Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from January 3, 2008 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting January 3, 2008: The Bee Gees Intensive Episode

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Pixie Dust Animation
The Wonderful Hereafter (Featuring an excerpt on "ways" from Fr. Gene Jakubek, S.I. - from the LP "Time Out To Think".)
362 Days Left! I like that freaky background harmonica by "Oregon," even though the little monologue was lame.
  I realize I have fallen into a predictable show pattern, Going to the park .... interviewing a mix of tourists, homeless people, students, regular working joes and josephines. I realize it because, the shows that deviate, such aS The BlipFest Show and the "all-talking" show generated MUCH more interest. So .... I'll have to try to break out of this rut. I kind of enjoy the uniformity. IF I can get my phone recording system hooked up, I should be able to do interviews by phone, which would mean more celeb action. Might be fun. In the meantime, the weeks keep rolling by so fast. Glad you are hanging in there dear listener. It's appreciated.
Meet Joel Mac. Joel stands at 8th Street and Broadway and exhorts people to change and embraxce morality (while peddling his reggae CD. An interesting guy.
  Did anyone el;se notice that a segment of this show right at this point, repeats over again? Hmmmmm. Somebody must have banged into the CD machine at FMU? Oh well, better to repeat content than have it omitted. At least last weeks "warbling" problem seems to have been rectified. Still playing aa little slow I notice. The endless trevails of cassette-era technology. I love/hate them so. There day is nearly done. You should all buy a 7-pack of cassettes and leave them in the shrinkwrap for the future. : >)
Bhutto Soundbyte
More Joel Mac (with Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror - from "Bad"
Charlie Goes To Georgetown (With Mike Oldfield "Exorcist" backing.)
McCain Doesn't Torture
PAt Robertson LOVES Rudi (Rudy???)
A little Hillary in the Night!
Charlie predicts Hillary will be our next Prez.
Who's Your Favorite BeeGee?
A Little Bit O' Lulu
Robin's Big Teeth
Bee Gees  I Started A Joke   Favoriting Idea  Universal  1968  CD  Written on a British Airways plane 100 miles from Essen. Patterned after a melody created by the plane's droning engine! 
Let's Meet Stephanie
What Would YOU Write in Your Journal Right Now?
RIP Linn, my friernd from Wisconsin who succomed to emphysema last week. She was featured on an episode of The Dusty Show last season. Linn was a brave person, always quick to laugh and smile, even though she faced a alot of odds in life. I will really miss her. Love you Linn!!!! Be happy now.
Giovanni Laments (The Abominable Twitch - music in background ... check him out!)
  Giovanni was hard to interview. Very short, clipped answers. I don't blame her. Lots of pain out there on the streets of this city. And lots of good. I am frequently impressed with the intellect of street people.
Advice: Seek Help. Don't Wait
Bee Gees  Too Much Heaven   Favoriting Spirits Having Flown  RSO  1978  CD  Intro by Clay P (blush) ... This was the first single released by the BG's after a nine month layoff, following the whole "Night Fever" thing. It was originally written for Travolta's "Moment to Moment flick, but Barry Gibb yanked it because the movie was, in his opinion, rubbish, They gave the proceeds of this song to UNICEF. 
Dan And Freedom Corp.
Dan's Story
Focus  Moving Waves (Excerpt)   Favoriting Moving Waves  Sire  1971  LP  Love this record. Dutch band, famous for Hocus Pocus. 
Focus Chat
Ping Pong!
  After a brief period of domination, my girlfriend is now the best player in the house.
Homeless and Homed
Dusty and The Kolonel on Ping Pong
Andy Gibb Retrospective
Andy Gibb  Love Is Thicker Than Water   Favoriting Flowing Rivers  RSO  1977  LP  This sounds SO good in hindsight. A LOT more guitar oriented than I remember. Pretty F'n classic. Miss Andy ... great voice. Tragic tale. 
More Joel Mac
Excerpt ... MJ .... Bad
