Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

March 23, 2008 Favoriting

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Favoriting Dancing Now - The B-52's
Favoriting Garden Of My Mind - The Mickey Finn
Favoriting The Nest - Sons & Daughters

Favoriting Turn The World Upside Down - The Ace
Favoriting Wait Till The Summer - The Illusions (MI)
Favoriting Circus Freak - The Electric Prunes
Favoriting It Will Stand - The Showmen
Favoriting Hang 'em High School - Barbocoa

Favoriting Wreck My Flow - The Dirtbombs
Favoriting You Don't Care - The Tallysmen
Favoriting Requiem For A Dying Song - Flogging Molly
Favoriting Goodbye Baby - Jack Scott
Favoriting Tonight I Said Your Name - Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders

Favoriting Won't Be Long - The Hives
Favoriting I See The Rain - The Marmalade
Favoriting Count - Lili Z
Favoriting Johnny Get Angry - Joanie Sommers
Favoriting Lose My Cool - The Hex Dispensers

Favoriting You, You, You - Dan Frank & The True Believers
Favoriting Things To Come - The Menn
Favoriting If You Won't Let Me Go - The Black Hollies
Favoriting Doowattie - Threeteens
Favoriting Marshal Vito - Savage Republic

Favoriting I Feel The Sun - The Goldbergs
Favoriting Can You Go - The Roulettes
Favoriting With Your Love - The Len Price 3
Favoriting Forgive Me Darling (I Have Lied) - The Ran-Dells
Favoriting No Friend Of Mine - The Molting Vultures

Favoriting I'll Come Runnin' - Hell On Heels
Favoriting Turn Her Down - The Cupons
Favoriting Hang All Over Me - Muck & The Mires
Favoriting Sally, Go 'Round The Roses - The Jaynetts
Favoriting Night Creatures - The Flys

Favoriting On Hold (For Too Long) - The Maharajas
Favoriting I Want A Love - The Sleepers
Favoriting Girls - The Hall Monitors
Favoriting The Little Space Girl - Jesse Lee Turner
Favoriting Laugh And Walk Away - The Shirts

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