Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
The Clash Clash City Rockers Clash City Rockers 45
The Clash Cheat The Clash (UK vers)
The Clash Tommy Gun Give 'Em Enough Rope
The Clash Spanish Bombs London Calling
The Clash Garageland The Clash
The Clash Death Or Glory London Calling
Your DJ speaks
The Clash Guns On The Roof Give 'Em Enough Rope
The Clash 1977 White Riot 45
The Clash I'm So Bored With The U.S.A. The Clash
The Clash Safe European Home Give 'Em Enough Rope
The Clash Capital Radio One Capital Radio EP
The Clash I'm Not Down London Calling
The Clash Jail Guitar Doors Clash City Rockers 45
The Clash Complete Control Complete Control 45
The Clash Protex Blue The Clash
The Clash City Of The Dead Complete Control 45
The Clash Police On My Back Sandinista!
Your DJ speaks