Powerless Against The Regime .... We Chase False Comforts
America On Paper
Roy Masters Moment
More Stephanie
Creative Secrecy
Tap Dancing From Sammy Davis, Jr.
Sally Struthers Moment from "All In The Family"
Everyday, Everyday with Jim Bakker
  Stephanie was a trooper to sit in the gathering rain to complete our interview!
Bee Gees  Run To Me   Favoriting To Whom It May Concern  Universal  1972  CD  A #16 hit. Hope you are enjoying this Bee Gee's based show. They take so much crap, but really, they are so prolific and great. Love them. 
More Dan!
  People were intrigued with Dan. I found him hard to figure out. Homeless, but fairly kempt as homeless guys go. Wears a lot of camo-clothes. Is it delusions of grandeur? Or ... is he really plugged into something? Or, both??? An interesting man.
Hillary Byte
Dan's Homeland Security Assessment
Dont Say No ... Just Do More!!!
Bee Gees  Stayin' Alive   Favoriting Saturday Night Fever  RSO  1977  CD  Interesting ... the BG's drummer left during the sessions due to the death of his father, so two measures of his performance were looped for this entire song, hence the consistency. He was listed as "Bernard Lupe" and was actually sought after following the release ... until people found out he didn't exist. Favorite memory ..... Meat Loaf putting downb Steve Dahl for burning Bee Gees records and saying that he loved "Stayin' Alive. " That took guts for a rocker to say at that time. 
Ping Pong/Bush Diplomacy. Bring Em' On!
Charlie Defends W
Kerry Moment
Freddy  So Viel Traume (Excerpt)   Favoriting (Single)  Polydor  '60s?  45  German import. My friend Karl the Latvian moved back to Riga and gave me a boat load of Russian, Latvian and German records. Still wading through them. 
German Panzers (From GI Joe LP)
Germany .... A Role Model
Excerpt from "Ludwig" on zither.
Parting positivity from Charlie
Lulu  To Sir With Love   Favoriting To Sir With Love  MGM  1967  LP  The ex Mrs. Maurice Gibb sings her biggest hit. This is the shorter mid-LP version. Great singer who STILL sounds strong. Jimmy PAge on guitar. Produced by John Paul Jones! Heavy friends! 
Joel Has A Problem With Women
Black Men In America Get Enough Attention
Getting Squeezed!
Joel Mac  Religion   Favoriting Born To Love  Joel Mac  2006  CD  Go see Joel ... he's there every day. Tell him you heard him on the show. Corner of 8th and Broadway. 
Stephanie's Message to YOU
Dan On The "Human Animal"
Homeless People Are Lazy .... Dan Sez
Black Sheep and Nuclear Propulsion
1 877 USA CORP
Bee Gees  Lonely Days   Favoriting 2 Years On  Universal  1970  CD  Tail end #3 hit at the close of Bee Gees phase one. 
Thanking The Loyal E-Mailers!!!
Dusty Show Answering Machine ... call NOW 201 521 1375!!!!
  Thanks for listening to this show! I am so glad you took the time to stop by. I'd REALLY love to hear from you. Pre-producing this show at home as I do, it's really easy to feel disconnected. Your e-mails go a long way towards telling me who's out there, where you're listening and what you are into. E-mail NOW .... dusty@wfmu.org Give me your opinions on what you'd like to hear more of or less of. Appreciated.

Also ... the Dusty Show Answering Machine is up and running and ready to receive your call! I would DIG IT so much if you would call and leave something I can play on the program. I want to involve YOU in the Dusty Show!!! Read a short poem. Talk politics. Sing a little song. Say hi to someone. Anything at all!!! No hold barred ... just don't swear. The FCC will fine WFMU if we play profanity.

Well .... thanks again. I hope you are enjoying the Dusty Show. Remember .... the fund raiser is early this year and WFMU will want to see that the Dusty Show has listeners willing to support it. Hope you can spare a few $$$ for FMU and The Pidge. Not that we MAKE money there. HA! I wish. Or ... maybe I don't. At any rate, you have yourself a great week and keep in touch. You are needed and loved here. Take care and ... always remember.

Clay Pigeon WFMU

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