Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from October 10, 2023 Favoriting

Fabio's avatar View Fabio's profile Favoriting

The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 20th Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EST) | On WFMU | wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 10, 2023

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Vibracathedral Orchestra  Untitled   Favoriting My Gate's Open, Tremble By My Side    0:13:07 (Pop-up)
Marija Kovačević  Untitled   Favoriting Music for Broken Violins Vol. 2    0:27:07 (Pop-up)
Tony Conrad  Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain [excerpt]   Favoriting Ten Years Alive on the Infinite Plain    0:35:56 (Pop-up)
Marija Kovačević  Untitled   Favoriting Music for Broken Violins, Vol. 2    0:47:34 (Pop-up)
Lori Goldston  Aloft   Favoriting High and Low    0:51:56 (Pop-up)
Anthony Laguerre & Les Percussions de Strasbourg  Myotis V. VII   Favoriting Myotis V    0:57:54 (Pop-up)
Youngsbower  Eagle Like a Fly   Favoriting Relayer    1:08:57 (Pop-up)
Youngsbower  Opaline Retrieval   Favoriting Relayer    1:14:44 (Pop-up)
Jon Hassell  Blues Nile   Favoriting Vernal Equinox    1:18:19 (Pop-up)
Michael Ridge  Uncomplicated Nature (Misc Loops #3)   Favoriting Misc Loops  Chocolate Monk  1:30:28 (Pop-up)
Francisco Lopez  Wind (Patagonia) - excerpt   Favoriting Wind (Patagonia)    1:50:35 (Pop-up)
Francisco Lopez  Untitled #244 (excerpt)   Favoriting Untitled #244    1:56:07 (Pop-up)
Daniel Menche  Beautiful Blood, part 2, excerpt   Favoriting Beautiful Blood    2:06:43 (Pop-up)
Riccardo Dillon Wanke  Old Man   Favoriting Caves    2:19:06 (Pop-up)
Joel Stern  Wake in Fright   Favoriting Object. Masks. Props.    2:24:33 (Pop-up)
Joel Stern  Pheromone Wings   Favoriting Object. Masks. Props.    2:25:00 (Pop-up)
Marija Kovačević / Thierry Müller  A Rainy Afternoon Near Paris - Part 4   Favoriting A Rainy Afternoon Near Paris    2:29:21 (Pop-up)
The Fun Years  Powerball Annie   Favoriting Life-Sized Psychoses    2:38:17 (Pop-up)
Jozef Van Wissem  Act 3   Favoriting Nosferatu - The Call Of The Deathbird    2:50:56 (Pop-up)
Tom Jones  Wichita Lineman   Favoriting This is Tom Jones    2:55:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:04pm

May the Giant Man fall with a mighty thud.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

hi everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

Fabio good afternoon everyone
Avatar 3:04pm

Hi Failures
Avatar 3:05pm
Triple G:

Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
2/3 of the Perrin Family:

Hey all
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Giant Man going steady!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

Baby steps in learning the Giant dance, hi all
rx "rexy" scabin:

Good afternoon, Fabio and Everyone. It is Martini time. Dinner is prepped.
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Crosby in KC:

Hello, Fabio and all! I'm feeling stronger already
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:06pm
Threemoons 🌛🌕🌜:

HI HO. Failing at lunch, gotta go eat someting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
Handy Haversack:

Hello, Fabio, Failsafes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...that's a loud shirt...
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:08pm

Hi FabiO AND STRONG ones! Giant and micro mini ones! Also regular giants!
Avatar 3:10pm
Joe non Papa:

Is that painting from the MOMA Ed Ruscha show?
Avatar 3:11pm

Ah, much better!
Avatar 👻 3:12pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

↳ Song: "Untitled" by "Vibracathedral Orchestra"
I love clarinet
Avatar 3:14pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Awsome piece
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 3:15pm
lazy pierogi:

the failure of small records
Avatar 3:15pm

@ Joe non Papa: YES
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:19pm

Avatar 3:19pm

↳ Song: "Untitled" by "Vibracathedral Orchestra"
This is amazing. I hope it goes on for a while.
rx "rexy" scabin:

