime here.
  9:08am BillyJam:

Is this the Chipmunks really really slowed down?
  9:10am john from oslo:
  9:11am Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

My favorite Wednesday morning game has begun... Guess Ken's Mood! Who wants to play?
  9:12am Lizardner Dave:

I'll say merry. It's Krampus time, after all.
  9:12am JJZ:

  9:12am texas scott:

I do I do....let's probably a little sleepy..
  9:15am Bad Ronald:

  9:15am Ghengis Jung:

Pia Zadora filling in for Ken today?
  9:15am annie:

we have to get pia hooked up with larry
  9:17am annie:

BR- i'm with you
  9:18am Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Larry deserves better
  9:19am Ghengis Jung:

Is this from Animal's solo album after he left Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem?
  9:20am listener mark:

Pia Zadora starred in "Santa Claus conquers the Martians" a classic. Speaking of classics try Pia Zadora on google images with safe search off. Wow
  9:21am Gigantor:

Oh no! I missed 19 minutes of Christmasy badness!
  9:24am Faith:

Is this stomach Krampus or menstrual Krampus?
  9:26am Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

Did Ken break into Prof. Dum Dum's locker?
  9:26am sugarwolf:

yay, I finally have a Wednesday morning off so I can listen to Ken's to show.
  9:26am molerat:

What have they done to poor Larry?
  9:31am dictater:

Is this the hippy noise. Another Thai Krampus; ;jingin ben jingin ben jingin ben da den...
  9:32am trrrish:

-tobogganing w/ krampus
-penguin and bagpiper

..great first visuals to the audios
  9:33am detroitdave:

Wow Ken, psychoholiday madness today!
  9:38am annie:

i found it!!
  9:40am dc pat:

what is that annie? John Lennon thing?
  9:41am annie:

yes, one of my favorites
  9:41am Bad Ronald:

Nice one Annie, Lennon!
  9:42am annie:

for many years i have been talking like that kindof and it is all some big inside joke til you meet someone who has read the same book..
  9:44am dc pat:

nice, I always break out the Beatles fan club records (mp3s) this time of year...
  9:47am Bad Ronald:

In His Own Write:
  9:47am annie:

i waited each year for those pat, what fun.. i am so hoping to get ahold of the NYT page that yoko takes out each year.. if anyone gets one i will gladly pay to have it sent to me!~!?/
  9:50am Laurie:

I prefer the Saint Etienne fan club records.
  9:51am dave in vermont:

this reminds me of sissy spacek in some movie-badlands?
  9:51am annie:

BR- you have made me smile, isn't he wonderful?? we were neurotic and strange youth and that kind of humour set us going!!
  9:52am Ahmad Mechanic:

Seasons Greetings from the Dark Side
Speaking from my bowels.The steam from my breathe turns deep green in the freezing air.It is the dark cold season and even my eyes are filled with bile.I awake at the crack of noon to beat the dead horse in the middle of room into further submission."Lay down... ,down....".The cold metal rod sticks to the remaining moisture in my fingers as I flail. "Lie flatter" "Be still my puppy." The mice scurry to take cover in the rubble of broken pipes and bottles.They will return in an instant to gnaw on more cardboard and bits of fiberglass as soon my back is turned. "Ah" the beating does warm my cold blood just enough to think about being hungry.I would just open an fresh can of worms,but I suppose there are other options.There is that dead eel I caught in the fall ripening in a bucket in the driveway outside."Hmm?"What is this? No maggots ! It looks almost fresh even after months. Sniff,sniff ."Not enough stink !" "Intolerable ! "It must have been all that salt water and dry air.It has almost cured itself. Perhaps this technique could yield results like some kind of eel prosciutto or fish salami. T'is true world is full of disappointments all I wanted was bit of putrid slithering and some bones and or a few sharp teeth for contemplation but I can not even get any thingy to rot properly in this weather.Well then again there still is that one quart of rotting clams I got back in September I believe they are now all ooze and stinking properly. An nice hor devours Yes,but maybe not enough chew to satisfy this dark heart of mine.
What then? More time I guess ruminate.
On what ? Something worthy! ....On love and transgression?...Maybe.
Perhaps I should take a stroll along the shore at low tide and crawl into the large and darkest of rocks to feed the crabs more of my misanthropic ways.
I do miss the summers warm air and sweet pungent smell of trash rotting in the alley,the wasteful ways of the decadent, the towering mounds of young flies laying seed and burrowing into decay,the green stagnant waters brooding with mosquitoes in rusty black steel drums,the hot sleepless humidity and haze.But to me summers verdant and blithe is still too foggy.The long lit days are vague and fleeting months and full of deceit and false promises of leisure time and fruit full harvest.Sweat and toil maybe there own reward but the heat and dull ache of labor is so unenlightening.I say that the cold and dark quiet of winter brings new and vital comforts.The door way in which I crafted years ago into the roof may still be too flat and too open to be considered proper architecture or even anything less than an hole the size of door but in due time it is an pathway to the stars.The cool wind now may coil downward to wrap my limbs and sting the bones. There is nothing like the night on the icy precipice to bring clarity,fresh madness ,new poisons to feed the pain, powers to rout out the demons and make them whole.The cold and darkest of hours(Dec.21) is soon upon us if not the end of the world and an eternity of heat.
Hoping that you create peace and able to make merry with all of yours demons in this coming season.
love Ali
  9:54am Mark:

