Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
GG Allin NYC Tonite Banned In Boston
Bilbo Baggins Saturday Night All the Young Droogs: 60 Juvenile Delinquent Wrecks, Rock 'N' Glam (And a Flavour of Bubblegum) from the 70’s (v/a)
Baby Shakes On a Friday Shake The System
Your DJ speaks
Boss Cash 'Em In
Rose Tattoo Assault & Battery Assault & Battery
Fruit Eating Bears Door in My Face Gentle Creatures, Despite Their Fierce Appearance
The Piranhas Getting Beaten Up Peel Sessions 1979 -1980
Ausmuteants Kicked In The Head By A Horse Amusements
The Mummies I'm Gonna Kill My Baby Tonight Death By Unga Bunga!!
G.T.R.R.C Food Fight
The Dickies Curb Job incredible shrinking dickies
Your DJ speaks
The Chats Stuck By Lightning
Sprints Little Fix A Modern Job
Da Groins The General PUB(L)IC
Armitage Shanks Ambulance Takin' The Piss
Specials Concrete Jungle s/t
Rhoda Dakar Let's Do Rocksteady Sings the Bodysnatchers
Your DJ speaks
The Elite Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting