Favoriting Advanced D & D with Donna Summer: Playlist from March 24, 2005 Favoriting

Breakcore, folk-rock, death metal, dirty 70's disco, raw satanism. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 24, 2005:


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Artist Track Album Label Comments
Fiszrib  With the pass time edit   Favoriting The Let's Break remix album that has all the kids talkin...  WFMU  OH MY!!! Did you get yours??? 
Moose Ave. Motors  Moose Ave. Motors   Favoriting The super insanely awesome lets break remix album  WFMU  HUmm? its great, right? 
Lisbet og Bent  adv. d&d remix compo entry   Favoriting Lets break - teh album that defined a generation  WFMU  this guy is really known as something else, but regardless, it fucking ROCKSSSSS!!!! 
HandbagABBA  break for love   Favoriting Even old people like the LET's BREAK remix album  WFMU  this is probably the gayest remix, I got- but its also a whole heep of fun too! HANDBAG ABBA FOR PRESIDENT! 
GTI  madness   Favoriting hardcore fever  omnisonus  OH HELL YES!!! OLD SCHOOL RAVE GABBER SHIT!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! 
thunderball  bonzai channel one rmx   Favoriting happy hardcore –1  ZYX music  WE NEEEEEEEDDDDSSS US MORE INSANE OLD SCHOOL HAPPY GABBER!!!! 
charly lownoise & mental theo  tiroler kaboemsch   Favoriting happy hardcore –1  ZYX music  So my friend DJ Pure- who owns these Cd's and is also released on them as well- tells me that this song is even too "low" for him! AH!! That's why we love it!! 
Sunno))))  Ra at dusk   Favoriting 00void  hh noise industries  I got a lot of feedback wanting more sludgy metal... who knows... it might happen... 
hidros3  3   Favoriting 3  smalltown supersound  But then you get this wikkid contra-bass clarinet sound.. is this doomjazz? 
nurse with wound  soliloquy for lilith5   Favoriting soliloquy for lilith  united dairies  well, doom-y but certainly not metal... 
alexander rishaug  milk (the great view)   Favoriting   enlightment  This has nothing to do with doom whatso-ever, but it is good... 
nurse with wound  5   Favoriting soliloquy for lilith  united dairies  The other part of the epic... 
Lenny Dee  Lenny Dee hardcore 2 mix- 1995   Favoriting Lenny Dee hardcore 2 mix- 1995    Straight outta brokklyn, with insane oldschool gabber!!! 
  2 terrorist – I come from Brooklyn- terror tracks        
  Technosis – B-side the second – twisted vinyl        
  Dj Somzer – sons of light and darkness – doom rec        
  DJ Shorp and Dj Pila- Mind controlla RNO rec        
Kanplex  What was that mix   Favoriting Oh my god its the Let's Break remix album!!  WFMU  Super great super great! Get yours today!! www.wfmu.org 
Moose Ave. Motors 5  Moose Ave. Motors 5   Favoriting Let's Break is your home for used vw's  WFMU  "loose the moose juice" 
Nais  let's break rmx   Favoriting The Let's break Remix will never hurt you...  WFMU  Super-awesome... you need this in your life.. yes you do, no really.... 

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