You expect me to read all that?
  9:56am annie:

i love copy and paste
  9:57am Ahmad Mechanic:

Have you lost your to ability to read ?I am so sorry.
  9:59am Ken:

Sorry I'm so scarce folks!! Trying to mix a lot...
  9:59am Bad Ronald:

No Ahmad, it's rather egregiously verbose.
  10:00am Ken:

Ahmad, if you're going to cut and paste it better be funny. Is it funny? I dont even have time to read it.
  10:01am Mark:

Exactly Bad Ronald and Ken
  10:01am dictater:

Spell check and a dictionary go a long way when writing about 'beating the dead horse in the middle of room' oh ye green breathed one.
  10:02am annie:

ken, it isn't so much the humour, it is the writing
  10:04am Ahmad Mechanic:

I believe it is funny and appropriate .Corporeal tunneling doesnt improve my spelling.
Sorry if it is too long for this venue.
  10:04am north guinea hills:

ken mixs a lot?
  10:05am john from oslo:

Hi Ahmat, I sorta read it - in glimpses - some kinda Crowley meets Tales from the Crypt meets Death Metal meets Erazorhead meets A Zed & Two Naughts meets Krampus? Not?
  10:06am listener mark:

Yes, he has a laptop.
  10:07am Phil:

Is it me or does God sound like Joe Frank?
  10:09am dictater:

Does that mean Ahmad wrote that? All by himself? and has tunnel problems, like the tunnels to hell; did Jesus come to you with a Jewish haircut.
  10:10am Phil:

Is Psycho Santa a cover of Elvis Costello's Psycho, or maybe the other way around?
  10:10am dc pat:

man, I gotta get to the Alps on Dec. 5 next year.
  10:11am john from oslo:

whoops, there goes the soundcard
  10:11am risky!:

morning ken?
  10:12am john from oslo:

oh, sorry - all ok now
  10:12am Bad Ronald:

Jack Kittel wrote "Psycho".
  10:15am Joe:

Joe Morris in the house!
I think this is the best work by the cats, personally..
Beatle barkers rule tho!
  10:16am Ahmad Mechanic:

Hello All'
Yes I did write Seasons Greetings from the Dark Side a few days ago as general greeting to all my friends this coming season.Yes the nerves in my hands are degrading
and I never really learned to type .
  10:17am annie:

i liked it ahmad.. very clever..
  10:21am anne:

happy krampus to all! and merry birching for all the young ladies!
  10:24am GP:

Morning Ken,
Let the birching begin.
shout out to SinterKlass as well!
  10:25am happy listener:

Great images, Ken! Happy Krampus! Keep doing a good show.
  10:25am Ahmad Mechanic:

I could not ask for a better sound track for Season Greetings.Thank you Annie.
  10:26am ?:

Google reveals that "Psycho Santa" is by Western Caravan. Hm... Can't find anything out there besides lyrics, though.
  10:31am Brian C.:

Krampus Helles Lager - From a brewery featured on Scott's old 2:40 beer tasting segment - - it's a nice, big, bitter brew from Chautauqua Co., NY
  10:34am C:

I used to like Christmas music
  10:34am Brick Road:

they should have used the dogs from beatle barkers instead also they need employment
  10:35am annie:

i wonder if they hit the animal each time for the sound or do they just record the first yelp and leave the beast alone after that.
  10:38am Cecile:

I saw this in Bark magazine. A sound engineer who hated dogs because they wrecked his field recordings spliced all the barks he clipped out together as a joke.
  10:39am Mayor Bill Pirkle:

According to the 5-disc deluxe edition of Beatle Barkers Anthology, those dogs and other animals use a special MIDI interface that is concealed in a tasty can of their favorite food. I was pretty reassured at least
  10:39am Cecile:

we could use Ellington's Jazz Nutcracker.
That Nutcracker story is just pagan, warped and beautiful.
  10:40am ferd berfle:

well, that's a relief!!!
  10:41am dc pat:

look at this Krampus card--those Alps dwellers are nuts:
  10:41am Cecile:

  10:42am Lizarnder Dave:

  10:42am The Farkle Family:

Wishing all the joy and relief of the season to you, Ferd.
  10:44am GP:

Ken, ok, now we need some whistling Germans or Austrians.
  10:44am Gigantor:

Yes, according to Wikipedia, the Krampus engages in "slight birching, especially of young females"
  10:44am Mac:

Let us not have this Holiday Fest be a Sexist Season. Krampus needs a mate. I nominate La Befana from Italy (she is a witch).
  10:45am Cecile:

Nutcracker! The official ballet of Krampus!
  10:45am dc pat:

yeah but what's that got to do with a little devil sticking up a naked lady in the bathroom? There's a whole crazy world here we don't know about...
  10:46am LI'l bobby:

Yeah, i thought god sounded alot like joe frank, too...with a slight head cold.
my favorite christmas song as a kid was walter brennan's Henry had a Merry x-mas. it was about the turkey who gets spared from the chopping block.Seems to have some resonance this winter. happy holidays every body.
  10:46am GP:

DC PAt...great now we have Krampus gangsta style...even has the Glock...

Mac...Fear not check out: Frau Perchta
  10:48am Cecile:

*twirls around* hurray for rats, sugar rushes, and delusions!
  10:49am dc pat:

my daughter is in the Washington Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker this year...she's a bee
  10:50am annie:

is she bearing up? all that flitting and all.
  10:51am dc pat:

she's doing great--she loves being on stage. Now I just need to replace that tutu with a guitar...
  10:51am Ryan B:

This isn't Gae Bolg & the Church of Fand is it?
  10:52am Bad Ronald:

Hah ha "flitting", I love that word!

Or she can be like Cheech, DCP - tutu AND a guitar!
  10:52am annie:

in good time, pat, in good time...... or an arrow for her head ala steve martin..
  10:53am gigantor:

This, this is...wonderful?!
  10:53am Excitable Boy:

Yah, John (Johann?) Birch Society...yah, yah! We are the Krampus...Weeee are the time for losers, 'cuz we are the Krampus...of the girrrrls!
  10:53am PMD:

Oh, I remember the days of you doing an entire show on this!
  10:54am dc pat:

OH YEAH, Alice Bowie!
  10:54am trrrrrish:

  10:56am Bad Ronald:

"Earache My Eye"!
  10:57am annie:

you'll shoot yer eye out!!
  10:57am dc pat:

Man, I haven't heard that since I was about 10, Bad Ron.
  10:57am Negator:

Windy up in this piece.
  10:58am Sean Daily:

Not even close to first comment!
  10:59am PMD:

Wait, I heard the word arschloch I think. FCC doesn't care about that??
  10:59am Gigantor:

Why does this sound like Paul Simon?
  10:59am Bad Ronald:

  11:00am Lee:

Is Professor Dumb Dumb in the house?!
  11:02am dc pat:

thanks, aaaaa!
  11:03am Vodka:

Daddy's drinking up our Christmas.
  11:03am dc pat:

it cracks me up to see where these conversations end up: Krampuis>Nutcracker>Alice Bowie
  11:04am dr freud:

does the listener dialogue influence the dj or vice versa???
  11:06am Bad Ronald:

  11:06am Negator:

yOKO! She sounds lovely, doesn't she? I didn't know she made an Krampus record.
  11:07am Cecile:

it's one long mobius strip of inspiration, freudie.
  11:07am dc pat:

well then where the hell is Alice Bowie, KEN?!
  11:07am Lizardner Dave:

Wayne Butane! Get your finger on the button...Johnny Mathis.
  11:08am Cecile:

johnny mathis does have all the answers!
  11:09am Lizardner Dave:

Does "Christmas" from Tommy fit the Krampus spirit?
  11:09am Negator:

  11:10am GP:

Birch me baby!
  11:10am dc pat:

LOT of Beatles in this piece. WHOA is that postcard scary!!
  11:11am dc pat:

yeah, Christmas from Tommy--my fave song from that album.
  11:12am IntangibleArts:

I've gotta get me one of those "lady muskrat housekeepers"...
  11:12am Negator:

We are on "the fucking" moon.
  11:12am annie:

did anyone see the story about the birthday boy denied the cake due to his name??
  11:12am GP:

I think that is Gene Simmons.

