Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie Favoriting | A virtual supermarket sweep of recorded history, with an emphasis on processed cheese.

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Playlist for 26 July 2012 Favoriting | "One of these"

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Artist Song Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Monroeville Music Center  En Route (ou Enfin! Le Défilé Capsule de Temps va au Centre de Contrôle)   Favoriting Le Progrès       
Margo Guryan  What Can I Give You?   Favoriting 25 Demos  Franklin Castle    0:02:27 (Pop-up)
Steely Dan  Dallas   Favoriting + Fours  ABC    0:04:49 (Pop-up)
Stereolab  Tomorrow Is Already Here   Favoriting Emperor Tomato Ketchup  Duophonic/Elektra    0:07:57 (Pop-up)
Steve Fisk  Where's the Fire?   Favoriting 999 Levels of Undo  Sub Pop    0:12:40 (Pop-up)
Eleanor Powell, Tommy Dorsey Orchestra  What a Wonderful World   Favoriting Originals: Musical Comedy 1909-1935  RCA    0:17:45 (Pop-up)
The Rascals  It's Wonderful   Favoriting Time Peace: Greatest Hits  Atlantic    0:20:55 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Joe Pass 
A Summer Song   Favoriting A Sign of the Times  World Pacific    0:23:36 (Pop-up)
H2O  It's Wonderful   Favoriting Mzansi Music: Young Urban South Africa (various artists)  Trikont    0:26:16 (Pop-up)
Paolo Conte  Happy Feet   Favoriting Best of  Nonesuch    0:30:40 (Pop-up)
DJPE  War Dance of the Wooden Indians   Favoriting Cyclic Bits: The Raymond Scott Variations (various artsts)  Chinstrap Music    0:34:04 (Pop-up)
P.P. Arnold  Something Beautiful Happened   Favoriting The First Cut: The Immediate Anthology  Castle Music/Santuary Records    0:38:57 (Pop-up)
Monroeville Music Center  Cloud Fight 2   Favoriting Musique Concrète for Beginners      0:41:47 (Pop-up)
Pere Ubu  Breath   Favoriting Cloudland  Fontana    0:44:02 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Eivind Aarset 
The String Thing   Favoriting Fjord Focus: A Norwegian Sampler (various artists)  The Wire    0:47:39 (Pop-up)
Hybrasil  Lock and Load   Favoriting The Kicker  Lunch Records    0:51:27 (Pop-up)
Millie Jackson  Feel Like Making Love   Favoriting Free and In Love  Spring    0:54:13 (Pop-up)
Nick Drake  One of These Things First   Favoriting Bryter Layter  Antilles    0:59:15 (Pop-up)
Rhoda Scott & Kenny Clarke  Toe Jam   Favoriting Jazz in Paris  Barclay    1:04:02 (Pop-up)
Talking Heads  Love Goes to a Building on Fire   Favoriting Attack of the Killer B's (various artists)  Warner Bros.    1:07:16 (Pop-up)
Rodney Dangerfield  "One of these"   Favoriting It's Not Easy Being Me (1981 TV Special)      1:10:09 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Durante  One of Those Songs   Favoriting 7-inch single  Warner Bros.    1:12:12 (Pop-up)
Prince and The Revolution  Life Can Be So Nice   Favoriting Parade  Warner Bros.    1:14:56 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Piero Umiliani 
Soundmaker Blues   Favoriting       1:18:27 (Pop-up)
The 6ths  Here in My Heart (Anna Domino, vocal)   Favoriting Wasps' Nests  London    1:24:30 (Pop-up)
Minisnap  Wintersweet   Favoriting Bounce Around  Magic Marker    1:27:43 (Pop-up)
Judy Mackenzie  New Song   Favoriting Resurrection: The Amplified Bible Of Heavenly Grooves (various artists)  Trunk    1:30:56 (Pop-up)
Hybrasil  Be Somebody   Favoriting The Kicker  Lunch Records    1:34:19 (Pop-up)
John Renbourn  One for William   Favoriting Sampler  Transatlantic    1:37:38 (Pop-up)
Phil Woods  How Can I Be Sure   Favoriting Round Trip  Verve    1:40:31 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Artie Schroeck Implosion 
Amy's Theme   Favoriting A Spoonful of Lovin'  Verve    1:43:26 (Pop-up)
The 6ths  In the City in the Rain (Lou Barlow, vocal)   Favoriting Wasps' Nests  London    1:46:48 (Pop-up)
Party People in a Can  Quite a Light Show   Favoriting For the Enemy Who Escapes, Golden Bridges  You Are Not Stealing Records    1:50:30 (Pop-up)
P.P. Arnold  Life Is But Nothing   Favoriting The First Cut: The Immediate Anthology  Castle Music/Santuary Records    1:53:08 (Pop-up)
Joey Ramone  What a Wonderful World   Favoriting Don't Worry About Me  Sanctuary    1:56:55 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Stan Getz 
A House Is Not a Home   Favoriting What the World Needs Now  Verve    1:59:01 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  10:02am kat330:

