“Let’s get real, real GONER for a change!” WFMU is broadcasting live from Gonerfest from Sept. 27th – 29th
Every year the fall kicks off in big style down Memphis way when the ginchy record label Goner holds its annual festival of rockist tendencies, Gonerfest. Gonerfest gets legal this year with its 21st edition, and to celebrate, the Goner folks have invited WFMU along to broadcast from the festival. We don’t know yet which bands will be broadcast, but bands playing this year include The Rip Offs, Derv Gordon, Jon Spencer, L’Etran de L’Air, Angel Face, Cheater Slicks, Oneida, Bailter Space, Water Damage, Soup Activists, Rosali, and more. A whole flock of WFMU DJs will be there to guide you through the action, so lock your radios on the station from Friday, Sept 27th through Sunday, Sept 29th to hear a generous selection of live sounds direct from the fest. To tweak a line by a certain singer from Memphis, “Let’s get real, real GONER for a change!”