Cock Sparrer Argy Bargy (excerpt)
Streak Bang Bang Bullet Glitterbest: 20 Pre Punk 'n' Glam Terrace Stompers 1971-76 (v/a)
Mud L'L'Lucy Time And Again - The Private Stock Collection
The Gonads Punk City Rockers Punk City Rockers (v/a)
Wire Options R Pink Flag
Pussycat Trash Stupid Nothing Seven Unlucky Sevens: A Compilation of Early Slampt 7's
The Routes Two Steps Ahead Mesmerized
The Blood Stark Raving Normal The Punk Generation (v/a)
Transistors Real Kids Shortwave
Mensen The Girl Inside Delusions of Grandeur
Les Lullies Stranger to Myself Les Lullies
Warm Red Couch Decades of Breakfast
Saracen Jeckyll & Hyde Winds Of Time (The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal 1979-1985) (v/a)
X-Ray Spex Your DJ speaks over I Am A Poseur Germfree Adolescents
The Wall Who Are You Dirges & Anthems
The Dead Space You're Fake Faker
The Chats Keep The Grubs Out High Risk Behaviour
Disgrace Closet Punk The Original Unreleased 1979 Album
The Scientists Bet Ya Lyin' A Place Called Bad
Thee Headcoats She's In Disguise Elementary Headcoats: The Singles 1990-1999
Mystic Inane My Life as a Fish Natural Beauty 7' EP
Your DJ speaks
Exile The Real People Kilt By Death: The Sound Of Old Scotland (1977-1984) (v/a)