Brlaab Rammenas Brlaab
Rick Potts Ne'er Do Whales Kasper
Purple Brain Excerpt 7' + CD Mix
A Rancid Vat Joy To the World
Angel Face Endless Road Wolf City Blues
White Boy and the Average Rat Band Leaving Tonight on Vacation White Boy and the Average Rat Band
Francisco Lopez Conops Conops
Caroliner Rainbow Pace & Mercy's List Rings on the Awkward Shadow
Relcad As Deep Capitol Island
Induced Labour Lazarus Reflex Cassette
Mac Blackout Don't Let Your Love Die 7'
San Francisco Water Cooler Massive Darlings II
Alastair Galbraith Concentrate Mass
Hallogallo 2010 (Rother/Shelley/Mullan) Live Primavera Sound during WFMU's brodcast this past May
Michael Rother w/Steve Shelley & Aaron Mullan Interview in WFMU studios
Kraftwerk (Rother/Florian/Dinger) Koln II
Neu! Cassetto Neu! 2
Michael Rother Interview in WFMU studios (con'td)
Harmonia (w/ Eno) Luneberg Heath Tracks and Traces
Harmonia Ueber Ottenstein Live 1974
Michael Rother Interview in WFMU studios (con'td)
Hallogallo Drone Schlager New 7'
Neu Hero Neu '75
Michael Rother Sonnenrad Sterntaler
Hallogallo 2010 Live Primavera Sound during WFMU's brodcast this past May