Hi, love what you're playing and it keeps getting better with every song. Thanks and Happy New Year!
Douglas Fir (Banks):
I ate some heritage turkey broth at Rachel and Gordon''s house. G said heritage turkeys have really long legs and small boobs. It was good. Then we had eggs and baked items. God bless you, Maria Levitsky----
Great song by L. Wms. I've heard her maybe 5 times in my life, but I knew it was her (such a distinct vox).
What two albums of hers do you rec. (the 2 best, obviously/hopefully)?
listener carl:
the joy of a wednesday off is listening to Maria's show
Sean Daily:
Fifth comment! Woo hoo!
Lucinda WIlliams self titled album, and Car wheels on a gravel road-- 2 early records. But I am not an expert on all her stuff so have a grain of salt with anything I might say
Kent Downing:
Great show, Maria. My first food in 2008 had to have been the family-renowened chocalate covered peanut butter balls my mom makes each holiday season. I watched the goofy Dick Clark Rockin New Year's Eve with my daughter and saw the ball drop (in Chetopa, Kansas) as it had an hour earlier in NYC. The music on that Dick Clark thing was especially horrible, but it was nice in a weird way to see and hear Dick Clark trudging along, though gasping, with his older voice. Your show (and WFMU) is a fabulous respite from all the awful music on that show. Thanks. I actually wish I would've eaten something more healthy to start out the new year. I'll note to do that in 2009.
Amber in Chicago:
Nice...Dusty and Yoko in the same set!
Andy Breckman:
More of the same, but LOUDER!
hi Maria!
loved hearing that Feminine Complex cut -- i have their vinyl LP. "Livin' Love" that i got as a cut out . . . late 1970s? early 1980s? (when i was in college . . . stores could not give these records away! so OF COURSE i HAD to have it!) . . . i do not recall "Jaguar Jimmy" being on it . . . but a lot of songs that had a bunch of us (at the ripe old ages of late teens/early 20s) going, "oh my God! these chicks are only 17 years old! how can they be singing about these depressing songs of heartbreak?!?!?"
i do not recall much else -- and i do not have the LP in front of me right now -- but i think they were pretty huge in the southeast U.S. -- not sure if they had any national hits either . . .
one of those LPS that i never would have thought would be someday considered "hip" and re-issued on CD!!!
hope all your holly-daze were GROOVY . . . and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
andyandyandyandy where arreeeee youuuuu
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Listener comments!
Douglas Fir (Banks):
What two albums of hers do you rec. (the 2 best, obviously/hopefully)?
listener carl:
Sean Daily:
Kent Downing:
Amber in Chicago:
Andy Breckman:
loved hearing that Feminine Complex cut -- i have their vinyl LP. "Livin' Love" that i got as a cut out . . . late 1970s? early 1980s? (when i was in college . . . stores could not give these records away! so OF COURSE i HAD to have it!) . . . i do not recall "Jaguar Jimmy" being on it . . . but a lot of songs that had a bunch of us (at the ripe old ages of late teens/early 20s) going, "oh my God! these chicks are only 17 years old! how can they be singing about these depressing songs of heartbreak?!?!?"
i do not recall much else -- and i do not have the LP in front of me right now -- but i think they were pretty huge in the southeast U.S. -- not sure if they had any national hits either . . .
one of those LPS that i never would have thought would be someday considered "hip" and re-issued on CD!!!
hope all your holly-daze were GROOVY . . . and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!