Hi, Charlie! Appears we might be in store for no respect but some dangerous fun for a couple of hours in a couple of hours. I'll be back for that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:09am charlie:

Hey, Kat! See you then!
  11:49am Carmichael:

Hiya Charlie. Nice Rodney; I'm expecting him to straighten his tie any minute now.
  11:54am Doug S.:

I am finally back home in Pittsboig and ready to relish another BDN. Go Cholly go!
  11:54am Michael:

Hey now charlie and kat and carm. And Rodney. Perhaps we'll hear from Al Czervik too.
  11:56am ?:

Greets, Carm, Doug, Michael, and those to come...
For those about to rock, we respect you!
  12:00pm listener james from westwood:

welcome back, charlie; welcome home, doug; and happy thursday to all those busy doing nothing!
  12:00pm Matt from Springfield:

One of these things is not like the others!

Hello charlie and everyone!
  12:00pm Carmichael:

International Man of Mystery Doug Schulkind. How was the vay cay?
  12:02pm kat330:

OK, I'm back! Though I will not be typing for a bit. Having my *first* slice of our heirloom, vine-ripened beefy tomatoes on my sandwich! Yummy-yum!
  12:06pm still b/p:

Calling Dr. Vinny Boombatz!

Stay cool while you were up here, Doug, when we had some (relatively) big muggy mixed in with days that might rate a 9?
  12:06pm Carmichael:

Dallas! Great Steely Dan song.
  12:07pm Parq:

Hya, Charlie. A day off gives me a rare oppty to listen live, unhindered by the limits of my strangely Orwellian work puter.
  12:08pm Doug S.:

Very nice. Schmoozing with old friends in Brooklyn and Boston; a week by the ocean in Maine (lobstahs $4 a piece off the boat); a few days of Vermont lakeside green scenery; then more visits with pals in upstate NY on the way back to a restful Amtrak westward ho.

Oceans and lakes can't compare to the Stream, however...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm ?:

thanks for the wb, james!
hi matt, still b/p, parq! wb, kat!
  12:09pm Katya Oddio:

Man, that couple of hours with just Rodney was rough. Hey there, all you good peoples!
  12:11pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: Glad you had such a great time and are back safely! What was the beach in Maine you went to?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm ?:

Sounds like a nice trip, Doug.
Hiya, Katya.
  12:12pm kat330:

Hi, all of you very fine folk (who needn't be individually named -- you're all great)! Anyway, oh my, here's my review of this season's first heirloom slicer: Every bit as juicy, flavorful and perfect as last summer's "batch"!
  12:13pm kat330:

Yes, welcome home, Doug! Hope P-burgh is experiencing nothing like our 110-degree heat index yesterday and today.
  12:14pm jan:

Loving this Stereolab cut
  12:14pm Katya Oddio:

The marimbas in this Stereolab song always remind me of Philip Glass.
  12:15pm don:

thanks for tomorrow is already here!
  12:15pm Matt from Springfield:

Fresh tomatoes! Excellente kat!
  12:15pm kat330:

psssST: Charlie, you have a triple STart in these last three artists.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm ?:

Nothing beats a fresh tomahto.
Hey there Jan and Don.
  12:16pm kat330:

@Matt: Too good even for Emperor Tomato Ketchup! :b
  12:18pm Doug S.:

Wasn't at a beach. We usually head Down East and have been renting a cabin on Deer Isle—in the Penobscot Bay area—the past few years.

