Scientists Solid Gold Hell Blood Red River: 1982-84
Mordecai Scuzz College Rock
Cheater Slicks I Think I'm Coming Down Refried Dreams
Beasts of Bourbon The Big Sleep Sour Mash
Guadalupe Plata Voy Caminando Guadalupe Plata
Queens of the Stone Age Keep Your Eyes Peeled Like Clockwork
Naam Midnight Glow Vow
Life Coach Mind's Eye Alphawaves
Public Image Limited Theme First Issue (reissue)
Nomen Mother Nomen Psycho Deli
Frozen Geese 246-319 Geese on Ice
Your DJ speaks
Bastards Neighbor / Bo Diddley / Drive My Car / Lithium / Monticello Monticello
feedtime Confused Blues The Abberant Years
Francis Harold and the Holograms Black Boots, Red Shirt, Little Boys Who Said These Were Happy Times?
Fatalitees Reaganomics Yeah. Right.
Divorce Wet Bandit
Manic Depressives Going Out with the In-Crowd The Manic Depressives / 0:30 Second Flash
Milky Wimpshake (I'm a) Worthless Person Heart and Soul in the Milky Way
Fuzz You Won't See Me
Watchout Flashbacker Flashbacker
Your DJ speaks
Bahrain Pinball Wedding Rest
Hookworms In Our Time Pearl Mystic
Bevis Frond The Hook White Numbers
Rake Kash untitled Untitled
Nate Young Worlds Behind Regression 'Blinding Confusion'
Richard Pinhas South Desolation Row
Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso UFO Skilful Grinning Skull In Search of the Lost Divine Arc