Emmanuel "Lewis" LOL
  11:13am GP:

Yea Annie..those parents need to be birched.
  11:14am ?:

Hey, what are ya, Negator, a lunadick?
  11:15am elvie:

ken, do you have anything with hannukah harry in it?
  11:16am Ike:

Did Popeye just denounce "Chinese junk?" Did I hear that right? Am I crazy? (Wait, don't answer that last one.)

I'm with Popeye. I buy no gifts made in China. Plus, they just banned the BBC again.
  11:16am Negator:

Just a fan of RIAA. Heard a sample in this Wayne Butane thang. I just consider myself a big dick.
  11:19am Cecile:

oh, jeez.
der lutefisk.
I am told that gallons of butter is crucial to getting it down.
  11:19am Sean Daily:

Ist der lutefisk?
Ja! Ist der lutefisk!
  11:21am annie:

yeah, i watcheed one of those travel shows .. it takes forever to make that shit..
  11:22am detroitdave:

Sean Daily, Ja das ist der lutefisk! (learned it in germam class)
  11:24am detroitdave:

These Krampus postcards are psychotic
  11:24am Ahmad Mechanic:
  11:24am bbell:

I guess the Germans acquired a taste for Lutefisk one of the many times they "visited" Norway.
  11:26am Cecile:

Yeah, it's an old Viking tradition.
LIke burying food in the ground for six months in Iceland and digging it up for a big feast.

Give me some pemmican, and beef jerky, plz.
  11:26am detroitdave:

yes,yes only a visit hahahahahahahahhhaaaaaaa!
  11:31am Negator:

  11:32am Sean Daily:

Bet that tongue makes Gruss vom Krampus popular with the ladies.
  11:34am Bad Ronald:

With a tongue like that he doesn't need any ladies!
  11:34am GP:

Mom: " I repel you foul Krampus with the sign of the Fonzi"
  11:35am The Dean:

Makes him a Big Man On Kampus.
  11:46am stingy d:

hey these are great pictures ken!
in particular i liked jerry goldsmith, kornkator and anny aoao
  11:48am Cecile:

Nice, ken!
Will it be archived at WCBN if I can't listen?
  11:49am annie:

fantastic show ken!!!! top ten!!
  11:50am detroitdave:

Good question Cecile, what city is the station at Ken?
  11:50am Negator:

I feel so exposed. Is that Sinatra singing on "Women's Underwear"?
  11:51am Karen in Sleepy Hollow:

There are loads of great Krampus in "The Devil in Design" by Beauchamp
  11:51am Webhamster Henry:

Have a happy vacation Ken! Next year: a little Krampus parade in Jersey City!
  11:52am Cecile:

detroitdave - Ann Arbor!
  11:52am GP:

WCBN is 88.3 Ann Arbor, MI
  11:53am GP:

Slow on the server...thanks Cecile : )
  11:54am detroitdave:

Thanks Cecile and GP, I can listen then, what time on Jan 1?
  11:54am Cecile:

I used to DJ there in the mid 80s myself.
  11:56am dc pat:

man, those Alpians must really like to scare the living shit out of their kids.
  11:58am detroitdave:

yeah, I was thinkin the same thing.....Krampus seems hard on the children (when sitting close)
  12:01pm shuffler:

Musk rap
Sum park
Sump ark
  12:03pm Mac:

I would pay real money to see Jacque Tati as Krampus
  12:04pm GP:

Have a great holiday Larry and Ken.
  9:36am Pamela R.:

I meant to email you, Ken, much before this... Was hoping you'd again play The Little Drummer Boy, by Jonathan Kane, in your Krampas Special. Yes, I know you did play it, but just a little clip, and overdubbed, too. Last year when you did, that is, play the full fabulous version, I, over time, played it, oh, perhaps 80 times. I even bought it and later all of J.K.'s CDs (and even LPs), I was so enamored. I now go to every Jonathan Kane gig in the city... It's an amazing song. I thank you for giving it air time. Perhaps next week, xmas eve, you can play the full version. No, I am not a shill for Jon.
  1:02am bw:

23 min in - why is Larry crying???? its KRISTMAS!!!!
  1:12am bw:

34 min in and now I am cryin!! this Krampus is terrrrifyin!
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