Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
Swell Maps Get Down and Get With It
electric eels Splitterly Splat Spin Age Blasters
The Chats Pub Feed High Risk Behaviour
Dennis Cometti Pub Love Suburban Condition
Splodgenessabounds 2 Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps Please
D.O.A. The Prisoner Bloodied but Unbowed, The Damage to Date: 1978-83
TV CRIME Man In The Pub Metal Town
Cheap Trick Hot Love s/t
Slade Them Kinda Monkeys Can’t Swing In Flame
Your DJ speaks
Silicone Values 1977
Nevrose Tvilsom Frihet Molde Punx Go Marching Out 2LP (V/A)
Cold Dice Walkin on The Wire Cold Dice
Doe St Old Guard Stepping Stones
C.O.F.F.I.N. Back In The Red (Celibate Rifles cover) Be Gone
Celibate Rifles Tubular Greens But Jacques, The Fish? EP
It Thing P.C.H. single
The Stools Bad Eye Bob R U Saved?
Private Function Seize & Destroy 370HSSV 0773H
Your DJ speaks