Pittsburgh usually gets your weather a day or so later. I won't hold it against you.
  12:19pm kat330:

@Doug: Maybe so, but we get YOUR dirtied water more quickly than that (probably, don't really know how to calculate the speed of the Ohio).
  12:20pm Michael:

charlie is that you dancing in the background?
  12:21pm kat330:

Ms. Powell, a fine hoofer and talented lady.
  12:22pm Katya Oddio:

No fair! Michael made me spill my water laughing!
  12:22pm Carmichael:

Emperor Tomato Ketchup is really a good good album.

Glad to hear you did a whirlwind friend check, Doug. I need to find the time to do that.
  12:22pm listener james from westwood:

on tomatoes: there's a tomato plant growing next to the bike rack at my gym. coming along nicely. might have accidentally grown from a seed, as it's just sprung from a crack, but someone's taken pity and tied it to the rack for support. life is truly relentless.
  12:23pm kat330:

Yeah, Katya, his comment had me envisioning Charlie holding a tap shoe in each hand and dancing them on his desktop. :)
  12:24pm AWS from MP:

Long overdue greetings, Charlie - finally getting a good listen to BDN on vacation in San Diego - no unfair weather comments or comparisons will be shared
  12:24pm jan:

Wow- the Rascals got so psychedelic on that track.
  12:25pm although it was tap..:

Busy soft-shoeing nothing.
  12:25pm Lewis:

wrt weather vs. dirty water - http://www.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/sail/Speed/index.html suggests that in fact the weather moves faster. Water goes at *roughly* less than 1 mph while weather often moves at speeds of 5-20 mph... And I am lots of fun at parties too!!
  12:26pm kat330:

@LJfW: A Vine Grows in Jersey, sounds like a nice sequel title. Probably was an errant seed. We've been enjoying dozens of cherry tomatoes, yellow when ripe, for a few weeks already, but we both claim neither of us planted any!
  12:28pm kat330:

Lewis, dear, I just *knew* someone would provide the answer -- thanks! :) OK, Doug, so we zap you with questionable atmosphere before you zap us with questionable water.
  12:29pm Brian in UK:

Hello Charlie, listener 112025 reporting.
  12:29pm Ike:

I haven't seen any NJ tomatoes in the stores yet this year, but I haven't checked for several days. I always look forward to them.
  12:29pm G. & I.:

'S Wonderful.
  12:29pm Doug S.:

Last year during a time of copious flooding, I remember hearing that it took the flow of the Ohio River 18 days to get to another location downstream. Maybe to reach the mighty Mississippi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm charlie:

hi george and ira!
  12:31pm Brian in UK:

What's Netanyahu doing on the header?
  12:32pm kat330:

Yeah, probably to the Mighty Mississip. All the points in-between are inconsequential. ;)
  12:33pm kat330:

@Brian: Having any Olympics-eve fever?
  12:34pm Brian in UK:

Frankly kat, no. Me no curmudgeon either.
  12:35pm kat330:

Charlie, is this set in deference to international dance day on Saturday? Or is it confined to US?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm charlie:

isn't it always international dance day on the drummer stream?
  12:38pm kat330:

True dat! Just too damn hot here for much movement at all. Think I'll try putting shoes on my hands and tap away.
  12:41pm jan:

Did you see the Raymond Scott documentary, Deconstructing Dad
made by his son? The show today is great.
  12:41pm Carmichael:

P.P. was much more successful in England than here. Strange but true.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm charlie:

thanks, Jan -- I'm looking forward to seeing that doc. Have you or has anyone else seen it?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm Archibaldy:

Love, LOVE this P.P Arnold!
  12:42pm Brian in UK:

Well Pat Arnold's First Cut is the Deepest would be inappropriate today.
  12:45pm kat330:

@Carm: Is it possible Adele is more successful here, though?
  12:45pm Ike:

@Kat: Here's some Olympic fever in London:
  12:46pm kat330:

Thans, Ike!
  12:50pm kat330:

My eye lit on Banky's pole vault and javelin. We watched Exit Through the Gift Shop several weeks ago. The dude is a great talent.
  12:51pm kat330:

