The Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble Tatas-Matoes Congliptious
Sun Ra Your DJ speaks over The Perfect Man My Brother The Wind, Vol. I
Raphael Rogiński Seraphic Light Plays John Coltrane and Langston Hughes; African Mystic Music
Terje Rypdal Whenever I Seem to Be Far Away Whenever I Seem to Be Far Away
Sarah-Jane Summers Airtan Echo Stane
Shofar 111 Shofar
Giovanni di Domenico & Alexandra Grimal Tema per Jan Svankmayer Chergui
Andrew Hill Ceora Faces of Hope
Cool Funeral Beer & Bengt Berger Chalnut Day 1 - The Creation of the Final Ancestor Shrine
Jordan Martins Just a Closer Walk with Thee Fogery Nagles
Raphael Rogiński Blue Train Plays John Coltrane and Langston Hughes; African Mystic Music
Booker T. & The MGs Your DJ speaks over Melting Pot
Steve Grossman Zulu Stomp Some Shapes to Come
Takeshi Inomata & Sound L.T.D. Child & I Innocent Canon
Takeshi Inomata & Sound L.T.D. Go for Nothing Innocent Canon
The Fourth Way Strange Love The Sun and Moon Have Come Together
Jorge López Ruiz 5 Puntos de partida De prepo
Folk Magic Band Alice, Alice Che Piange e Che Ridi Jazz Al Folkstudio
The Chitinous Ensemble Chitinous: Mandible / De Blonck / Mushroom Dance / Was-Eye? Chitinous
Blue Morning Danza dei Palombari Lottatori Blue Morning
Sir Edward People Make the World Go Round The Power of Feeling
Spirale Peperoncino (Cose Vecchie, Cose Nuove) Spirale
Natural Food Your DJ speaks over Fair Breeze on Buzzard's Bay
Spring Heel Jack and Wadada Leo Smith with Pat Thomas and Steve Noble Scene VI Hackney Road
Dudu Pukwana & Spear Your DJ speaks over Flute Music Flute Music