Very nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:26pm
David (in London):

*strolls into the Lounge of Failure, picks up a drink, stands by the window. Takes out a Ronson Varaflame lighter, attempts to light a Black Sobranie cigarette, accidentally sets the curtains on fire. Concierge arrives with fire extinguisher, douses the flames, foam and smoke everywhere, horrible smell of burning, charred curtains falling off*

Evening Fabio and assembled hipsters!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Handy Haversack:

Well, now that David is here keeping a charred eye on things, I need to nip out for a quick vaccination. Back soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm

↳ David (in London) @3:26
Ah, I didn't see you over there behind the smoke. Cheers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30pm
David (in London):

↳ Handy Haversack @3:29
Yes Handles, I'll keep an eye on things. You can trust me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
David (in London):

↳ Mortricia @3:30
Ah, hello Mortricia. Sorry, hope you didn't get foam on your clothing.
Fake P.M.:

What is wrong with the Bills? Go CHIEFS!
Avatar 👻 3:35pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ Fake P.M. @3:33
delete this
rx "rexy" scabin:

I wish that I could stay, but a form of duty calls. Don't forget to pledge if you can. Thank you, Fabio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:39pm

Do you have the record? On Dodecca Quinteon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

They’re Babylonian

I just (re)watched Tony C’s films “The Flicker” and “Straight and Narrow” at a film festival in Buffalo this weekend. The latter has an incredible soundtrack by John Cale & Terry Riley. Does anyone know if it’s available as an audio recording?
Avatar 3:47pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Pure Nihilism
Avatar 👻 3:47pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ ron-ji @3:42
is the music Cale and Riley's "Church of Anthrax" ? check that out
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:48pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @3:14
Just nicked your avatar photo of Goofs in K. Mkt. Nice one!
Avatar 3:54pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @3:48
Welcome... Im the guy sitting on the car hood looking with (lower lefthand corner).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @3:54
I was surprised to come across that here. blast from the past. I recognized Kensington...and then Crazy Steve! Small world.
Avatar 4:01pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Indeed.... I also used to run the community radio station for U of T... hence why I migrate here to get sonic fixes like today.

OMG, you're absolutely right! The piece is titled "Ides of March" on the album. Can't believe that didn't occur to me, but I always assumed since Cale and Conrad were roomies that it was created for the film. In any case the sound and images work incredibly well together. Thanks for the tip.

↳ Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen @3:47
Boy, it's amazing how much the CHURCH OF ANTHRAX cover now resembles something from a Wes Anderson film.
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

All done now cutting the grass. Lost count how many times I had to stop and check the headphones to see if the mower was broken or if it was just the music stream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:01
WFMU's a great sonic resource, as were CIUT and CKLN. Glad you're here!

↳ StringOFperils @4:03
Does this mean CIUT is gone? I loved it! From my northern suburb of Buffalo I could usually catch it in the pre-streaming days, but nowadays I mainly listen to FMU.
Avatar 4:07pm

Avatar 4:08pm

You know what I need?
Ppl to be funnnnnnn
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

Avatar 4:09pm

See w yr soul:::::please
Avatar 4:11pm

Whatever you are mad about?
It isn't worth it or real prolly

Let assumptions go let thoughts go
Avatar 4:11pm
Noir Lover:

Hey Fabio saw Greatest Sinner last night. Wonderful, strange movie. Good recommendation.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm

↳ ron-ji @4:07
ciut is still around but ckln isn't, never really listened to both unfortunately, i'm more of a ckut kind of guy
Avatar 4:12pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @4:03
Agreed WFMU is life affirming. I started at CKLN.... glad your here as well.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm

↳ ron-ji @4:07
No, sorry, it's still on the air. The past tense just reflects a time when I spent a great deal of time with it, with both stations mentioned...very different times. Fear not!
Avatar 4:12pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ ron-ji @4:07
No its still there, i was in the studio the other night and will be getting back involved. Going strong.
Avatar 4:13pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ pot8o @4:12
CKUT is awesome great station.
Avatar 4:14pm

I adore FMU
Avatar 4:14pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ pot8o @4:12
I started at CKLN in 85
Avatar 4:15pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:14
I agree some of the best radio i heard in a long time...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

Doesn't Thursday night's 'Transmissions From Echo Beach, on Sheena's Jungle Room stream, emanate from CIUT? Babs and Derek do their show out of there, I think...or it originated there?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:13
one of my friends is an intern there & he has nothing but great things to say about them, he'll have a show on monday nights in a couple weeks
Avatar 4:16pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @4:15
Yes i do believe so, Dearick is a long time host and cool guy.
Avatar 4:17pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ pot8o @4:15
Everything about Montréal, especially CKUT is awesome
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

WFMU alumnus Jeffrey Davison is on CKUT these days, I believe.
Avatar 4:17pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @4:17
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ David (in London) @3:30
Don't worry. The pharmacy rejected my insurance because America sucks. So I'm back with youse.
Avatar 4:20pm

I rather live slowly::::}
Avatar 4:20pm
Mopa in Toronto:

If any of you get a chance, pick up a book called Radio Rethink: Art, Sound and Transmission Paperback – June 16 1994 by Daina Augaitis (Editor), Dan Lander (Editor).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm

↳ Handy Haversack @4:19

↳ StringOFperils @4:12
Whew, glad to hear. CIUT takes (glad to use present tense!) a different approach to freeform radio, mixing music with talk/community affairs. WFMU's "Techtonic" would fit right in.
Avatar 4:21pm

I think deeply deeply:::}
all day every day as I am sure you all are as well
is very fun::
I am not bored inside my mind
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm

hey fablio. nice racket while i chopped and sauteed onions for a pot of bean soup i got on the boil now. thought you might bring your dan hill and pousette dart band 45's in
Avatar 4:22pm

↳ Handy Haversack @4:19
I went to a local pharmacy, and they didn't even ask for insurance information. Flu and covid.
Avatar 4:22pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ ron-ji @4:21
Glad it works for you, In Canada Community Radio has to have at least 15% talk and community affairs.
Avatar 4:23pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Is it me or dose this Jon Hassell track sounds similar to some 23 Skidoo??? Wow... Blow my mind!
Avatar 4:24pm

Is funny {in sad clown ways} how wrong humans can be::::{
Avatar 4:24pm

Music is j music:::::
This could be so many bands ya know
Avatar 4:25pm

But I encourage all to name similar bands so I can listen too lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

this sounds like a sad indian version of the simpson's theme.
Avatar 4:26pm

↳ Song: "Blues Nile" by "Jon Hassell"
Is beautiful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

I does sound like some 23 Skidoo stuff. The Culling is Coming album at least...good soundtrack for today's bleak and discouraging news vomit
Avatar 4:28pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:25
Clock DVA, German Sheppard's, Test Department, COIL,
Avatar 4:28pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:28
Avatar 4:28pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @4:26
I knew i wasent slipping
Avatar 4:29pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:28
Nah way
I j think we hang on to tight sometimes
But I like labels and names and bands haha
I am very high
Avatar 4:29pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:25
Belt, Cindy Talk
Avatar 4:29pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:29
Click star show
Avatar 4:30pm

William Basinki
Avatar 4:32pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:29
Avatar 4:33pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:29
Try Green Magnet School and Christian Death
Avatar 4:33pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:30
Avatar 4:35pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:30
Awesome stuff
Avatar 4:35pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @4:33
Avatar 4:40pm

Avatar 4:40pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:40
Tibor Szemző
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:40pm
tom tom the pipers son:

timothy carey, a kubrick actor...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ StringOFperils @4:20
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
The Oscar:

I said this here last week, but if you can make it to World's Greatest Sinner you NEED to see World's Greatest Sinner. There's truly nothing like it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @4:40
Avatar 4:45pm

House of Merth::::}
FIlms Where du I find these films: Criterion?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

House of Mirth is indeed some good shit. Gillian Anderson kills it
Avatar 4:45pm

Avatar 4:46pm

I suppose one searches::::
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm
Crosby in KC:

Thanks, Fabio! I have to run but will catch the rest in the archives. See all y'all later!
Avatar 4:50pm

Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

Hi Fabio!

Loving the set, as always.
Avatar 4:54pm

House of Mirth::::::
Tho. I enjoy Merth as a spelling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:55pm
Handy Haversack:

"Excerpt the Wind" continues the Summer of Seger.
Avatar 4:56pm

↳ Handy Haversack @4:55
It is October Vibes now::::{
It's Spring sumwhere

I am enjoying this thoroughly
Tho I must part
Peace to the Middle East
& the rest in between
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm
Handy Haversack:

↳ Juli @4:56
See you soon, Juli!
Avatar 5:06pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @4:56
Love the Epiphone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Song: "Wind (Patagonia) - excerpt" by "Francisco Lopez"
wasn't sure if this was a field recording or not...
Avatar 5:08pm

KK Handy!
I miss the city

Thank you it is my ex's whom I am still really close w
Avatar 5:09pm

His taste is absurd:::
It's why I fell for him haha
you know
Good music good minds
Avatar 5:10pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Nurse with Wound
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:11pm

greetings Fabio
Avatar 5:11pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @5:10
Them I Know:::}

KK I du have things to busy about
See you next show or later
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:13pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:06
yes, but also 'composed'

Did more tasks than the whole day with these strange experimental sounds. amplified my creativity and focus
Avatar 5:16pm

Heya Fab and peeps. Been listening and crunching numbers.
Avatar 5:19pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Juli @5:11
cheers, great sounds on band camp!
Avatar 5:19pm

Julianne's SoundCloud for Fabio Consideration:

Fabio I'll send you a vinyl!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:20pm

i assume bandcamp, in a demonstration of Failure, calls Daniel Menche "experimental" - as streaming services do, and sometimes record stores and such...
Avatar 5:20pm
Mopa in Toronto:

Number Stations? Holger Czukay?
Avatar 5:21pm

↳ Carmichael @5:16
Hey Carm, look, they're playin' our song!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:23pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @5:10
Did you ever listen to The Labyrinth, on CKLN? It was a show VERY much like this show here, that aired from 1982-1985, usually around midnight or 1:00 a.m. Really forward, innovative industrial (and I think, Magick) broadcast. Salvador, the Spanish guy who aired it was really interesting. Him and Chris Twomey. Way ahead of the curve. I think Salvador went back to Europe to work for La Fura dels Baus, the experimental theatre group...wonder where he is now. Seemed like kind of a shaman.
Avatar 👻 5:23pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

↳ Song: "Old Man" by "Riccardo Dillon Wanke"
always nice to hear creative reinterpretations of my favorite neil young song

ooooo heavy breathing
Avatar 5:26pm

↳ Song: "Pheromone Wings" by "Joel Stern"
This are some quite interesting sounds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

