Favoriting Optimized! Expanded Radio Stream: Playlist from June 8, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting June 8, 2016: Optimized! Day 3 with Ken Freedman, Jim Price, People Like Us, Tim Maloney, Busy Doing Nothing, Jim Price, DW Robertson (Ergo Phizmiz), Gwilly Edmondez, Dan Deacon, John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live at Monty Hall (skype letspaintwfmu), Dina Kelberman

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9am (on both FM radio & video stream) Ken Freedman - live animated gif show

Playlist and comments over at http://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/66900

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Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.00pm Jim Price - Let’s Talk Coins

Jim Price makes at least seventeen sounds: tooth-grinding, trills, twitters, tongue taps, hisses, grunts and has different sounds for when he bumps into something or when he’s disturbed or wounded.  He’s been a disc jockey at WFMU since 1976 and his band, NEBLUNG PRICE record all their material in an onion drying shed.  Without fatal accident, Jim has arrived to see the airbag and steam from the swelling minor. 


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.02pm People Like Us - All On A Beautiful

Everything’s Tra La La.

Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, and is recognised as an influential and pioneering figure in the still growing area of sampling, appropriation and cutting up of found footage and archives.  Working under the name People Like Us, Vicki specialises in the manipulation and reworking of original sources from both the experimental and popular worlds of music, film and radio. People Like Us believe in open access to archives for creative use. In 2006 she was the first artist to be given unrestricted access to the entire BBC Archive. People Like Us have previously shown work at Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, The Barbican, Centro de Cultura Digital, V&A, Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, Pompidou Centre, Maxxi and Sonar, and performed radio sessions for John Peel and Mixing It. The ongoing sound art radio show ‘DO or DIY’ on WFMU has had over a million “listen again” downloads. since 2003. The People Like Us back catalogue is available for free download hosted by UbuWeb.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12:25pm Tim Maloney - Optimised

Dr. Amanda Maybelle Fisher, D.D.S., the creator of the highly popular children’s character 'Hello Crab,’ has a unique creative problem facing her - one that may require questionable use of narcotics and a most highly dubious use of higher mathematics.

Tim Maloney is an American filmmaker and animator who has made films for the band Negativland, the Walt Disney Company, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, to name the strangest bedfellows. His work has been screened at the PFA, SF MOMA, the ICA, MIT, and many other prominent places that go only by their initials.  You have guessed it; he has found a magic lamp, and instead of using it to cure world hunger or to end suffering, he selfishly employs the spirit within to dupe important people, many of them with beards, into screening his work and giving him "legitimacy.”  His specialties include animation, filmmaking, rubbing animals, and drawing obscene pictures of authority figures.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


12.40pm Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie - The Better Living Show

A journey in song documenting my attempts to optimize my life through various means, and to answer the musical question: Am I a winner? 

I have a naive but unshakable belief in the potential for popular culture to express the breadth of human experience.  I have been finding meaning in popular song since I was a child.  And if I can't find meaning in a song, I will force meaning upon it by recontextualizing it.  Hence, my involvement in freeform radio, for which I have had an abiding passion since the heyday of commercial freeform in the sixties.  Thanks to freeform station WFMU, I have been foisting my musical selections and juxtapositions on the public since 1996, via my show, Busy Doing Nothing.  I am fond of music, songs, books, and movies in which not a whole hell of a lot happens. 

Sammy Davis Jr. - Some Days Everything Goes Wrong 
Miss Piggy - Snacksercize
Jonathan Coulton - I Feel Fantastic
They Might Be Giants - Alienation's for the Rich
Oscar Brown Jr. - Rilly?
Minutemen - Maybe Partying Will Help
(with Pema Chodron - from "Unconditional Confidence")
Shaggs - Philosophy of the World
DJ Chazaloo - Gladys Who & the Brooklyn Pips: Three Questions
(with Sally Armstrong - from "Am I OK?")
The Poppy Family - Beyond the Clouds
Roger Miller - You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.10pm Jim Price - The Poetry Pond

Jim Price makes at least seventeen sounds: tooth-grinding, trills, twitters, tongue taps, hisses, grunts and has different sounds for when he bumps into something or when he’s disturbed or wounded.  He’s been a disc jockey at WFMU since 1976 and his band, NEBLUNG PRICE record all their material in an onion drying shed.  Without fatal accident, Jim has arrived to see the airbag and steam from the swelling minor. 


