Yee Loi Beat on The Brat
Chocolates シットイーター Tsuita
Sakuran Zensen Dog Breeding .犬畜生
RinRin Shadows
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant The Birdmen
The Pats Pats Rock N Roll Diet
Moteki Smith Band Kaze
Questions Koi no Yokan
The Highmarts Hold Me
Moteki Smith Band Osam
Sheena & The Rokkets Happy House
Chocolates 4. 5. (not 6)
Boris Killmeister
Chidlish Tones There She Goes
Moteki Smith Band En-Ei-Beat-Bun
Birthday Rock Your Animal
Tweezers TV Romance
Keiketsu 経血 Stop thinking 思考停止
Balzac No Resistance 1968
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite Let's Go to the Last Live
Samehada Shiriko & Dynamite New Engine
Privates Drive All Night
Doorbell That Was a Dream
Ayumi Ishida What would you do (あなたならどうする) 3:01
Routes Do What's Right By You
The 50 Kaitenz Teenage Shock
Blue Hearts Train Train
Stereogirl Paradiso
TsuShiMaMire Paper Beast
Let's Go's Magic