Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from January 25, 2022 Favoriting

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Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 25, 2022: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ÉLIANE RADIGUE

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Images Approx. start time
Éliane Radigue  Usral (April 1969)   Favoriting Feedback Works 1969–1970  Alga Marghen  2012 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  (A2)   Favoriting Σ = a = b = a + b  self-released  1969 
0:11:47 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Onward 9.5/Backward 9.5   Favoriting Vice Versa  Important Records  2009 
0:19:12 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  (part two)   Favoriting Triptych  Important Records  2009 
0:31:24 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Éliane Radigue 

Transamorem-Transmortem   Favoriting


Important Records 



0:49:44 (Pop-up)
Eliane Radigue  Mila's Song in the Rain   Favoriting Songs of Milarepa  Lovely Music, Ltd.  1983 
0:59:45 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Jetsun Mila (pt. 2)   Favoriting Jetsun Mila  Lovely Music, Ltd.  1987 
1:19:04 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Kyema   Favoriting Kyema, Intermediate States  Experimental Intermedia Foundation  1990 
1:26:08 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Éliane Radigue 

L'Île Re-Sonante   Favoriting

L'Île Re-Sonante 




1:48:41 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Adnos III   Favoriting Adnos I-III  Table Of The Elements  2002 
2:11:58 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Geelriandre   Favoriting Geelriandre - Arthesis  Fringes Recordings  2003 
2:25:17 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Etude   Favoriting Opus 17  Alga Marghen  2013 
2:34:39 (Pop-up)
Éliane Radigue  Occam Delta II (Pour Clarinette Basse, Alto Et Harpe)   Favoriting Occam Ocean 1  Shiiin  2017 
2:48:09 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01am

  🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:01am

(Much better a birthday than a memorial, for a change.)
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

he-he-hellooooooooo everyone
Avatar 3:04am
Jesse Dorris:

Continuing my vow to celebrate heroes while they still are with us, tonight is a deeeeeep dive into the legendary Eliane Radigue!
Avatar 3:04am
Jesse Dorris:

settle in and speakers up
David in London:

Morning Jesse and all Glotals.
Avatar 3:05am
Jesse Dorris:

so much beauty in store
Avatar 3:05am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning David!

thanks in advance eheh
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:07am
Paulo AD:

Jesse Jesse Jesse :) Howdy
Morning Dai, how goes it ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08am

Greetings Jesse and all. And happy birthday Eliane Radigue. She's still composing at 90, but not for electronics anymore
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

She is indeed, and such lovely compositions!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11am

greetings Jesse and glotalers
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13am

I know some people (including one of my many bosses) in the ONCEIM ensemble that premiered some of her Occam Ocean series
Avatar 3:14am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh Fred that's amazing! What an honor.
Avatar 3:16am
Jesse Dorris:

We're going to spend awhile in her electronics, but her orchestral work somehow moves me as deeply as her electronic drones
Avatar 3:16am
Jesse Dorris:

which are forthcoming
Hi from Holland:

Aloha! Bring forth the Drones!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:17am

Fun fact: one of the members of that ensemble is also one of the founders of the Sonic Protest festival
Avatar 3:18am
Jesse Dorris:

just a bit of ear-cleaning first
Avatar 3:18am
Jesse Dorris:

oh! wow!
Hi from Holland:

Ear-cleaning, gotta remember that one.
David in London:

Matthew, 12539, Coela, Holland, Fred.
Paulo, I’m well my man, thank you. What’s the news from the eastern lands?
Avatar 3:19am
Jesse Dorris:

and here we go............
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:20am
Paulo AD:

Dai, well apart from multiple bombing attempts not much haha
Golf game is coming along
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:21am
Paulo AD:

I did watch house of Gucci last week then went down the Gucci wormhole, and I have seemingly ended up with 2 new gucci shirts
Avatar 3:22am

Hello Jesse and all
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

what a fever dream of a movie
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:23am
Paulo AD:

I thought Gaga looked stunning in the early years
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25am

Most of ONCEIM members come from the free improv or noise scenes, not classical (actually the E stands for "experimentation" and the I for "improvisation", and the name sounds like "on s'aime", which is French for "we love each other")
Avatar 3:27am

He-he-hey special friends, Tel Aviv green tea all up in your comments board. Morning fred, PaoLow, JD, Sylvia, Hollanders and Londoners..
Avatar 3:29am
Jesse Dorris:

She really does. Her acting...she does make choices.
Avatar 3:29am
Jesse Dorris:

how sentimental, Fred!
Avatar 3:29am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi, Sylvia! Hi, S_V!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:32am
Paulo AD:

Sylvia, Fred, SV Hope you're having a great night day
Avatar 3:33am

@fred: is ONCEIM an ensemble she belonged to?
Avatar 3:36am

Muchly enjoying this thus far, Mr Dorris.
David in London:

Sylvia, S_V.

