Favoriting Play Vertigo with Mayuko: Playlist from March 28, 2016 Favoriting

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I play music that is old and that is new. Some of it is digital while some is analog. It is from many different countries; sometimes it is loud and at other times it is quiet.

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Favoriting March 28, 2016: Disappearance of the Bodies Buried Under the Cherry Trees

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
Matt Davignon  Arrival / Pink Earth   Favoriting Pink Earth  Ribosome Music  2016       
Yamamura Toyoko 山村豊子  Ko-Uta, Ryukyu Bushi 小唄 琉球節   Favoriting Excavated Shellac: Strings  Dust-to-Digital   2015      0:18:36 (Pop-up)
Fred Frith / Darren Johnston  Everybody's Somebody's Nobody   Favoriting Everybody's Somebody's Nobody  Clean Feed  2016      0:22:04 (Pop-up)
TOMAGA  Futura Grotesk   Favoriting Futura Grotesk  Hands In The Dark   2014      0:24:06 (Pop-up)
Somec  Raw Vactrol   Favoriting Arbitrary Function Generator  Haunter Records  2015      0:28:22 (Pop-up)
LAND  Metamorphosis   Favoriting Anoxia  Important Records  2015      0:32:19 (Pop-up)
Ryuichi Sakamoto And Radical TV  TV WAR (Opening)   Favoriting     1985  Live performance at The International Exposition, Tsukuba, Japan in 1985 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5vdayxfRHY 
0:51:42 (Pop-up)
BioMechanica  BM01-04   Favoriting BM01  Geometrik  2012      0:59:00 (Pop-up)
Fourth World Magazine Vol. II  Frolicking And Monsters (Harpischord Of Ptolemy)   Favoriting Pinhead In Fantasia  Pacific City Sound Visions  2014      1:07:32 (Pop-up)
Vision Fortune  Cleanliness   Favoriting Country Music  ATP Recordings  2015      1:17:59 (Pop-up)
Miharu Koshi コシミハル  Laetitia   Favoriting Tutu  Yen Records  1983      1:21:38 (Pop-up)
U Yee Nwe  Mae Zar Taung Che (Banished To Mae Zar Hill)   Favoriting The Spellbinding Piano Of Burma  Shanachie  1998      1:27:25 (Pop-up)
Robin Williamson  Our Evening Walk   Favoriting Trusting In The Rising Light  ECM Records  2014      1:38:13 (Pop-up)
William Tyler  Southern Living   Favoriting Parallelogram (split LP with Six Organs Of Admittance)  Three Lobed Recordings  2015      1:43:47 (Pop-up)
Tabito Nanao 七尾旅人  Nanokakan 七日間 (Seven Days)   Favoriting Hikigatari Monogatari Vol.1 Humming Bird ひきがたり・ものがたりVol.1 蜂雀(ハミングバード)  Wonderground  2003      1:50:30 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
Uncle Michael:

Greetings Mayuko.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

Good afternoon all :)
Avatar 5:02pm
Dave B:

Sakura season!

Hi hi hi!
Avatar 5:03pm

Good afternoon, Uncle Michael, redkayak, and Dave B!! Glad to have you all here.
Avatar 5:07pm

Here's why dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees, in Japan anyway. Probably not in DC (where the picture was taken) intranslation.brooklynrail.org...
Avatar 5:17pm
Dave B:

an interesting read...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Ah, the mystery of the cherry trees. HOW DID THEY GET THERE?!?!1111?!
Avatar 5:24pm
Dave B:

@Ken from Hyde Park:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm

Interesting... maybe I shouldn't get burned after all
Avatar 5:26pm

"March 27, 1912, gift of Japanese cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo City to the city of Washington. Mayor Ozaki donated the trees in an effort to enhance the growing friendship between the United States and Japan and also celebrate the continued close relationship between the two nations."

Hallo Ken!
Avatar 5:27pm

oh wow, fred, good evening!! what's going on? thanks for tuning in live.
Avatar 5:31pm

I think I heard that those cherry blossoms in DC are all clones...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm

I'm tuning in live for a change, it's a holiday here so why not? I'll quit halfway through or so though, I should, so maybe. Wisdom isn't my strong suit
Avatar 5:36pm

oh, I keep forgetting about easter, just cos I don't have the custom to celebrate it. Happy easter! (whatever that means....)
Avatar 5:37pm
Dave B:

Cherry trees will only live about 40 years or so naturally...
Avatar 5:39pm

oh, that's the average lifetime? I guess it also depends on what kind of sakura. I seem to remember there is(was?) 2000 yr old or so cherry blossom tree in Japan but I don't think it's the same kind in DC.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm

Right, the reason why I don't listen live every week: neighbors. Switching to headphones now, but that sucks because my left ear isn't working at all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Mayuko! We used to go to the Brooklyn Botanic garden's excellent Sakura Matsuri , which is coming up April 30-May 1 .
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm
Webhamster Henry:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Easter is that time of year when greedy parents ruin things for everyone. www.bostonglobe.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Mayuko, there's something amiss with the youtube URL. There's some wfmu.org biz in front of it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Okinawa music ranges wider than advertised, which is right. I did talk with a few people about Ainu music, one who's a scholar about Siberia and one skilled about Minyo. It probably won't amount to anything, but I'm trying
Avatar 5:58pm
Dave B:

@Ken -

Avatar 5:59pm
Dave B:

Mayuko -

Sometimes it's best to copy the shorter link youtube generates when you click the "share" button
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:01pm

hello Mayuko and others
Avatar 6:02pm

hmm, Ken, not sure why the link doesn't work, I don't see anything wrong in the html tag, I'll look into it. thanks Dave B!
Avatar 6:02pm

Heya Mayuko and music fans.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Years ago, in the 90's, I had my mother knit a sweater with the YMO logo in front and the guys names in the back, in Japanese. I was a serious fan back then
Avatar 6:05pm

Did noise music do that to your left ear, fred? and re:Okinawa music, I think you're right - it probably defers from island to island, maybe like in Indonesia. That track sounded pretty main-islandish to me, but maybe just her style of performing it makes it so.
Avatar 6:06pm

welcome, coelacanth, Carmichael! happy to have you here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

My left ear was shot from birth, there's no blaming music, just a malformed eustachian tube
Avatar 6:11pm

& hallo, Webhamster Henry! I went to that sakura festival the first spring I had in NYC - and was a little disappointed, only because it wasn't the kind of cherry blossom I wanted to see (which are the ones in DC.) That Brooklyn cherry blossoms were very pretty too, though. It just doesn't have that particular sakura madness, no dead bodies buried under em, haha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Mayuko & Dave B. I need to drive over to the library now. I entered my son's name and he won a gift basket. Have a good week!
Avatar 6:15pm

I became a serious YMO fan after seeing their reunion show in early 90's too. For me Ryuichi stuff was best in the 80's, I think...
Avatar 6:16pm

Have a good week and holiday to you too, Ken! Congrats on the gift basket!
Avatar 6:21pm

Sorry to hear about the ear, fred! I imagine you have a bit different sense of space from most of the people if it was since birth... Too bad about the headphone in any case.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

@Mayuko: I tend to agree, but I'm so biased. Beauty was a fantastic record, though it was in the early 90's. Such a wide range of music there, it really opened my mind at the time. I went to a signing instead of class that day, didn't know who he was, and that really changed my life, seriously
Avatar 6:24pm

ah that's true, Beauty was pretty great, I think I heard Youssou N'Dour for the first time ever on that album.
Jeff g.:

Hi @Mayuko. Checking in from Brooklyn.
Avatar 6:27pm

And now I remember, I loved that "Romance" in Beauty so so much.
Avatar 6:27pm

Oh hello, Jeff G!!!
Jeff g.:

My biggest problem with the Brooklyn Botanic sakura fest is that it is so unbelievably crowded. I'm glad it's a successful event, but I'd much rather visit on a quieter day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

I really think Beauty sowed the seeds for my later finding WFMU so appealing. Nothing to write home about by now, but it was key at the time
Jeff g.:

(I always love their bonsai room, though.)
Dave B.:

I'm with ya Jeff g
Avatar 6:34pm

Jeff, yah I remember it being very crowded but I have no complaint because luckily in the US, people don't get drunk outdoor. In Tokyo, it's the same amount of people but + they're all wasted and singing and all under the flowers!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm
Webhamster Henry:

I user to live about 2 blocks from there. The fest was good for the Taiko Drums and other shows, yes VERY crowded! My son and I got separated from the rest of the family for an hour or so when he was there for his fourth birthday. Very stressful for them!
Jeff g.:

I liked that U Yee Nwe very much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:45pm

Mayuko @6:24 -i bought "beauty" because it had Youssou N'Dour on it!
...i had a YMO album too,then, but didn't put 2+2 together and didn't even know Riuichi and that were connected!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm
Doug Schulkind:

Hi hello how are you Mayuko?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

Do you know Shizuku Aosaki? Her records are nowhere as great as she's live. She's a wonderful talent, but she's rare in the US
Avatar 6:52pm

Now I wanna play something from Beauty some time soon, coelacanth, after all these beauty talk! Hello Doug!
Avatar 6:53pm

I haven't heard of Shizuku Aosaki, fred - I'll look her up!
Avatar 6:54pm

This is my last song today - thank you all for listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

Beauty also schooled be about Ryukyu
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Doug Schulkind:

Don't touch that mouse! Kim Sorise and Global Grease are up next on the Drummer Stream. Playlist here: wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

Thank you Mayuko.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm
Uncle Michael:

Thank you for the music, Mayuko.
Avatar 6:59pm

So beautiful Mayuko,so glad you're here.

Hallo Doug S,!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm
Webhamster Henry:

Thanks Mayuko!
Avatar 7:02pm

That reminds me, fred, because that Asadoya Yunta was probably the most popular okinawa folk song in the main island, even my grandmother knew it - and she started to sing it along when she heard Beauty, I was surprised. Good memory.
Avatar 7:03pm

oh, glad to have had you tuned in, geezerette, thank you! And thank you all for being here with me! Have a happy week and see you all next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

"Chinsagu No Hana" is etched in my mind forever, I walked for miles to that tune along a highway after tutoring a woman I should have known despised me. I treasure that memory
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

Romance! I loved that song too. I'm so going into a blast from the past right now
Avatar 9:09pm

Chinsagu No Hana is always good, in any version I've heard it's so simple and beautiful. I definitely will play something from Beauty soon! I do have many memories regarding that album personally too, some of them sweet, some bittersweet.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

I got a signed copy of Beauty, I didn't even know what I got at the time. I was so dumb. Still am, at least I know I am. I too have many personal memories about Beauty, more bitter than sweet, but all important, by now
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:18pm

Please play Chinsagu No Hana, your favorite version, it will mean a lot to me
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