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.12pm DW Robertson (formerly Ergo Phizmiz) - Watership Down Optimised for Flora and Fauna

All the descriptions of the natural world in the epic rabbit novel, cut out and arranged sequentially.

DW Robertson is a writer, composer and collagist, who used to be known as Ergo Phizmiz.


(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.30pm Gwilly Edmondez - Cramped Ambitions (Optimised for Tents)

“Cramped Ambitions” is a party-mix vignette that takes place in a campsite or any similar construction (like those of imaginary games) that we try to substitute for a ‘real thing’ (such as a hotel in the case of the campsite). Gwilly overlooks the fact that there are those who genuinely prefer to sleep in a tent rather than a room with a bed in order to focus on the absurdity over exaggerated hopeful intentions. Each mini-tableau through the 15-minute montage/mix explores a different mood of this expression, always trying to make the most out of the situation presented by the next emerging context.

Gwilly Edmondez started making recorded improvisations and using them as source material for non-notated composition in 1980 when he was thirteen years old. Since then he has applied this developmental methodology to a variety of creative situations, both as solo projects and in numerous collaborations, including Felt Beak (http://feltbeak.tumblr.com), Wild Pop (http://vimeo.com/wildpop) and Kakutopia (http://freemusicarchive.org/label/Kakutopia/). A selection of solo albums can also be found on his page at UBUWEB (http://www.ubu.com/sound/edmondez.html). Since 2004 he has taught recorded media composition and non-notated performance at Newcastle University.

(Listen: Pop-up)

Dina Kelberman has created “Half Full, 2016”
a series of animated GIFs depicting "optimism" using found images of water situations


1.45pm Dan Deacon - Optimized

In the 3rd week of July of 2015 I downloaded the Billboard Top 100 Singles for no particular reason. I started messing around with the songs but they basically sat in a harddrive until this project came about. The word "optimized" made me think of them. What could be more "optimized" music than the pop music designed for mass consumption? I brought all the files into Ableton Live and layered them all and started messing with the length of their transients, slowly increasing them over time making a noisy collage of focus group tested and market research approved optimized pop hits.


(Listen: Pop-up)

2pm-3pm John Kilduff with Let’s Paint TV live from Monty Hall

Mr Let's Paint (John Kilduff) does it all! Multitasking his way through life...exercising, painting, cooking and taking your calls!

Taking your calls on Optimized! Live from Monty Hall at WFMU 6-10 June @2-3pm EST

SKYPE call now to: letspaintwfmu
Also, John can see your Comments in the Playlist and will respond!



3-5pm - Repeat of Noon-2pm Programming

Listener comments!

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At 9am Ken Freedman will be on the air AND on the Optimized stream with a 3-hour live animated gif show
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unit 8298 plugged in
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Ken Freedman is doing a live animated gif show playlist today for Optimized! here
Then we're back here until 3pm!
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comments/playlist starts here at Noon

Getting set up for today's OPTIMIZED!
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yes, we are here!

Oh, and I WILL be typing a question for Mr. Let's Paint today!

Is there SUPPOSED to be an echo on this?
Avatar 11:59am
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sounds like you're playing it on two tabs or the wfmu stream too?
Avatar 11:59am
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I *think* it's you
Little Miss Dog Pedant:

I don't understand what's happening.
Not that that's a problem.