Paulo, “seemingly”, I see what you did there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:37am

@S_V: no, it's relatively recent, but they developed a close relationship
Avatar 3:40am

loving this thank you
Avatar 3:41am
Jesse Dorris:

glad the spell is working on you all.........
Avatar 3:41am

there's a documentary about Eliane Radigue on Vimeo vimeo.com...
Avatar 3:41am
Jesse Dorris:

It's too short but very charming!
Avatar 3:41am

as Stan would say, "kinda just makes ya feel good right?" <3
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:41am

Good morning Jesse and all - perfect sounds for this morning (or any morning)
Avatar 3:42am
Jesse Dorris:

Stan is exactly right
Avatar 3:42am

it's definitely 19am right now
Avatar 3:43am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning jinja!
Avatar 3:43am
Jesse Dorris:

It's 19am somewhere!
Avatar 3:43am

yes Sylvia!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43am

G'day Jesse Polymorphs! Just had to field strip my electric fan, to adjust the balance. Doesn't sound like a Spitfire anymore. Just a Cessna.
Avatar 3:44am
Jesse Dorris:

Is there an ointment for that, Scott?
Avatar 3:47am

some Doan's back pills ought to do it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49am

The heat rash doesn't get me Jesse. Not with a fan moving 36°C air. I eill be Jerky soon.
... spicy retorts welcome!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:50am
Paulo AD:

Too easy a setup Scotty
David in London:

Morning Scotty, jinjabredboy.

radigue pieces are amazing by myself (no earbuds!!), but i have to recommend chat to experience it live whenever however. there are a few people either playbacking w/ all the appropriate spaces and conditions, or on instruments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51am

G'day David! Just taking a refreshing dip in my beer here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52am

Easy is my style Paulo.✌😎👣
Avatar 3:52am
Jesse Dorris:

Tak, I'm sure you're right on target about that. Here's hoping more live performances wil arrive before too long

specifically: Caroline Profanter, Julia Eckhardt & Enrico Malatesta

so the playback we set up mattresses in the middle of a museum, régie in the middle, a few hidden monitors. I love this music when it's NOT in fake ass stereo

for* not so
Avatar 3:58am
Jesse Dorris:

Tak please come do this in NYC!

oh no no i have nothing to do with it! I just carry heavy or large stuff for the local productions
Avatar 4:06am
Jesse Dorris:

Doesn't Robert Ashley sound so casual and insouciant here
Doris from Droitwich:

Morning Glottals. Beautiful show today, Jesse!
Avatar 4:11am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning, Doris! And many thanks. How are the cats?
Doris from Droitwich:

They are happy to take over Tony’s spot on the bed this week!😁

Good morning Jesse and fellow glottals. My ears are happy.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:16am
Paulo AD:

Morning Doris, Howdy Hamish
Avatar 4:17am
Jesse Dorris:

"Is there a comfortable cave nearby?"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:18am
Krys O.:

Doris from Droitwich:

Morning Paulo. How’s things?
Avatar 4:19am

haha Doris, cats living their best life

it’s very foggy in my part of France, feels appropriate with the music
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:21am
Paulo AD:

Doris, all good thanks. Just waiting for my lunch time so I can waste half hour on my sofa
Doris from Droitwich:

@Sylvia definitely! It’s been perfect hot bath weather here lately & they love sleeping on human-shaped hot water bottles.
Avatar 4:23am
Jesse Dorris:

What's not to like?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26am

I heard one Occam Ocean piece for church organ (the old-school kind) and the resonances were definitely part of it. I usually walk around to change things up, but for that piece I just picked a spot and let the waves come
Avatar 4:27am

gorgeous stuff <3
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:29am
David (in London):

Morning Hamish, Doris, Krys.
Avatar 4:29am
Jesse Dorris:

Her work is definitely of the body as much as the spirit
Avatar 4:29am

to life
Doris from Droitwich:

Morning David!
Avatar 4:30am
Jesse Dorris:

Sending these hours over the airwaves in the hope it might move the wheels closer to her somehow performing in NYC
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:34am

