Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
Alice Cooper Caught In A Dream Love It to Death
Nancy (Me) And The Boys A Nice Package
The Angels (OZ) aka ANGEL CITY Take a Long Line Face to Face
Tall Days Mr. Man No Disguise
Strange Attractor Chilaquiles Good Boy Bad Boy
JJ's Powerhouse Running For The Line Scrap Metal Volume 2: Excavated Heavy Metal From The Era of Excess (v/a)
Can Kicker Untied At Last Can Kicker
DJ Terre T mic break
Blonde Revolver The List Good Girls Go To Heaven, Bad Girls Go Everywhere
Vermilion Wild Boys Angry Young Women 7'
Ausmuteants Felix Tried To Kill Himself Order of Operation
Motorhead City Kids On Parole
The Drones Persecution Complex Further Temptations
Rose Tattoo Suicide City Assault & Battery
Ghoulies E.T. Gnome Reprogram
Your DJ speaks
Gee Tee (I Hate) Drivin' In The City Goodnight Neanderthal
Golden Dragon Version Golden Dragon
Dennis Cometti Limiter Death Rattle 7'
Rotters Disco Queen
Dangüs Tarküs Concrete Hearts Concrete Hearts
The Stripp Devil Child Ain't No Crime To Rock 'N' Roll
Your DJ speaks