Hello, I feel so Optimized! now!
Avatar 12:00pm
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hello there!

got it!
Avatar 12:03pm
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I can hear several at the moment but it's just me
and now it actually IS me, ha ha

I'm seriously considering breaking my gluten-free diet tonight and getting a pepperoni & sausage pizza, thanks to Uncle Kenny

Hi Vicki! I followed you here from Ken.
Avatar 12:04pm
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well done, well done, that's what I was hoping
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you're more than safe here

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a-painful!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Webhamster Henry:

Vicki: do you know the fake cheery Elf song from the Series Of Unfortunate Events Movie?
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no I don't!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:05pm

yay, People Like Us!

I won't put popcorn on it though (although corn is gluten-free, maybe that and the pepperoni & sausage would cancel out the pizza dough? That's how nutrition works right?)
Avatar 12:06pm
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hi Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Webhamster Henry:


I'm always down for bonus PLU
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John Kilduff will be cooking popcorn at our live performance tomorrow night, with musical accompaniment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

This little festival gives me a break from streaming the Boredcast stream.
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well this was going to go over that stream but we figured this out instead
ƑO² (:

Vicki's shows are the best place to be for collectors -like me- of stunning weirdenful music.

I'm going to be here quietly listening, sparing you my comments.
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That's ok ƑO², we can keep playing Guess Your Nationality here. I'm gonna say Liechtensteinian!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm

weirdfully stunning
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This is a lovely and fun set Vicki!
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many thanks :) we will archive the audio from 3pm (then I'll timestamp the show starts at some point after)
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Or what Charlie said =)
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi, everyone. I'm feeling pretty optimized, but not fully. Apparently, I must keep listening/watching.
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yes, please do
Barry Manilow will help

Ken from HP - The trick is to optimally optimize your optimization

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ok I need to get some tea from up the corridor

There was a fancy Macaroni & Cheese vendor at the Ithaca Festival last weekend, selling such things as bacon Mac & Cheese and lobster Mac & Cheese. My friend had to physically restrain me from spending all of my money there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

I think my stomach would run out before my money.

Charlie, it's just that I went on this gluten and dairy free diet 3 weeks ago, and I haven't had any macaroni & cheese since then (or pizza, or bagels with cream cheese, or lots of other things that I used to stuff my face with)
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Charlie's on next!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:39pm
Webhamster Henry:

(I've done Markov chain literature .. in fact I've done similar travesties in audio back in the 80s) www.echonyc.com...
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I have no idea how Tim did this
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here's Charlie!

Markov-Chain Literature, that's something I should get on, having played around with recurrent neural networks in the past....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm

I just love Sammy's phrasing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

@Cliff -- I once had to stop eating cheese due to a drug interaction. The night before I started the drug, I had a Stilton omelette for dinner.

I'm just happy to learn that there's a They Might Be Giants song called "Alienation's for the Rich"

Charlie - MAOIs? I think those are the ones you can't have cheese/wine/mushrooms with
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Cliff - yup, maoi, for a short time

Also anyone undergoing an Ayahuasca ritual or using Syrian Rue has to avoid cheese, for the same reasons, it can cause Serotonin Syndrome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:49pm
Webhamster Henry:

This is Happier than your Happy Town Marathon CD!

I know about some of those funny meds, I was prescribed TCAs for a while in grad school, and had problems with extreme dry-mouth and night blindness. Fun times!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
The Rich in Washington:

Don't I know it.

Wow, and Pema Chodron's coming up too! You're hitting all the bases here Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

She joins the Minutemen for the solo :)

YES...LOVE The Shaggs!

Yeah, pot doesn't work so well for anxiety in my experience (not that I've have a lot with it (don't tell Billy Jam))
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm

Haha, Henry, this whole Optimized week is a Happy Town!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm
Rich in Washington:

Helen Wiggin's drumming is my spirit animal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

It's amazing how the three of them always cycle around and finish together.

"Everything is perfect, but there is a lot of room for improvement" - so true!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

That was a clip from Joseph Goldstein saying that.

Now I'm thinking of a book my aunt gave me a long time ago - Don't Just Do Something, Sit There
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Decided: Charlie, you are a winner!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm

We're all a winner, Micheal:)
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Another double-shot from Jim Price today!
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Kat in Chicago:

This Watership Down reading is optimizing my blood pressure. So soothing.

This is wonderful. I would love to hear the same thing done with descriptions of the natural world from Captain Beefheart lyrics - he had a lot of goo ones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm
Kat in Chicago:

@Zak that's a great idea

*good ones*
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A favorite premium is my PLU Chart Sweep with Gwilly.
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glad you like
at the top of the hour we have Mr Let's Paint, and he will be able to see what you are writing in here - so "speak" to him and he will respond on camera, on treadmill

Unless the treadmill breaks down again
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not sure what's up with that treadmill but it's a bit scary

I was more worried about those huge knives, but he did reassure us that they're all dull
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that treadmill really does speed up a LOT

I think paint and electronics don't mix
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Dan Deacon next
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Rich in Washington:

This is all fantastic. I don't dare touch my dial, to coin an anachronistic phrase.
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These are pop hits falling down the stairs. Wonderfully.
  Swag For Life Member 1:48pm

Hi Vicki. I still have an old FMU premium cassette tape from the late '80's called "The Torture Tapes" - lovely mash-up collage of found recordings. No idea who put it together - could you maybe ask Ken? I still play it occasionally. Lovely stuff.
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Pop Hits Keep Falling On My Head

Rich, I was saying during Ken's show that the thing that bugs me about internet radio is there's no dial to twiddle. But maybe I can recreate that in virtual reality......
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I think Ken's just left the building, but will ask him if I see him
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Rich in Washington:

You have to turn the dial in your head. Mine goes to eleven.
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Kat in Chicago:

I am also fond of Chart Sweep

So these were all the Big Hits in the Summer of 2015? I wouldn't know, I was listening to WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:52pm
Rich in Washington:

I keep hitting 'send' on the wrong tab and losing the stream. This is daunting. I must pay attention.

Yes, gotta make all those knobs go to 11, it's one better than 10
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I have no idea what happened this century

I tuned out sometime around 1998
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I only know through samples and mashups

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Ken From Hyde Park:

Going to try to watch optimized video at the gym now. If wireless cooperates.

I'll take you over the Top Ten, ANYDAY!

Get on that treadmill, Ken from HP!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I should hop on a treadmill and try to keep up!
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stay tuned... we're going down to the ground floor now to Monty Hall!
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Message Mr Let's Paint here

ok here's comes my question
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Rich in Washington:

Mr. Let's Paint! Have you ever had a treadmill die from too much spilled/spattered paint?

Hello John! What do you think of Bob Ross? I said on Monday that you were the exact opposite of him, but now I think you're both coming from the same place (he's just a little more relaxed in his execution)

I'm going to try to fix a website while I watch this.

Dear John,
I am a 49 year old man who can stand to lost about 50 pounds. What sort of exercise regiment do you suggest for someone who hasn't seriously exercised in 16 years? I want to get rid of my 'spare-tire' and 'man-boobs'!
Seriously yours,

How has that butter worked out on yesterday's canvas?

10,000 steps.... no soda..... gotcha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
JP from KC:

Damn! I missed the Bob Ross question? I was really curious about that, myself.

Bob Ross always had his "happy little accidents", I think that's the connection here.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Rats, I didn't bring my goulash ingredients with me! Or my paint set. Or utensils. They need to have Android TVs here so I can cast the video to them. I'm just sweating away here like a goober.
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Lizardner Dave:

What's the biggest cut, in terms of stitches that you've given yourself while cutting up vegetables while walking on a treadmill?
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Mr Let's Paint: what sort of smell are you going to have cooked up in Monty Hall for the Thursday night audience?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

John, what dessert do you recommend with goulash? I'm guessing dump cake.

Yes Vicki, I so wish we had the technology to transmit smells over the internet
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Have you ever made a Cook Book?
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we have many viewers right now
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Hello Mr Let's Paint. Should WE try this at home? Or not?
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call back
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Lizardner Dave:

Do you have to clean up after your show or do you have an intern?

Aaron in Minneapolis! Yes!!
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hi Aaron!