@Jesse: I doubt that will happen. She's frail and doesn't seem all that interested in performing. She does seem interested in hearing people perform her work, so you know what you gotta do...
Avatar 4:37am
Jesse Dorris:

I know...I know...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:38am

Dig it.
Avatar 4:41am
Sprattus Sprattus:

Such wonderful scapes to half-dream with and fall asleep and then wake up to :0 baffled
Avatar 4:43am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Ike!
And the answers come in dreams, Sprattus
Avatar 4:43am

the moments i live for
Avatar 4:45am
Sprattus Sprattus:

I wholeheartedly agree
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49am

@Jesse: then again, she could work with you for the next Ocean piece. Definitely could happen, show what you got

Good morning! Wow these are some real low tones. Have to hold my phone right up next to my ear and then it vibrates!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52am

Love the works of Eliane Radigue. Thanks and good morning Jesse.
Avatar 4:54am

is my radio broken?
Avatar 4:54am
Jesse Dorris:

or has it been finally fixed?
Avatar 4:54am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning, Bluecharlie and Stanley, welcome aboard

Elaine Radique!!!
Avatar 5:01am

Avatar 5:04am
Jesse Dorris:

oh yesssssssss
Avatar 5:05am

Still with y'all
Avatar 5:06am
Creature Boy:

Who finally fixed my radio?
Avatar 5:07am
Creature Boy:

Or phone as the case may be
LiXiviated Life:

Hello Polly-O’s
Avatar 5:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya S_V, how's all with you>
Avatar 5:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Radigue, that's who, Creature Boy
Avatar 5:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Hello LiXiviated!
Avatar 5:10am
Creature Boy:

Avatar 5:10am
Creature Boy:

90 huh? That's somethin

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:19am

Good Morning Jesse and Everyone!! It feels like -17F here in Iowa...54 days until Spring!!
Avatar 5:19am
Jesse Dorris:

and counting!
LiXiviated Life:

This is strangely appealing

Hey Jesse, everyone
Inner Ear Detour:

What a great show tonight, Jesse
Avatar 5:29am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Sean, hope all is well with you
Avatar 5:30am
Jesse Dorris:

And thanks! Such a pleasure to sink into her work
Avatar 5:31am
Jesse Dorris:

I highly recommend spending time as I did today going through her work singularly--I've tangled much of it up here but individually each work has its own value
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:35am

Ilove Radigue
I have for quite some time

It is very cold in my house for some reason
Avatar 5:36am

Well this is a lovely transition..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37am

Wearing my winter cfoat but I have been asleep since four yesterday haha getting up to say hello a couple times so no more sleep

Hello Jesse thanks for playing my fave noise musician
Avatar 5:38am
Jesse Dorris:

aww hello Juli maybe the last glowing embers of the Radigue set will warm things up
Avatar 5:38am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks S_V, got like every input going!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:50am

Ty! It is already

In my dream I was flying backwards because it was easier for some reason: thru the night sky: I longed for it to be day bc I was quite unnerved by the dark: I was discovering differently lands: one was built very poorly very slum like and I was upset at how much they blocked out the sun in their buildings: I would find ways out of the dark alley ways which were over water: liek Venice: there were ppl yelling towards me as I fleww by and children playing in this metal windmill it was finally daylight and I woke up and said no more bc it was the third time I went back into this dream and was tired of flying tbh

Dreams are incredibly detailed: down to the stuffed animal the little girl is holding in the distance to the rock concert I flew thru haha to the many cities I find in dream world

Sorry dreams are really not boring at all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52am

Sorry I am still asleep and jumbling up the dream lol
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:53am
Paulo AD:

Thanks for the show Jesse
  🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:53am

Thank you for celebrating the heroes, Jesse.
Avatar 5:53am
Jesse Dorris:

That's it for me, friends! Thank you for your ears. Stay safe so we can all be back here together next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53am

Ty Jesse!
Again such a lovely way to wake up
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:55am
David (in London):

Thanks for a wonderful show today, Jesse.
May the drone be with you all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Happy birthday Eliane.
Thanks for a very good show, Jesse
Take care y'all
Lake Hiawatha Doug:

This has been great. Thank you!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:56am

Thanks Jesse
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Thanks Jesse!✌😎🤙🌻
rx scabin:

Good morning.
rx scabin:

Good morning.
Avatar 10:41am

TY Jesse for sharing Eliane Radigue ....
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