Coliseum Waiting
Warm Wires Stretched
Agent Orange Living In Darkness
Pere Ubu Caroleen
Dillinger Escape Plan Sugar Coated Sour
Balaclavas Legs Control
Bebe Buell Band Baby Baby
Blind Dog Would I Make You Believe
Your DJ speaks
Night Birds Day After Trinity
At The Gates Raped By the Light of Christ
Dillinger Escape Plan Proceed With Caution
Dillinger Escape Plan I Love Secret Agents
Reigning Sound Shaw
Buzzcocks Jerk
Pterodactyl Allergy Shots
Heavy Times Future City
Midnight Satanic Royalty
Your DJ speaks
A new set begins: PEER PRESSURE SEGMENT: Ben Weinman of Dillinger Escape Plan Guest DJing!
Interview with Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan
Alice In Chains Man In The Box
Soundgarden Jesus Christ Pose
Interview with Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan
Fugazi Repeater
Mahavishnu Orchestra Vision is a Naked Sword
Interview with Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan
Dazzling Killmen My Lacerations
Deadguy Running With Scissors
Interview with Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan
King Crimson Thrak
Today Is the Day Willpower
Interview with Ben Weinman of The Dillinger Escape Plan
Neurosis Under The Surface
This set has ended
Voivod Voivod