'Avant' a term I find useful (& which someone might be - who has found their Form & Method maybe - & isn't particularly 'Experimenting' in that sense ?)
...tho that begs the questions - 'Ahead' of Whom, in What way(s) - & When...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ StringOFperils @5:23
Very interesting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:31pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:26
yes avant works. true it's not perfect but makes a lot more sense than "experimental" - when for most noise, drone, musique concrète, etc artists are not experimenting at all but have as much of a sense of what the recording will be like as conventional musicians.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:31
i think derek bailey called his work non idiomatic....(jazz)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...tho as a *Listener* one could certainly be 'Experimenting' with the 'Avant'. If we were discriminating about Subject & Object. :D ...
Avatar 5:34pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:20
When, really, it's polka music? Didn't hear it. I joined late and am reading upward.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:28
Saw him stage a gallery performance once, where the lights came up and he was sitting on a raised dais, on a kind of throne, wearing flowing robes and this amazing carved wooden Balinese demon mask that he'd acquired in his travels. The room was almost quaking with very loud field of ambient noise, sort of a Zoviet France album that I have, and he sat motionless up there. For about an hour. Just this leering demon staring into the room. Into you. It was amazing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:34
- were *LESS discrimatning...
Avatar 5:35pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @5:23
Yes i do, the The Labyrinth,was awsome. Likewise, Chris Towmey was programing at CIUT when i was there as PD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

↳ Mopa in Toronto @5:35
Yes. He brought the Rozz Williams. He brought the Diamanda. Very savvy guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm

juli - i listened to your pieces and they are pretty cool. did you get a shortwave to record some ham noise off of?
Avatar 5:37pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @5:36
Indeed, i seen both bands in TO, what a great time for music in the city.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ StringOFperils @5:23
CKLN worth attention now ? :
Avatar 5:38pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:38
They have been dead a long time now lost there lisence.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm

RR @529 to answer the question you beg i'd say "ahead of the mainstream"...as little by little more and more people (although a trickle in the big picture) become open to and even embrace music like Fabio plays.
i said once, years ago (on some comments board but what show?) that artists like Daniel Menche, Oren Ambarchi, machinefabrique, etc will be considered "the Great masters" one day!

and @534 when i made a "nurse w wound" station on pandora many years ago in the description i said "the 'experiment' is trying to get a label to release it"!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Mopa in Toronto @5:38
Answers that question.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:40pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:38
Plus its broadcasting power was about 150 watts, so it only reached a few miles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Mopa in Toronto @5:38
...distinctly Derrière even...
Avatar 5:41pm
Mopa in Toronto:

↳ StringOFperils @5:40
True, i remember being barely able to pick them up when i lived in north end of the City.

The failure to eat my balls.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ @5:42
Failure to Sign In & own your Comments.
For starters.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:44
The Failure of Signing In
The Failure of Owning Your Comments
The Failure of Humor
The Failure of This Troll's Balls
The Failure of Eating
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

heh, he's pretending he has balls!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm
Picante Mint:

↳ Song: "Powerball Annie" by "The Fun Years"
I'm liking this a lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm

↳ @5:42
Dog envy of the highest order. Faceless. Frustrated. What to do?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:46pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:45
...well - he didn't say why...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:51pm

↳ tom tom the pipers son @5:33
i like it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm
tom tom the pipers son:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:51
just another option...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm
Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
tom tom the pipers son:

t y fabio...
Avatar 5:53pm

Thank ya kindly, Fabs.
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
Listener Jonny in MA............. d-_-b:

Love these ambient droning phased repetition pieces...
Avatar 5:53pm

↳ Song: "Act 3" by "Jozef Van Wissem"
These last two pieces have been truly lovely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:54pm

Thanks ⇨ Fabio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm

thanks fabio! have a great week everyone!
Avatar 5:55pm

Avatar 5:56pm

Thanks for the great show, Fabio!
So long, everybody
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

thanks for the tunes fabio.
Avatar 👻 Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Fabio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

Damn , never have heard this version of the world's greatest song
Avatar 👻 5:57pm
Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen:

thanks for the show
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

↳ Song: "Wichita Lineman" by "Tom Jones"
well - doesn't stand up to Glenn Campbell's but still a great song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ Fabio ~
David (in London):

Thanks for a great show today, Fabio.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Thanks Fabio
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

Thank you, Fabio. It's just what I needed.

Thanks Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

Fabio thanks for the music all stay safe and be well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm

time to play a record
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

d'oh! i forgot about "hard stuff"!
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