I can't even believe what's happening right now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
JP from KC:

I just want to hear that automated reader say more hilarious things.
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ha ha ha
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Aaron calls Seven Second Delay

Thank you so much Aaron
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what time does the clock always make chaos happen in Amityville Horror?

Why does the treadmill keep going haywire?! I'm getting scared of it too now Vicki
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

I feel ashamed right about now, LOOK AT THE GUY. he multitasks like nothing else! I hate my life
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do you ever give up?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
JP from KC:

Mr. Let's Paint is making optimized optimistic!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:32pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

No I just know theres people worse off than me, like Andy Breakman.

V, are you gonna be ON-STAGE with John tomorrow?

I'll say this again, because John didn't see this on Monday: Tony Conrad doing film projection has nothing on this guy!
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yes Vince

HA!... you better TARP your equipment!
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Yikes that knife!

A "little" salt
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Aaron in Minneapolis:

Vikki you should have had Andy preform some stand up for the stream.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:39pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

And Ken too

This is kinda like when I cook while I'm coming down from acid. Though I don't do it on a treadmill and paint at the same time
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That's a great idea Aaron - unfortunately too late now to arrange, but hopefully we will get to do this again with the things we forgot to do!
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alright looks like ill be there tomorrow!
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will i be splashed with anything if i sit in the front row?
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Aaron in Minneapolis:

I will be at the listener meetup tonight in Minneapolis if any one of you folks are in the area, join us!
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John might auction his painting tomorrow night, isn't that so? We will also pass the mic around the audience
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Matt ww:

Can you put some yellow in the painting??
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the painting might look nice from the back now
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Chris M.:

so inspiring
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:


Mr. Let's Paint, do you do any self-portraits ? I'm very hopeful of seeing one of the artist in-situ; threadmill, cooking and all.

Hey, did anyone see that episode of Iron Chef (Japanese version) when Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai slipped and fell on his back? That's what I'm thinking of at the moment
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46pm
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Vikki or John, will you take skype tomorrow?
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no we won't, sorry - but we will uStream
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John, why does everything end up brown?

He did get back up on his feet, and I think he even won that episode!
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Matt ww:

Can you trace the sandwiches onto the painting? With red maybe??
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in light it goes white, in matter it's BROWN
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I've heard a story about a guy creating the whole of mankind from mud, so maybe it's not all that bad a starting point.

Let's not eat that sandwich
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52pm
Rich in Washington:

funny story about Bob Ross' trademark 'fro recently on the web-o-sphere recently.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:53pm
Rich in Washington:

What is the name of the song that's looping? Often heard in circus scenes in movies, cartoons, etc.

@Rick....something like "The Gladiators"...I think

Mr. Let's Paint, have you done the math on how far you travel on the threadmilll in a single sitting ? I wonder, if you make a meal of the same calorie count that you expend on the threadmilll, you're sort of staying in the same place. Might be a though to paint a painting about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Matt ww:

Wow! Those flips were great!!

Macbook to the rescue!
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that was me
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RSVP: www.acehotel.com...

Threadmill, cooking, flipping, technical troubleshooting ! All the things are happening !

Thank you John! This was wild!

Tofu is always good
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Tonight at ACE Hotel, RSVP www.acehotel.com...
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back shortly with a repeat of the noon-2pm schedule
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Ken From Hyde Park:

What goes with pooey goulash? Tubby custard!

Do I have to refresh the stream I want to see the re-run ? Right now I'm seeing the trailer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm
Rich in Washington:

@Vince: You were right. It's called Entry of the Gladiators. It makes sense when you hear it as a Sousa-style band arrangement, but on calliope or piano, it just makes you think of clowns juggling or something.
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Torbjørn: just waiting to embed the code in and it will be in the same window(s) in a few mins

Goody-good. I didn't catch your own production first time around today, wouldn't want to miss it.
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it will definitely be here up to 5, and meanwhile you'll shortly see an audio mp3/pop archive appear on this page to listen perpetually
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nearly there...
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ok we're up
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