Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
Mob Mentality American Hooligan Smash Your Head On The Punk Rock, Vol. 4 (v/a)
MC5 Back In The USA Back In The USA
Ill Repute Clean-Cut American Kid Rodney On The ROQ Vol. III (v/a)
Eater Thinking of the USA All Of Eater
Pure Hell American Noise Addiction
The Nomads American Slang Solna
Avengers The American in Me The Avengers EP
T.S.O.L. Abolish Government/Silent Majority T.S.O.L.
The Feelers Amerika First Killed by Trash (v/a)
Hüsker Dü In A Free Land Everything Falls Apart and More
Your DJ speaks
Bags We Don't Need the English Yes L.A. (v/a)
The Plugz Revolution Electrify Me
Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers London Boys L.A.M.F: Lost '77 Mixes
Heart Attack English Cunts The Last War 1980-84
The Adicts Viva La Revolution Songs Of Praise
The Despondents Gotta Getaway (England Sucks) The Despondents
Boots n All You Moved To America Smash Your Head On The Punk Rock, Vol.2 (v/a)
X Revolution Aspirations
The Customs Bloody English Hyped to Death #61- North American Punk: A, B & C (v/a)
Your DJ speaks
Styx Miss America The Grand Illusion