[Add the missing "k" and then "s" and whatever else was skipped]
  12:52pm jan:

I saw Deconstructing Dad- I found it engaging and informative if not terribly inspiring. It was worth seeing.
  12:54pm still b/p:

Seen these live bears? Fishin', but primarily busy doing nothing.
  12:56pm Matt from Springfield:

Millie Jackson! Appropriate cover, since many of her characters are "bad company"!
  12:59pm Katya Oddio:

Damn Millie has pipes -- and she classes up any toilet, doesn't she?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm charlie:

Thanks for the recommendation, Jan.
Yes, Carm, P.P. was very big in England, I think Andrew Loog Oldham produced some of her records
  1:00pm Matt from Springfield:

"Call me a nymphomaniac but I FEEL LIKE makin' love!"
Hells yeah!!!!! :D
  1:01pm Matt from Springfield:

"One of These Things First"! I thought of this when I saw this episode's title--TY Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm charlie:

clairvoyant, Matt. or maybe I'm planting ideas...
  1:04pm Matt from Springfield:

Since GTDR is "media", I'll say that "the media" planted an idea, and then fulfilled that idea! Good business model...
  1:05pm northguineahills:

Darn, missed Emperor Tomato Ketchup, came in time for the Rascals....
  1:06pm kat330:

@Doug: Well, the 18 days P-burgh to Lullville as the river flows may in fact be about right. Using Lewis' 1 mph on roughly 400+ miles of river. At least we can waft you a big change in weather in a short turn around. The 2-1/2 weeks delay in what we get from youse guys will be little different day-to-day. :)
  1:07pm Michael:

Goin' to the bank and store - anyone want anything? Go!
  1:08pm Matt from Springfield:

@Michael: I'm running low on Diet Dr. Pepper--could you get me another? Thx.
  1:08pm Carmichael:

I suddenly have the urge to roller-skate.
  1:09pm Michael:

Hey charlie - you getting any storms up your way yet?
  1:10pm kat330:

s/bp: The bears appear to be busy having a refreshing dip.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:11pm charlie:

not yet, Michael, but expected.
And I'll take a Diet Dr. P too, thnx!
  1:11pm kat330:

No, thanks, Michael. All set here! :)
  1:12pm Matt from Springfield:

The late great Jacob Cohen! (Uncensored!)
  1:13pm listener james from westwood:

"I wanna pay my doctor with a hog" knocked me on the floor, no friggin' lie.
  1:14pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: "Does a bear take a refreshing dip!"
  1:15pm kat330:

My dad was no farmer, but sometimes he would be paid in farm produce and livestock for airing radio ads.
  1:15pm Matt from Springfield:

@LJFW: Hog? High class doctor there! The doctor who delivered Dolly Parton was paid in TATERS.
  1:15pm kat330:

A grizzly does *whatever he wants to whenever he wants to"! :)
  1:16pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Wow--did you have freezers of freshly slaughtered steak growing up?
  1:18pm Michael:

If it weren't for pickpockets, I'd have no sex life at all.
  1:20pm northguineahills:

My grandfather was a physician in West Virginia (1930s-1980s) and was often paid in produce and and baked goods (at least until the 70s).
  1:21pm kat330:

@Matt: [back from kitchen] There weren't a lot of growing up memories before age 6, which is when the divorce moved us away from the station. But I imagine he did have freezers of stuff with his second family.
  1:26pm kat330:

I thought the gesture was representing zero-zilch-nada- NO RESPECT from his act! Thanks for the explication, C.
  1:26pm northguineahills:

I love this 6ths album!
  1:29pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Ah, okay. Was your early life also in Indiana?
@NGH: Wow, whole lot of bartering in those parts, even until fairly recently!
  1:30pm doyle dean:

i love it too, forgot i had it! oh you guys with your math quizes...um... 665!
  1:30pm kat330:

The melody of this is so reminiscent of something else -- I know the Beau Brummels "Cry Just a Little."
  1:30pm kat330:

[meaning The 6ths song]
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm charlie:

i hear that, Kat.
Doyle -- I often fail the math test!
  1:32pm doyle dean:

and it was so close to 666!
  1:33pm kat330:

Matt, yes, Hoosier born and corn-fed until my escape--uh, departure-- for college, then no looking back or return for a couple of decades.
  1:35pm North Fork:

Nice one, this (Judy M)! Never heard her before.
  1:36pm doyle dean:

also did some time in the hoosier state. feel i need to repRESENT
  1:36pm kat330:

Doyle: You'd be surprised how often that answer crops up. Odds way beyond normal percentages in my experience.
  1:37pm kat330:

Bloomington maybe?
  1:41pm doyle dean:

new harmony. population 800, er...795 now
  1:43pm New Harmonizer:

Why doyle dean! We was wonderin' where you went.
  1:44pm kat330:

Ah, over north of Evansville, right? Originally a utopian experiment or something? We keep considering a road trip to St. Louis and New Harmony was a sideshoot if we ever do it.
  1:47pm kat330:

Charlie, I matched up that section of Here in My Heart to the opening of Cry Just a Little in a couple of YouTube clips -- very close! :)
  1:49pm northguineahills:

I love the 6ths album titles\
Lou Barlow!
  1:50pm northguineahills:

(I had this song on a mix tape when I was in college.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:50pm charlie:

Sixths, Hyacinths and Thistles, Wasps' Nests -- all difficult to say!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:51pm charlie:

  1:52pm Doug S.:

Don't forget to tune in to the stream tomorrow for two more programs worth a dram of respect: GIVE THE DRUMMER SOME at 9am and A ROUGH MIX from Steinski at Noon.

Immediately following Charlie's lush and luscious BUSY DOING NOTHING will be these most excellent creative individuals:

Johnnie & Jack
Jean Shepard
John D. Foster
Jimmy Donnely
The Psychotics
Norma Jean & Ray J
The Chefs
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Mezz Mezzrow
Dickie Wells
Edgar Hayes
Jabulani Quads
Willie Colón
Joe Cotto
and more
and more
and eternally more...
  1:53pm Katya Oddio:

Party People in a Can! Yeah!
  1:54pm Archibaldy:

What could possibly be better than a segue from Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan to Mezz Mezzrow?
  1:55pm kat330:

Title twisters: Probably some sort of payback to the DJ profession. :)
  1:55pm Matt from Springfield:

P.P. Arnold--this is good!
  1:55pm listener james from westwood:

liking the look of that upcoming list. liking even more the return of friday's gtds and steinski.
charlie, this show was critical in keeping my head straight today. i'm giving the OK sign!
  1:56pm Matt from Springfield:

@Doug: "The Eternal More with GTDR"
(with respect to Andy Ortman!)
  1:57pm kat330:

It has been a real pleasure indeed. I hear such similar enunciation and phrasing choices between Arnold and Adele -- the latter must have studied the former.
  1:58pm Doug S.:

"The Eternal More" would be a helluva name for a radio show. (I called it. Ha!)
  1:59pm still b/p:

Thinking about this show tomorrow night:
Church of Love & Ruin: B.Dolan, Grand Buffet, What Cheer? Brigade, Vockah Redu & The Cru, Wheelchair Sports Camp...
where I'll BETCHA I'll be the oldest one in the room ....again!
  2:00pm kat330:

Take and give care all! Thanks, Charlie, and looking forward to the return of Drummer Doug! Bye!
  2:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Yes Doug, look forward to your triumphant return! (Maybe even "elephant" return, if you're playing Thai or Indian music). You can use "The Eternal More" for GTDR's next original programme!
  2:00pm northguineahills:

Thanks for a great show!
  2:00pm Brian in UK:

Funny I was playing Robert Wyatt's take earlier today.
  2:00pm Matt from Springfield:

Fantastic selection of tunes, Charlie!
Have a great day! "See" you all later!
  2:02pm Katya Oddio:

The loving cup of kindness show. Sweet one, Chaz!
  2:03pm kat330:

A-OK! Thumbs up, Chaz!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm charlie:

Hey, thanks, you've been a great crowd! A round of drinks, on me! See you all next time. :)
  2:05pm doyle dean:

take care all, i was busy doing something, and New Harmonizer! I'll be back!
  2:06pm Michael:

Here's everyone's Peppers.
Super show again charlie. Thanks muchly.
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